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Ring Drainer (Floor Touch)

From SRB2 Wiki

Sector type 9, Ring Drainer (Floor Touch), is a sector type which steadily drains collected rings if the player touches the floor. Jumping off the floor, moving off the floor, or otherwise leaving the affected sector ends this effect.

Type of sector Behavior
In-level sector Drains rings when the player touches the floor; jumping/moving off the floor ends the effect
Solid FOF control sector Drains rings when the player touches the FOF top (sides and bottom are safe); jumping/moving off the FOF top ends the effect
Intangible FOF control sector Drains rings when the player is anywhere inside the FOF; leaving the FOF ends the effect
Water FOF control sector Drains rings when the player is anywhere inside the FOF; leaving the FOF ends the effect


Example file: ex_st00009_ringdrainer_floortouch.wad (MAP01) 
  • Play this map in Single Player mode.
How to use
  • You may load this file into your favorite map editor, such as Zone Builder. Select MAP01 as the map to load.
  • You may also load this file in the game:
    1. Save ex_st00009_ringdrainer_floortouch.wad into the addons folder of your SRB2 directory.
    2. Start SRB2, go to the Addons menu, and then select ex_st00009_ringdrainer_floortouch.wad.
    3. Start the game in Single Player mode.
    4. Press the Console button (~), and type in the command MAP MAP01 to access the example map.
  • When you load this file in the game, it replaces Greenflower Zone Act 1.

  Sector types – Group 1 [view]
DamageDamage (Water)Damage (Fire)Damage (Electrical)SpikesDeath PitInstant KillRing Drainer (Floor Touch)Ring Drainer (Anywhere in Sector)Special Stage DamageSpace CountdownRamp SectorNon-Ramp SectorBouncy FOF