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Mystic Realm: Community Edition/Levels

From SRB2 Wiki

This is a list of all levels in Mystic Realm: Community Edition, along with small preview screenshots of each stage. This page might take a while to load on slow connections and may be prone to spoilers.

Single Player levels

Jade Coast Zone

MAPA1: Jade Coast Zone Act 1

MAPA2: Jade Coast Zone Act 2

MAPA3: Jade Coast Zone Act 3

Tempest Valley Zone

MAPA4: Tempest Valley Zone Act 1

MAPA6: Tempest Valley Zone Act 3

Verdant Forest Zone

MAPA7: Verdant Forest Zone Act 1

MAPA8: Verdant Forest Zone Act 2

MAPA9: Verdant Forest Zone Act 3

Flame Rift Zone

MAPAA: Flame Rift Zone Act 1

MAPAB: Flame Rift Zone Act 2

MAPAC: Flame Rift Zone Act 3

Midnight Freeze Zone

MAPAD: Midnight Freeze Zone Act 1

MAPAE: Midnight Freeze Zone Act 2

MAPAF: Midnight Freeze Zone Act 3

Sunken Plant Zone

MAPAG: Sunken Plant Zone Act 1

MAPAH: Sunken Plant Zone Act 2

MAPAI: Sunken Plant Zone Act 3

Aerial Garden Zone

MAPAJ: Aerial Garden Zone Act 1

MAPAK: Aerial Garden Zone Act 2

MAPAL: Aerial Garden Zone Act 3


MAPAM: Aerial Garden Zone Act 4

Prismatic Angel Zone

MAPAW: Prismatic Angel Zone Act 1

MAPAX: Prismatic Angel Zone Act 2

The Mystic Realm

MAPAZ: Mystic Realm Zone

MAPBS: Dimension Warp Zone

Emerald Stages

MAPAN: Mudhole Karst Zone

MAPAO: Rainstorm Keep Zone

MAPAP: Labyrinth Woods Zone

MAPAQ: Vulkan Forge Zone

MAPAR: Silver Cavern Zone

MAPAS: Nitric Citadel Zone

MAPAT: Starlight Palace Zone

MAPAU: Inner Sanctum Zone

MAPAV: Spatial Void Zone

Bonus stages

MAPBU: Primordial Abyss Zone

Circuit Stages


MAPX0: Lime Isle Zone

Match Stages


MAPX2: Green Upheaval Zone


MAPX3: Hydro Plant Zone


MAPX6: Techno Isle Zone

"Demo" Stages


MAPA5: Tempest Valley Zone Act 2


MAPAY: Verdant Forest Zone Act 2


MAPB0: Sunken Plant Zone Act 1


MAPB1: Silver Cavern Zone

Auxiliary stages

MAP97: Credits (bad ending)
MAP98: Credits
MAP99: Mystic Hub
MAPA0: Making of Mystic Realm