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Linedef type 500

From SRB2 Wiki
An example of a wall scrolling to the left.

Linedef type 500, Scroll Front Wall Left, is a type of linedef special that scrolls the textures on the linedef's front side to the left at a fixed speed (one fracunit per tic). Note that it will also scroll any player climbing on the linedef's front side.


This effect must be applied directly to the linedef to scroll. All textures on the linedef's front side will be affected.


Example file: ex_ld500_scrollwallfrontsideleft.wad (MAP01)
How to use
  • You may load this file into your favorite map editor, such as Zone Builder. Select MAP01 as the map to load.
  • You may also load this file in the game:
    1. Save ex_ld500_scrollwallfrontsideleft.wad into the addons folder of your SRB2 directory.
    2. Start SRB2, go to the Addons menu, and then select ex_ld500_scrollwallfrontsideleft.wad.
    3. Start the game in Single Player mode.
    4. Press the Console button (~), and type in the command MAP MAP01 to access the example map.
  • When you load this file in the game, it replaces Greenflower Zone Act 1.

  Linedef types – Scroll effects [view]
Wall scrolling:

Scroll Front Wall LeftScroll Front Wall RightScroll Tagged WallScroll Tagged Wall (Accelerative)Scroll Tagged Wall (Displacement)Scroll Front Wall by Front Side OffsetsScroll Front Wall by Back Side OffsetsScroll Back Wall by Front Side OffsetsScroll Back Wall by Back Side Offsets

Plane scrolling:

Scroll Floor TextureScroll Floor Texture (Accelerative)Scroll Floor Texture (Displacement)Scroll Ceiling TextureScroll Ceiling Texture (Accelerative)Scroll Ceiling Texture (Displacement)Carry Objects on FloorCarry Objects on Floor (Accelerative)Carry Objects on Floor (Displacement)Carry Objects on CeilingCarry Objects on Ceiling (Accelerative)Carry Objects on Ceiling (Displacement)Scroll Floor Texture and Carry ObjectsScroll Floor Texture and Carry Objects (Accelerative)Scroll Floor Texture and Carry Objects (Displacement)Scroll Ceiling Texture and Carry ObjectsScroll Ceiling Texture and Carry Objects (Accelerative)Scroll Ceiling Texture and Carry Objects (Displacement)