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Mystic Realm/Levels/Sunken Plant Zone Act 1

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Single Player levels
MAPAG: Sunken Plant Zone Act 1








Emerald stages
Extra levels

MAPAG, Sunken Plant Zone Act 1, abbreviated as SPZ1, is the first act of Sunken Plant Zone, the sixth zone in Mystic Realm. It takes place in a factory that is mostly submerged in water, featuring conveyor belts and fans as gimmicks. The stage features long underwater sections that require you to stop for air. As enemies, the level features Pop-up Turrets and Skims, which drop bombs on you from above, forcing you to keep moving. Many secrets in both acts of the zone involving pressing buttons to open doors in another part of the level.


You start the level on a dry platform in a room that is partially submerged in water. A passage in front of you leads into the next room. After a few seconds, a Skim will approach you from the other room. Destroy it and then proceed through the passage. Now the path splits: You can go either left or right.

Path split

Left path

Step on the conveyor belt and let it carry you. A series of conveyor belts will take you further underwater. You will enter a larger room with Skims floating on the water surface. They will try to drop bombs on you, so keep moving to avoid them. If you need air, there is an air bubble patch in a corner to the left, below a ledge where the Skims cannot reach you. Jump across a pit to the ledge in front of you and jump up the steps to reach a bridge. After a left turn with a Pop-up Turret, another bridge leads to a row of fans, which will take you above the water surface. Turn left and then right to reach a corridor lined with two rows of spikes. Jump over the spikes to enter a room with a large conveyor belt moving to the right. The conveyor belt leads into a pit, so steer to the left to compensate while you walk across it. On the other side, after walking through another corridor, you will reach a series of conveyor belts that lead back underwater. The last conveyor belt leads into a pit, so jump off to the left to enter another underwater room with Skims chasing you from above.

Follow the line of rings leading further left and jump to the platform with two stacked crates. If you need air at this point, there is an air bubble patch in the left corner below you. Turn right to see the entrance to a corridor across the pit. Jump to it and take the conveyor belt leading right. There are two gaps in the conveyor belt with death pits below, so jump over them. The final two segments of the conveyor belts go in reverse, so try to touch them as little as possible and use your special ability if necessary to keep moving forward. Avoid the shots of the Pop-up Turret in front of you. At the end of the corridor, a row of fans will lead you above the water surface. The Skims will likely approach you soon afterwards, so kill them before moving on. Turn left to reach the first Star Post.

After turning right and jumping over a row of spikes, you will reach a conveyor belt trying to push you back underwater where you came from. Walk against the conveyor belt and exit the room to your left, dodging or destroying the Pop-up Turret. You will come to a partially submerged room with a staircase to the right that leads back underwater. Take the staircase and turn left in the corridor it leads to. Walk around the crates in your way and turn right in the following room. Two fans will push you on top of a conveyor belt, which leads back underwater. Another conveyor belt will push you towards the second Star Post, where the paths rejoin.

Right path

Step on the conveyor belt and run against it. In the following area, dodge or destroy the Pop-up Turret and then take the row of fans to reach a ledge above the water surface. The next room is submerged in water, with two small conveyor belts to the sides that push towards the water. Here the path splits into an upper and lower path: To take the upper path, which is quicker, jump across the two conveyor belts to reach the exit on the other side. If you made it to the other side, jump off the conveyor belt moving backwards, dodge or destroy the two Pop-up Turrets and jump over the row of spikes. After two short turns, you will enter a partially submerged room with an alcove holding three Super Ring Monitors on the other side. Here the upper and lower path rejoin, with the path continuing to the right.

