Space Countdown

Sector type 12, Space Countdown, is a sector type which immediately starts an 11.5 second countdown when the player enters the affected sector, after which they will die. To visualize the countdown, bubbles that count down from 5 to 0 will appear above the player's head. As the name implies, the effect is used to mimic suffocation in the vacuum of outer space. Exiting the affected sector will end the countdown. The Elemental Shield provides protection from this effect. In NiGHTS levels, the effect is disabled entirely.
Type of sector | Behavior |
In-level sector | Starts countdown when the player is anywhere in the sector (both midair and floor), unless they have an Elemental Shield; leaving the sector ends the effect |
Solid FOF control sector | Starts countdown when the player is anywhere above the FOF top, unless they have an Elemental Shield (sides and bottom are safe); leaving the area ends the effect |
Intangible FOF control sector | Starts countdown when the player is anywhere inside the FOF, unless they have an Elemental Shield; leaving the FOF ends the effect |
Water FOF control sector | Starts countdown when the player is anywhere inside the FOF, unless they have an Elemental Shield; leaving the FOF ends the effect |
- Example file: ex_st00012_spacecountdown.wad (MAP01)
How to use |