Ring Drainer (Anywhere in Sector)
Sector type 10, Ring Drainer (Anywhere in Sector), is a sector type which steadily drains collected rings if the player enters the affected sector. Unlike Ring Drainer (Floor Touch), rings will be drained even if the player is not in contact with the floor. Leaving the affected sector ends this effect.
Type of sector | Behavior |
In-level sector | Drains rings when the player is anywhere in the sector (both midair and floor); leaving the sector ends the effect |
Solid FOF control sector | Drains rings when the player touches the FOF top (sides and bottom are safe); jumping/moving off the FOF top ends the effect |
Intangible FOF control sector | Drains rings when the player is anywhere inside the FOF; leaving the FOF ends the effect |
Water FOF control sector | Drains rings when the player is anywhere inside the FOF; leaving the FOF ends the effect |
- Example file: ex_st00010_ringdrainer_nofloortouch.wad (MAP01)
- Play this map in Single Player mode.
How to use |