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SRB2Kart/Thing types/Thing type 462

From SRB2 Wiki

Thing type 462, SD2 BP Balloon, is a colored balloon exclusive to SRB2Kart that makes the player bounce high upon contact. They are used in SD2 Balloon Panic. Popped balloons respawn after 15 seconds. The color of the balloon is determined by its angle modulo MAXSKINCOLORS (100) + 1.

  SRB2Kart Thing types [view]
SD2 BP BalloonGray SpringInvisible SpringDiagonal Blue SpringMKDS PG TreeMKDS PG Flower 1MKDS PG Flower 2MKDS PG Flower 3MKDS PG BushHTZ PinetreeHTZ BushMKSC SG Vine 1MKSC SG Vine 2MKSC SG Vine 3RBA ONRBA OFFRBA BoostRBA Spikeball 3RBA Spikeball 2RBA Spikeball 1Chao Fruit (Pink)Chao Fruit (Red)Chao Fruit (Orange)Chao Fruit (Blue)PC Merry-Go-Round HorsePC Exploding BarrelTwinkle Cart AmbiencePC Merry-Go-Round AmbiencePC Bowling PinSmall Red TorchTHH MonokumaSmall Purple TorchCK RR Pegasus StatueCK RR Lizard Man StatueCK RR Dragon StatueCK RR Chimera StatueCK RR ChestKKR GD TreeKKR GD DuckKKR GD ThingGreen TorchBlue TorchTorch (no fullbright)Devil GargoyleAngel GargoyleGeneric PalmtreePeach's Castle FlagSonic the Hedge (bust)Tall BushBush TreeFire HydrantRandom Audience MemberVVZ SmokeMCZ Jack in the BoxAAZ PalmtreeSM SS3 PillarMZ TorchMZ BurnerRRZ LampRRZ ChainRandom ItemBBZ FroggerBBZ RobraBBZ Blue RobraBuzz BomberSCZ PalmtreePRZ Smoke GeneratorAS ToadFTZ Lizard Man StatueFTZ Lion Man StatueSMK DP Bush 1SMK DP Bush 2SMK DP Bush 3EZZ PropellerBig Puma3CD Tree 13CD Tree 23CD Bush3CD MoonChomperEGZ Fog GeneratorAutumn FlowerAutumn SunflowerAutumn Budding FlowerAutumn BushDecorative DKR ItemBig RingDecorative MKSC ItemSCZ Blue FlowerSCZ Blue TulipsSCZ Yellow FlowerSCZ Yellow TulipsMC Random ShadowMC Roaming ShadowMC SignMC SpotlightMementos Reaper WaypointMementos TeleporterMementos ReaperSMK VL Ice BlockDSZ PinetreeDPZ PalmtreeSMK VL SnowballSMK PipeSMK DP Monty MoleSMK ThwompSCZ Wall PlantSCZ PlantSCZ BushCAZ SkullCAZ Phantom TreeCAZ Flying GargoyleCAZ LamppostCAZ Dead TreeCD SS1 UFO