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A_FlickyHeightCheck is an action used by Flickies to switch states during airtime. This action is similar to A_FlickyCheck, but instead takes the target's height as a reference for when to change states. Var1 determines the state to change to when falling below a height relative to the actor's target, while Var2 determines the state to change to when reaching that height.

This action handles the behavior of stationary flickies: it will make them completely intangible, force them into their SeeState and turn off their gravity if they're not allowed to hop. It will also spawn a bubble around the actor in case it goes underwater and is not an underwater flicky.

  Actions – Flickies [view]
A_FlickySpawn A_FlickyCenterA_FlickyAimA_FlickyFlyA_FlickySoarA_FlickyCoastA_FlickyHopA_FlickyFlounderA_FlickyCheckA_FlickyHeightCheckA_FlickyFlutter