Damage (Electrical)

Sector type 4, Damage (Electrical), is a sector type which damages the player unless the player has an Attraction Shield or a Lightning Shield. Unlike Damage (Water) and Damage (Fire), it has no special properties when applied to a water block. It is more commonly used with regular in-level floors rather than FOFs. In NiGHTS levels, these sectors do not cause damage in 3D mode due to all damage being disabled; in 2D mode, they cause normal NiGHTS damage.
Type of sector | Behavior |
In-level sector | Damages players when they touch the floor, unless they have an Attraction Shield or a Lightning Shield |
Solid FOF control sector | Damages players when they touch the FOF top, unless they have an Attraction Shield or a Lightning Shield (sides and bottom are safe) |
Intangible FOF control sector | Damages players when anywhere inside the FOF, unless they have an Attraction Shield or a Lightning Shield |
Water FOF control sector | Damages players when anywhere inside the FOF, unless they have an Attraction Shield or a Lightning Shield |
- Example file: ex_st00004_damage_electrical.wad (MAP01)
How to use |