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Mystic Realm/Levels/Verdant Forest Zone Act 1

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Single Player levels
MAPA7: Verdant Forest Zone Act 1








Emerald stages
Extra levels

MAPA7, Verdant Forest Zone Act 1, abbreviated as VFZ1, is the first act of Verdant Forest Zone, the third zone in Mystic Realm. It takes place in the depths of a forest, with several ponds that require careful jumping over wooden logs. The entire zone is considered to be of below-average quality by a substantial amount of the community, including Mystic himself.


First half

You start out in a wide area which leads into a narrower path that bends to the right. In the following area, the path splits: You can either continue forward or turn left. After a few turns, both paths lead into an area with a Super Ring Monitor next to a tree trunk. Jump up the nearby ledge and continue forward to reach the first Star Post. Follow the path until you reach the entrance to a huge hollow tree trunk. Here the path splits again: You can either enter the tree trunk or walk around its left side to find a cave entrance.

Tree trunk path

Inside the tree trunk is a large central pillar with a red spring next to it. Use it to reach the top of the pillar. From there you can jump to the entrance of a tunnel covered in foliage. You will reach a small room with two platforms guarded by Crawlas. Jump across the tunnel to reach the entrance to another corridor. Inside the corridor is a small alcove with an Extra Life Monitor in plain sight. You will now reach the high-up entrance to another hollow tree trunk. Drop down to the bottom and walk out of the trunk to reach the area where the paths rejoin. Turn right to reach the second Star Post.

Cave path

This path is very straightforward. Simply run through the tunnel and continue forward until you reach the area where the paths rejoin. Turn right to reach the second Star Post.

Second half

From the second Star Post, continue forward until you enter a wider area with two paths branching off to the right. Both paths quickly lead to a pond with wooden logs floating on the surface. On the other side of the pond you can see two ledges, each with a Star Post. Each ledge leads to a different path, and the right ledge also allows you to reach a third part. Jump across the logs to reach either ledge.

Left path

If you chose the left ledge, continue forward past the Star Post until you reach a drop-off leading into a room with a cave entrance. Enter the cave and run through it. On the other side, you will enter a corridor with a group of rings forming an arrow that points right. Follow the arrow to reach the Level End Sign.

Right path

If you chose the right ledge, continue forward past the Star Post to reach a second, larger pond extending to the left. Jump into the pond and continue forward until you reach a drop in the floor. Jump on top of the log directly next to the drop and then to the log in front of it. Now you must make a more difficult jump to a log next to the left wall of the room. If you fall into the pond, climb back up and try again. After landing on the log next to the wall, turn right to see another log in the corner of the room with an SDURF next to it. Use what little room the log provides to get a running start and then jump to the next log. Now jump to another log to your right, avoiding the SDURFs, and from there to the ledge that leads out of the pond area. Now continue along the path until you reach a drop-off into a corridor leading right. Jump down and continue along the corridor to reach the Level End Sign.

Upper path

Instead of continuing along the right path, you can also jump up the ledge to the left of the Star Post. After crossing the left path from above, you will reach an area with a low ceiling and a deep pond. Use your special ability to reach the ledge on the far side of the pond, avoiding the tree trunks in the way. From there, continue forward until you reach a drop-off into a corridor leading right. Jump down and continue along the corridor to reach the Level End Sign.

Points of interest

Extra lives

  • In the large tree trunk at the start of the tree trunk path, an extra life sits on top of the narrow pillar that extends from the wider pillar in the center. Fly or climb up there as Tails or Knuckles to reach it.
  • An extra life is in plain sight near the end of the tree trunk path.
  • At the end of the tree trunk path, where you drop down into a second hollow tree trunk, fly or climb upwards as Tails or Knuckles instead. You will find a small alcove with an extra life.
  • Take the right path at the final path split. After the area with the second pond, the path makes a left turn. Hidden behind two bushes in the corner before this left turn is an extra life.
  • In the same area, a third bush obscures a small hole in the wall. Spindash through it to reach a room with four ring monitors and an extra life.
  • In Sonic's emblem location.


  • At the first path split, take the right path. After a left turn, you will come across a tree trunk with a yellow spring hidden behind it. You can use the yellow spring to reach a ledge containing an Elemental Shield.
  • From the ledge with the Elemental Shield, turn around to see an opening on the other side of the path, which leads back into the room where the path splits off. Across the room, you should see the entrance to a small tunnel high-up in the wall. Jump into the tunnel and continue forward to reach a yellow spring that allows you to reach a higher ledge. From there you will pass through a corridor covered in foliage. After jumping down a drop-off, you will reach a room with an Attraction Shield to your left. The exit in front of you leads into the area where the first path split rejoins.
  • In the large tree trunk at the start of the tree trunk path, walk around the right side of the central pillar to find a Whirlwind Shield.
  • In the pond area with the final path split, there is a small alcove in a tree trunk on the left that contains an Attraction Shield.
  • On the left path of the final path split, when you come to the drop-off, jump down and look to your left to find an Elemental Shield.
  • On the right path of the final path split, when you reach the second pond, jump into the water and jump down to the lowest level. Below the final wooden log that leads to the exit, you can find a ring monitor and a Whirlwind Shield.
  • On the upper path of the final path split, after jumping across the deep pond, a Whirlwind Shield is in plain sight between two small tree trunks.

Emblem locations

Blue ( 一 )

Accessible by: Tails / Knuckles

At the end of the tree trunk path, where you drop down into a second hollow tree trunk, fly/climb upwards instead. You will reach a small alcove with an extra life. Fly/climb further upwards from there to find the Blue emblem near the ceiling.

See image

Red ( 二 )

Accessible by: All

At the final path split/the first pond, take the right path. Drop down into the water (past the checkpoint) and start running down the riverbed, hugging the right wall. Once you inevitably smack your face with the wall at the end of the riverbed, turn around. Inbetween the large & small tree trunks next to you, lies the Red emblem.

See image

Green ( 三 )

Accessible by: Tails / Knuckles / Fang / Amy

Easier to acquire with Tails.

At the final path split/the first pond, take the left path, stop before the checkpoint and go up the wall to your left (Amy might need to take the right path first, then jump up the left wall on that section to cross over and jump to this cliff). When you reach the area with the deep pond, take a close look at the ceiling. To the right you should see a small hole in the ceiling leading upwards. This hole may be hard to make out, due to all the same-y textures, but it'll eventually become clearer the more you look at it.

It is theoretically possible for Sonic or Metal Sonic to enter this path, and therefore obtain this emblem, but doing so requires some very tricky use of the floating, bobbing platform in the water nearest the upper path in order to gain more jump height. This method isn't listed as "Accessible" because, quite frankly, it is not recommended, as you could easily spend a very long amount of time trying to make such a jump with Sonic or Metal Sonic.

As Tails, just fly up into this hole and land on the footing to your left.

For other characters: In order to get through the hole in the ceiling, jump down into the pond and start bouncing on the front-right corner of the bouncy platform. Your aim is to propel your character up through this hole in the ceiling, and then steer them to the left to land on the nearby footing. The whole process is fairly tricky and may take a number of tries. Knuckles will have an easier time landing on the footing by utilizing his glide & climb once you actually get inside the hole.

Once you've passed through the hole, walk through the corridor in front of you to reach a room with an extra life, and the Green emblem.

See image

Technical data