If you fell into the water, however, you can't get back up directly, so you have to take the lower path instead. Continue to the end of the room and exit through an underwater passage to the left. You will enter a larger room with Skims floating on the water surface. They will try to drop bombs on you, so keep moving to avoid them. Step on the conveyor belt leading right and jump across the pit at the end to reach a ledge. If you need to refresh your air supply, there is an air bubble patch in front of you, but kill the Pop-up Turret next to it first. Now turn left and use the row of fans to be taken to a higher ledge. Step on the conveyor belt leading right. At the end, jump off and use your special ability to reach the ledge with the crate across the pit. Now jump up the steps to your right to reach the first Star Post above the water surface. Continue forward and jump over the two rows of spikes. To your right, you must cross a conveyor belt that tries you push you back into the water where you came from, so steer to the left to compensate while you walk across it. On the other side, you will reach a partially submerged room with an alcove holding three Super Ring Monitors to your left. Here the upper and lower path rejoin, with the path continuing in front of you.

Jump over the row of spikes and turn right to reach a conveyor belt moving to the left. The conveyor belt leads into a pit, so steer to the right to compensate while you walk across it. On the other side, you will enter a corridor with another conveyor belt pushing you back. Walk against it and jump over the row of spikes. Now another conveyor belt will lead you back underwater. After a final conveyor belt, you will end up in a corridor with a Star Post to your left. Here the paths rejoin.

Final section

After the Star Post, walk into the room to your right. You will come to an area with a pit and a bridge leading along the outer rim of the room to a corridor with a conveyor belt. Notice that parts of the bridge have a different, smoother texture. These parts will crumble when you stand on them, so move across the bridge quickly. Take the conveyor belt and drop down at the end. The corner in front of you has an air bubble patch, which you can use to refresh your air supply. Follow the turns of the corridor until you come to a drop leading down to a lower floor. Drop down, but keep away from the bubbles floating up, which belong to fans that will push you back up. Once you're at the bottom, turn around and continue along the corridor behind you.

You will come to a conveyor belt that tries to push you outward into a pit. Make your way across it carefully and use your special ability if necessary to move back towards the middle. The platform after the conveyor belt has an air bubble patch, which you can use to refresh your air supply. Afterwards you must make your way across two conveyor belts similar to the previous, except that these try to push you inward to a pit in the center. Avoid the Pop-up Turret in the corridor afterwards and use the air bubble patch in the corner if necessary. Then turn left and continue across another conveyor belt until you reach a row of fans. The fans will push you up to a ledge with an arrow pointing forward. Refresh your air again if necessary and then drop down into the hole in front of you. Fans on both edges of the hole will push you back up, so aim for the center. Once you're at the bottom, you will see the Level End Sign in front of you. Jump over the fans to reach it.

Points of interest

Extra lives

  • Take the right path at the start. After the initial conveyor belt, you will pass by a group of three crates. Between these crates lies an extra life. As Tails or Knuckles, you can simply fly up climb on top of the crates and drop into the gap. As Sonic, use the fans right afterwards to reach the ledge above the water surface. Now turn around and drop back into the water. If you thok at just the right moment, you can reach the gap between the ceiling and the crates.
  • Take the right path at the start. In the section where the path splits into an upper and lower path, look in the room that the lower path goes through for a red button behind a crate. Press the button and then go back into the room with the conveyor belts where the lower path started. At the beginning of the room, just below the entrance, you will find that a door has opened in the right wall, revealing an extra life.
  • Take the left path at the start. Before you use the fans that take you back above the water surface for the first time, look to your left to see an extra life sitting on top of a crate on the far side of the room. As Sonic, you can reach it by jumping off the ledge that the fans take you to and thokking around the corner.
  • Take the left path at the start. After the first Star Post, in the room before the staircase that leads underwater, look in the corner to the right of the entrance for a small hole in the wall that you can spindash through. It leads into a room with two ring monitors, an Elemental Shield and an extra life.
  • Take the left path at the start. After the first Star Post and the staircase that leads underwater, look to your right to see an extra life on top of a crate. To reach it as Sonic, jump to it either from the button next to it or from the staircase.
  • Take the left path at the start. After the first Star Post and the staircase that leads underwater, look to your right to see a red button. Press it and then go back to the room with the Star Post. At the bottom of the room, next to the conveyor belt that leads into it, you will find that a door has opened, revealing two ring monitors and an extra life.
  • Sonic's emblem location contains an Elemental Shield and an extra life.
  • At the end of the level, instead of dropping down into the hole in front of you, drop down into the hole to your right to reach two ring monitors and an extra life.


