Linedef type 506

Linedef type 506, Scroll Front Wall by Back Side Offsets, is a type of linedef special that scrolls the textures on the linedef's front side along a given direction and at a specified speed. It is essentially the same as linedef type 505, except it uses the back sidedef offsets instead of the front. Note that it will also scroll any player climbing on the linedef's front side.
This effect should be applied directly to the target linedef. All textures on the linedef's front side will be affected. To make the linedef scroll horizontally, change the back sidedef's X offset, to make the linedef scroll vertically, change the back sidedef's Y offset, and to make the linedef scroll diagonally, change both offsets. The absolute value of the offset (distance from zero in fracunits) indicates scroll speed (one fracunit of offset equals one fracunit per tic), and the direction is determined by whether the offsets are positive or negative.
- Example file: ex_ld506_scrolltexturebybacksideoffsets.wad (MAP01)
How to use |