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Mystic Realm/Levels/Midnight Freeze Zone Act 1

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Single Player levels
MAPAD: Midnight Freeze Zone Act 1








Emerald stages
Extra levels

MAPAD, Midnight Freeze Zone Act 1, abbreviated as MFZ1, is the first act of Midnight Freeze Zone, the fifth zone in Mystic Realm. It is set in a dark, snowy valley with slippery ice surfaces. Aside from Crawlas, the level is also populated by Buzzes.


First half

You start the level in front of a corridor filled with icy water that partially covered by a bridge made of slippery ice. Carefully walk over the ice, avoiding the water. If you fall in, quickly look around for a spring that will bring up back up. Follow the ice bridge until you come to a fork in the path. You can either jump up the steps at the end of the bridge or jump off through the opening to your left.

Left path

The left path takes you to another room with water that is covered by ice, with a hole in the center. Walk around the hole and continue to the right. After a right turn, you will reach another room with an ice bridge that makes a sharp left turn. Carefully make the turn and jump up the steps afterwards. You will reach a left turn with a Star Post. Here the paths rejoin.

Right path

Proceed by jumping up the steps until the path makes a left turn. You will encounter another corridor of water with an ice bridge. Walk over it and follow the left turn afterwards to reach a Star Post. Here the paths rejoin.

Final room

After the Star Post, turn right to enter a large room with a tower rising from a lake that is partially covered by ice. Ice bridges extend from the tower at different heights, spanning the room. Buzzes will fly towards you from near the entrance, so kill them first before moving on. Continue to the left and jump up the steps until you reach a tall cliff with a trail of rings leading upwards. A red spring is hidden in the snow beneath the trail of rings, so take it to reach the top of the cliff.

Now you must carefully maneuver across the ice bridge and jump over a gap to reach the tower in the center. Continue forward from there and jump over another gap to reach a ledge on the other side of the room. Follow the ledge to the left and you will reach an area with several enemies and a small cliff to the left. A row of yellow springs is hidden in the snow next to the cliff, allowing you to reach the top. From there, you have to cross the room again via another ice bridge. Once you've reached the other side, continue to the right to reach the Level End Sign.

Points of interest

Extra lives

  • Take the left path at the path split. When you come to a room with an ice bridge where the path makes a sharp left turn, jump into the water. An extra life is right below the entrance to the room. To collect it without getting hurt, you need invincibility or an Elemental Shield.
  • Take the right path at the path split. When you reach a room with a long ice bridge, jump into the water. Directly below the entrance to the room, you will find that the right wall is bustable. Behind it is another room with a yellow spring that allows you to escape the water and land on an ice platform with two Super Ring Monitors, an Invincibility Monitor and three extra lives. To reach it safely, you need invincibility or an Elemental Shield.
  • When you enter the final room with the tower and the ice bridges, search the right wall for a bustable wall. It leads to a room with two ring monitors and an extra life.
  • An extra life is hidden in the water in the final room with the tower and the ice bridges, on the opposite side from the entrance. To reach it safely, you need invincibility or an Elemental Shield.
  • Once you reach the final ledge that leads to the exit, look for a bustable wall to your left. It leads to a room with two ring monitors and an extra life.


  • An Elemental Shield is in plain sight to your left at the starting point.
  • Take the right path at the path split. After a few steps and a right turn, you will reach the top of a cliff overlooking the starting area. Turn around and look for a bustable wall, which hides an Attraction Shield.
  • At the Star Post, instead of entering the final room with the tower and the ice bridges to the right, look back towards the room to your left. On the far left wall is a small ledge with an Elemental Shield.
  • A Whirlwind Shield and two ring monitors are hidden in the water in the final room with the tower and the ice bridges, to the left from the entrance. To reach the shield safely and keep it, you need invincibility.


  • Take the right path at the path split. Before the path makes a left turn into a room with a long ice bridge, look at the wall in front of you to find a bustable wall, which hides an invincibility monitor.
  • When crossing the first ice bridge in the final room, when you reach the tower in the center, follow the part of the bridge that branches off to the right. It leads to a ledge with two ring monitors and an invincibility monitor.

Emblem locations

Emblem Game info/hints Description
File:Emblem-MR1.png The water is cold,

but not too cold for a swim.
Check in the tunnel.

At the start of the zone, jump into the water and find a passage to the other side of the lake. The emblem is in the middle of it.
File:Emblem-MR2.png Go take a detour

on the slippery ice bridge.
It leads to a cliff.

On the lower half of the bridge junction in the area next to the goal, follow the bridge leading to a cliff and you'll find the Emblem in front of two Super Ring Monitors and an Invincibility Monitor.
File:Emblem-MR3.png The only way in

is a well-timed double jump
Watch out for the blocks!

When you reach the ledge leading to the goal, go left to find two cracked walls. Bust through them to enter a room containing the Emblem sitting in front of two Super Ring Monitors and an Extra Life Monitor.

Technical data