
Sector type 1, Damage, is a sector type which damages the player on contact with the floor. The Elemental Shield does not protect against it and any shield will be lost or damaged upon being hurt by this special. In NiGHTS levels, these sectors do not cause damage in 3D mode due to all damage being disabled; in 2D mode, they cause normal NiGHTS damage.
Type of sector | Behavior |
In-level sector | Damages players when they touch the floor |
Solid FOF control sector | Damages players when they touch the FOF top (sides and bottom are safe) |
Intangible FOF control sector | Damages players when anywhere inside the FOF |
Water FOF control sector | Damages players when anywhere inside the FOF |
- Example file: ex_st00001_damage.wad (MAP01)
How to use |