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Mystic Realm/Levels/Tempest Valley Zone Act 2

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Single Player levels
MAPA5: Tempest Valley Zone Act 2








Emerald stages
Extra levels

MAPA5, Tempest Valley Zone Act 2, abbreviated as TVZ2, is the second act of Tempest Valley Zone, the second zone in Mystic Realm. It is similar to its first act, but is larger and more complex. Additionally, it contains a section involving crumbling platforms and a room with rising and falling slime. This stage contains the second Mystic Shrine, which leads to Tempest Valley's emerald stage, Rainstorm Keep Zone.


The stage starts in a large valley with a toxic lake stretching out in front of a tall cliff. There are no rings at your starting point, so turn right to grab some and avoid accidental death. From here, there are two paths you can take. One of them leads through the tunnel in front of you and the other leads up high and involves crumbling platforms.

First path split

Start by turning right to find a few steps that lead to the bridge you started beneath. After crossing it, you will see a floating platform that you need to step on to jump to the next ledge. From here, you can either continue or stand on the platform while it crumbles to get to the tunnel. If you don't make the jump to the next ledge, you have to take the tunnel route, using the fallen platform as a stepping stone.

Upper path

If you made the jump, continue across the bridge and jump over to another bridge in front of you. Jump over a floating platform to reach a ledge leaning against the outer wall. From there, jump over two more floating platforms to reach a solid ledge. Follow the turns of the ledge which lead you backwards through the room until you come to another floating platform. Use it to reach the next ledge which leads to a Star Post and the next area.

You are now in a flat valley with some toxic pools and holes in the floor. Jump over these or you will fall into the lower path. Turn right and jump down a few steps to reach a pool of slime. Jump over it and continue forward until you reach the top of a rather large valley. Continue along the ledge you are standing on, cross another slime river and reach the second Star Post at a right turn.

Lower path

If you entered the cave, run through it and avoid the slime pool at the end. Outside the cave, you will reach the first Star Post. You're now in a large, slime-filled valley with a bridge overhead. The only ledge you can reach is to your right, so jump on it. Cross the next few ledges and jump over two gaps to reach the bridge. At the end of it, you can reach a small ledge attached to a larger one. From there, jump to the area to your right. Jump to highest point of it and to the larger ledge you couldn't reach previously. From there, you must jump over another pillar to reach the top of the valley which contains the second Star Post. Here both paths meet.

Cave area

From the Star Post, you will reach a small room with a bridge. Pass underneath it to enter a cave. This cave contains toxic slime that rises and falls periodically, temporarily uncovering some platforms you need to progress. Wait until the lowest platform you can see is uncovered and jump on it. If the slime is already rising again, hide in the alcove to the left that contains a Super Sneakers Monitor until the slime lowers again. Otherwise, continue forward until you reach a set of steps. Jump across them before the slime reaches you and activate the Star Post. Now you can go either left or right to reach the exit.

Second path split

Left path

To the left, the cave opens out into a larger valley. Run along the valley until you reach a steep drop-off above a slime pool. Jump across the pool using your special ability and enter a cave to your left. At the end of the cave, you will find the Level End Sign.

Right path

To the right, you exit the cave to find a row of springs. Jump on them to reach the ledge in front of you and enter a narrow valley. Continue forward until you reach a hole in the floor. Drop down and go to the Level End Sign.

Points of interest

Extra lives

  • In Knuckles' emblem location.
  • Go along the upper path until you are on the highest ledge of the path. Then face the wall on the other side of the room to see a high ledge with no apparent way to reach it. Bounce on the Crawla on the ground below near the toxic lake to bounce to the other side. It is easier to pull off with mouse-look in first person. Once on the other side you will find two Super Ring Monitors and some springs leading to an even higher ledge with an extra life monitor.
  • In the second room on the upper path, there are four triangle-shaped holes in the floor. Three of them lead down to the lower path, but the one that is closest to the exit of the room contains an extra life monitor.
  • On the upper path, shortly before you reach the second Star Post, there is a cave to your right that is filled with slime. At the end of it is a ledge with an extra life monitor. Spindash-jump to it or use an Elemental Shield to grab it.
  • In the last room of the cave with the rising and falling slime, there is an extra life submerged in the slime. To grab it safely, collect an Elemental Shield.
  • Take the right path at the end and continue until you reach the room with the hole in the floor. To the left are several ledges, the highest of which contains an extra life.


  • When taking the upper path, the second bridge you jump to after the first falling platform contains an Elemental Shield on the far left, against the wall.
  • In the tunnel of the lower path, just before the rightmost line of rings is a bustable wall. Spin through it and the one immediately afterwards to arrive at an enclosed room area with a few ring monitors and an Elemental Shield.
  • A Whirlwind Shield can be found in Sonic's emblem location.
  • At the second Star Post, turn around and you will see some ledges attached to the left wall. The third of them has a bustable wall containing an Armageddon Shield.
  • Continue along the aforementioned ledges until you reach a large pillar rising up from the bottom of the valley. Amidst the bushes on the pillar, you will find an Attraction Shield Monitor.
  • The area with the Mystic Shrine contains an Elemental Shield.
  • Take the left path at the end. Once you get outside, search the right wall for a bustable wall containing an Elemental Shield.


  • In the first room, follow the upper path until you're in the second half of the U-turn. You should now be facing the wall that you came from. To your right is a row of bushes. Spindash at the wall just where the third one stands. You will find an invincibility monitor and a ring monitor.
  • Take the left path at the end. An invincibility monitor is on the left wall just after you get outside.

Emblem locations


Sonic's emblem and a Whirlwind Shield Monitor are in a tunnel on the far side of the river at the beginning, to the right of the tunnel that leads to the lower path. There are two ways to get to this area, both of which are difficult in their own way.

  • Firstly, you can proceed across the upper path until all the falling platforms have dropped and then simply jump across them as they are floating in the water. If you fall in, however, the nearest spring is near the starting area, which can be difficult to catch in time.
  • Alternatively, you can grab an Elemental Shield and then go to a ledge to the right of the starting point. From there, line yourself up with the cave and spindash while holding forward. If you're lucky, you'll skip across the water at the right points and enter the cave. If not, you'll end up in the water and have to try again.

See image


In the tunnel on the lower path, pay attention to the holes in the ceiling. When you come to the last one, fly directly upwards to reach the emblem. Be sure to kill all nearby enemies beforehand, because they might be standing underneath you when you come back down.

See image


You will need an Elemental Shield to safely grab this emblem. Face the toxic river from the starting position and jump into it. On the left wall, you should see the entrance to a tunnel. Run in and use the springs to reach a ledge with an Extra Life Monitor and Knuckles' emblem.

See image


While a skilled Sonic player may be able to get a good time, this level is best played as Tails because he can easily skip several parts of the stage without compromising the speed too much. Take the lower path and fly up directly to the exit in the large valley after the tunnel. In the cave with the rising and falling slime, you can fly through the entire cave without touching the ground, so you won't have to wait for the slime to lower. At the last path split, take the right path, which is shorter.

Technical data