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A_VileTarget is an action that is used to spawn Brak Eggman's targeting reticule. It was originally used in Doom for the Archvile's fire attack, hence the name.

If Var2's upper 16 bits are set to 0, only the actor's target is targeted by the attack. Otherwise, all players in the game are targeted. Var1 sets the Object type that is spawned; if it is not a valid Object type, MT_CYBRAKDEMON_TARGET_RETICULE is used instead. The Object is spawned directly at the location of the targeted player(s) and set to the same scale as the targeted player(s). The Object that is spawned on top of the actor's target is set as the actor's tracer. For each spawned Object, the actor is set as its target and the targeted player as its tracer. The spawned Object then calls A_VileFire.

  Actions – Projectiles [view]