  • Take the right path at the start. In the room where the path splits into an upper and lower path, jump into the water right at the beginning and look to your right to find an Elemental Shield.
  • Take the left path at the start. After you've used the fans that take you back above the water surface for the first time, you will come across an alcove with a red button to your left. Press the button and turn around. You will notice that a door has opened on the far side of the room you just came from, revealing two ring monitors and an Attraction Shield. To keep the shield, you must get back on dry land without touching the water. As Sonic, the best way to do this is to thok towards the fans so that you reach them before falling into the water.
  • Take the left path at the start. In the room with the first Star Post, there is a Whirlwind Shield sitting on a stack of crates that rises up from the water. You can jump to it from the exit of the room.
  • Take the left path at the start. In the final room of the underwater section after the first Star Post, there is an Elemental Shield sitting on a crate to the left of the entrance. Jump to it from the entrance to collect it.
  • In the underwater section after the paths merge at the second Star Post, after taking the conveyor belt, don't jump down at the end. Instead, continue across the ledges in front of you to reach a platform with two ring monitors and an Armageddon Shield to your right.
  • At the end of the level, there is an Attraction Shield before the fans that lead to the exit. However, the shield is useless because there is no invincibility monitor nearby that would allow you collect it without it shorting out immediately.


  • Take the right path at the start. In the section where the path splits into an upper and lower path, take the upper path. When the path makes a right turn, look behind the crate to your left to find an invincibility monitor.

Super Sneakers

  • Take the left path at the start. When entering the room with the first Star Post via a conveyor belt, look to your right to find a Super Sneakers monitor.
  • Take the right path at the start. In the room where the upper and lower path rejoin, a Super Sneakers monitor sits on a stack of two crates to the right of the exit. To reach it as Sonic, you must use the other crates in the room as stepping stones. Between the two entrances to the room is a stack of crates. You can jump to the lower ones from any of the slightly higher ledges around the room. From there, jump to the crate next to the entrance from the lower path. This allows you to reach the higher crate of the previous stack and finally the one with the monitor.
  • Take the right path at the start. In the section where the path splits into an upper and lower path, look in the room that the lower path goes through for a red button behind a crate. On top of the crate is a Super Sneakers monitor which you can reach if you jump onto the button and then immediately onto the crate before it lowers.
  • In the room after the second Star Post, a Super Sneakers monitor sits on the bridge leading to the conveyor belt corridor.

Emblem locations

Emblem Game info/hints Description

A hole in the wall,
submerged in shallow water,
is on the left path.

Just after the first Star Post on the left path, you will come to a square room with boxes and a staircase to your right. Jump in the water next to the two crates near each other and look for a small hole in the wall. Spin Dash into the hole and you'll enter a small corridor where you'll find the Emblem on the right side of the wall next to two Super Ring Monitors, an Elemental Shield Monitor, and an Extra Life Monitor.
File:Emblem-MR2.png Taking the right path,

jump across the conveyors
above the water.

When you start the level, take the right path. Just as you reach the room with the deep water and Skims floating on it, stay above the water by either jumping, flying, or gliding, and you'll encounter a straight conveyor belt on the other side of the room. Just past the Spike row is the Emblem floating atop a downward conveyor belt.
File:Emblem-MR3.png The last red button

will unlock a door that is
near the last starpost.

When you reach the Star Post near the end of the stage, there is a door between three crates that requires you to press a blue switch to open it. To find it, proceed to the area that leads to the goal, but instead of going straight there, look for a blue button between two crates and a wall. Once you press it, go back to the last Star Post and you'll see that the door has opened. Inside it is an Elemental Shield Monitor, an Extra Life Monitor, and the Emblem.

Technical data