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Linedef type 175

From SRB2 Wiki
A translucent, intangible from bottom, crumbling and not respawning FOF.

Linedef type 175, Crumbling, No Respawn, Intangible from Bottom, Translucent, is a type of translucent floor over floor block which will crumble and fall one second after being jumped or stepped upon. It can be jumped through from below, but is solid to anything landing on it from above. Unlike linedef type 174, this FOF will not respawn after crumbling. It is useful for situations in which the player requires easy access to platforms from below, but should only have one attempt at getting through a certain area.


The flats, floor height, and ceiling height of the FOF are determined by the flats, floor height, and ceiling height of the control sector, and the sidedefs of the FOF's walls are determined by the sidedef of the control linedef.

The alpha value of this FOF's translucency can be changed by setting the control linedef's front side upper texture to the number symbol (#), followed by a three-digit decimal number, from 000 to 255. #000 is completely invisible, and #255 is completely opaque. Note that in the Software renderer, there are actually only eleven different distinct values: #000–#011, #012–#037, #038–#063, #064–#088, #089–#114, #115–#139, #140–#165, #166–#191, #192–#216, #217–#242, #243–#255, where #000–#011 is invisible, and #243–#255 is opaque. The advantage of using the completely opaque values is the ability to properly render flats which contain transparent pixels. If no value is set in the front side upper texture, however, the default alpha value of #128 will be used.

If Flag [6] / Not Climbable is checked, the FOF will not cast a shadow.


Example file: ex_ld175_fofcrumblingintangiblefrombottomtranslucentnorespawn.wad (MAP01)
How to use
  • You may load this file into your favorite map editor, such as Zone Builder. Select MAP01 as the map to load.
  • You may also load this file in the game:
    1. Save ex_ld175_fofcrumblingintangiblefrombottomtranslucentnorespawn.wad into the addons folder of your SRB2 directory.
    2. Start SRB2, go to the Addons menu, and then select ex_ld175_fofcrumblingintangiblefrombottomtranslucentnorespawn.wad.
    3. Start the game in Single Player mode.
    4. Press the Console button (~), and type in the command MAP MAP01 to access the example map.
  • When you load this file in the game, it replaces Greenflower Zone Act 1.

  Linedef typesFloor over floor [view]
Solid, Opaque, ShadowcastingSolid, Opaque, Non-ShadowcastingSolid, TranslucentSolid, Sides OnlySolid, No SidesSolid, InvisibleIntangible from Bottom, OpaqueIntangible from Bottom, TranslucentIntangible from Bottom, Translucent, No SidesIntangible from Top, OpaqueIntangible from Top, TranslucentIntangible from Top, Translucent, No SidesOnly Tangible from Sides
Water, OpaqueWater, TranslucentWater, Opaque, No SidesWater, Translucent, No SidesGoo Water, TranslucentGoo Water, Translucent, No SidesIntangible, OpaqueIntangible, TranslucentIntangible, Sides OnlyIntangible, Invisible
Air BobbingAir Bobbing (Adjustable)Reverse Air Bobbing (Adjustable)Dynamically Sinking PlatformWater BobbingRising Platform, Solid, Opaque, ShadowcastingRising Platform, Solid, Opaque, Non-ShadowcastingRising Platform, Solid, TranslucentRising Platform, Solid, InvisibleRising Platform, Intangible from Bottom, OpaqueRising Platform, Intangible from Bottom, Translucent
Crumbling, RespawnCrumbling, No RespawnCrumbling, Respawn, Intangible from BottomCrumbling, No Respawn, Intangible from BottomCrumbling, Respawn, Intangible from Bottom, TranslucentCrumbling, No Respawn, Intangible from Bottom, TranslucentCrumbling, Respawn, Floating, BobbingCrumbling, No Respawn, Floating, BobbingCrumbling, Respawn, FloatingCrumbling, No Respawn, FloatingCrumbling, Respawn, Air Bobbing
Light BlockHalf Light BlockFog BlockMario BlockThwomp BlockShatter BlockShatter Block, TranslucentBustable BlockSpin-Bustable BlockSpin-Bustable Block, TranslucentQuicksandLaserCustom FOF