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Mystic Realm/Levels/Starlight Temple Zone

From SRB2 Wiki
Single Player levels
Emerald stages
MAPAT: Starlight Temple Zone



Extra levels

MAPAT, Starlight Temple Zone, abbreviated as STZ, is the seventh emerald stage in Mystic Realm, containing the Gray Chaos Emerald. It is accessed by activating the Mystic Shrine in Aerial Garden Zone Act 2. It is similar in theme to Aerial Garden Zone, but it takes place at night. This is the only emerald stage in Mystic Realm to contain a Mystic Shrine which, when activated, will send you to Inner Sanctum Zone.


You start the level in an outdoor area, with a large waterfall and the entrance to a building in front of you. Walk around the waterfall and enter the building. You can go either left or right.

Path split

Left path

Jump onto the platform to your left and from there to the next one. Be careful, since this platform is ring-shaped and has a hole in the middle that you can fall into. The platform to your right contains a diagonal yellow spring, propelling you to the beams hanging over the ring-shaped platform. Jump on one of the four outer pillars to reach the next platform to the left. The next gap you have to cross is rather large, so jump off at full running speed to make it to the other side. After climbing upwards across several more platforms, you will pass through a short tunnel. Continue making your way up across the platforms on the other side until you reach one with no way to continue forward. Turn left to see a platform with a diagonal spring in the distance. If you have a Whirlwind Shield, you can reach it with a Whirlwind jump. Otherwise you will need a spindash-jump, but don't charge the spindash fully or you will overshoot. After reaching the platform, take the spring to a higher platform in front of you. Jump to a platform to your right which has a diagonal red spring that you will take you to a platform next to a high-up building entrance with the first Star Post.

Continue by walking downstairs until you come to a river. Follow its path and turn right as soon as possible. Exit through the staircase to your left. Once you're outside again, you should be able to see a high building to your left, with another Star Post at the entrance.

Right path

Jump across the platforms in front of you until you reach a diagonal yellow spring, taking you to another diagonal yellow spring and then to a higher platform. Jump to the next platform and make your way across the pit via some small square pillars. Go through the small tunnel and jump across some more pillars. Jump on the platform to your left and turn around. You now have to cross a rather wide gap to reach the next platform, so start running and jump at full speed. As Sonic, you can use your thok midway through for some extra speed. Once you're on the other side, jump to the platform to your left. Turn right and jump across a pillar to a higher platform. From there you can reach a pillar with several gargoyles and a diagonal yellow spring. Take the spring and enter the building to your left, activating the first Star Post along your way.

Continue by walking downstairs until you come to a river. Follow its path and turn left as soon as possible. Exit through the staircase to your right. Once you're outside again, you should be able to see a high building to your right, with another Star Post at the entrance.

Final section

While it is possible to climb up the building by doing some difficult platforming in the outside area, it's much easier to take the elevator in the building. Simply step on it to be taken to the top. There are two possibilities: You can either jump off at the next floor and take the staircase at the left entrance, or you can ride to the top and enter the building in front of you. In the first case, you will end up directly at the next Star Post. In the second case, you will have to wait until the floor collapses and then exit to your left, reaching the Star Post.

You will enter a room with a bottomless pit and a narrow ledge with a scrolling floor. Jump onto that ledge and run against the scrolling direction. In the following area, you will have to jump across several of these scrolling ledges, which are separated by increasingly narrow columns. Be careful to jump through the gaps in the columns, or you will fall into the death pit below. After reaching the end of the last scrolling platform, take the yellow springs to your right to return to safe ground. Enter the corridor in front of you and take the staircase leading right. Afterwards, turn right and then left to reach a room with the Chaos Emerald. Behind it is an outdoor room with a building containing the Level End Sign.

Points of interest

Extra lives

  • Take the left path and continue until you reach the river after the first Star Post. To your left upon entering the room is a small hole that you can spindash through, eventually leading you to the top of the waterfall feeding the river. Located here are two Super Ring Monitors, an Invincibility Monitor and an extra life.
  • Ride the elevator after the second Star Post to the top and enter the corridor with the collapsing platform. If you're quick enough, you can reach the other side, where an extra life resides.
  • Ride the elevator after the second Star Post to the top and turn around. Behind you is an extra life, as well as two ring monitors.
  • An extra life and two ring monitors are located at the start of the secret area leading to the Mystic Shrine.
  • In the last room, there are two extra lives, one on either side. To reach them, go to the left or right and drop down directly at the wall where the entrance is located. You will land on a platform with a red spring. A pillar with an extra life should be next to you.


  • In the first room, the tower to the right of the starting point contains an Armageddon Shield and two ring monitors. To get to them, use one of the floating platforms next to the waterfall to reach the platform below the tower. From there you should see another floating platform moving up and down on the outer edge of the room. Jump onto it when it is at its lowest point and ride it to the top.
  • At the path split, after entering the outdoor room on either path, there will be a Whirlwind Shield behind the bushes next to the wall.
  • In the room with the large tower where the path split rejoins, take the elevator to the middle floor. Walk up to the edge of the floor to your right and look down to your right next to the pillar in the corner. Attached to the pillar is a small ledge with an Elemental Shield.
  • After reaching the exit of the room with the scrolling floor at the end of the level, turn right to see a platform with two ring monitors and an Elemental Shield on the other side of the room.
  • Instead of turning left at the end to enter the room with the Chaos Emerald, continue forward along the corridor. After walking down a staircase, you will reach a room with a large pit to your right. There is a small gap between the wall to your left and the walkway you are on. Jump down there to find an Armageddon Shield in the corner.
  • In the same room, jump across the pit and land on the walkway on the other side. Walk along it and into the small room in front of you, where you will find an Attraction Shield.


  • In the first room, the tower to the left of the starting point contains an invincibility monitor and two ring monitors. To get to them, use one of the floating platforms next to the waterfall to reach the platform below the tower. From there you should see another floating platform moving up and down on the outer edge of the room. Jump onto it when it is at its lowest point and ride it to the top.

Super Sneakers

  • Take the right path and continue until you reach the high platforms near the small tunnel you passed through earlier. On the platform where the path continues to the right, turn left instead and follow the trail of rings to a platform with a Super Sneakers monitor.
  • In Tails's emblem location.
  • In the room with the large tower where the path split rejoins, take the elevator to the top and walk into the building. After the floor has collapsed, look to your right to see a Super Sneakers monitor.

Emblem locations


Sonic's emblem sits on top of the waterfall in the first room. Jump on one of the floating platforms next to the waterfall and ride it to the top to reach the third level of the waterfall. Then jump on one of the gargoyles in the corner and from there to the top with the emblem.

See image


Take the right path and continue until you enter the room with the river after the first Star Post. Fly up the waterfall to the right of the entrance. At the top you will find the emblem and a Super Sneakers monitor.

See image


This emblem floats high above the Mystic Shrine. Climb one of the surrounding pillars to reach it.

See image

Technical data

While the next level is Golden Sands Zone according to the level header, a custom exit in the map changes the actual next level to MAPAL – Aerial Garden Zone Act 3.