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Aerial Garden Zone

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Single Player levels
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MAP41: Aerial Garden Zone




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MAP41, Aerial Garden Zone, abbreviated as AGZ, is the second challenge stage in Sonic Robo Blast 2 v2.2, which is unlocked by completing the first challenge stage, Haunted Heights Zone. It is one of the largest levels in SRB2, taking place in a garden and temple suspended in the sky. Most of the level consists of very difficult platforming over death pits. Bumblebores are used as enemies, threatening to throw the player into pits.

Aerial Garden Zone was originally part of the Final Demo-era modification Mystic Realm, where it constituted the final four-act zone. These four acts, as well as the emerald levels Starlight Palace Zone and Inner Sanctum Zone, were all merged into this level. Many segments were heavily modified, and new sections were added, including new paths for Knuckles.


As this stage is very long and complex, this walkthrough is split into three smaller segments, one for each act of the original Aerial Garden Zone. The sections corresponding to AGZ3 and AGZ4 are optional and not part of the main level progression, so they are not included in this walkthrough.

Aerial Garden Zone Act 1

Start by jumping to the platform in front of you, and use the pillar to your left to climb up. Then jump down to your right and run along the path until you come to a diagonal yellow spring. Take it and land on the platform ahead of you. Here the path splits.


Jump across the platforms in front of you and exit through a door to your left, where you will find the first Star Post. Walk through the hallway until you reach another large outdoor room. Jump down to the floor in front of you. Walk around the large platform with the waterfall in the center of the room until you find a set of yellow springs. Take them and turn right to see a pool of water with a pillar in the middle. Jump onto the gargoyle on top of it and to the platform in front of you. You might have to kill the nearby Jetty-syn beforehand. Continue to your left, jumping across several small platforms. You will eventually reach a platform with a row of yellow springs to the right. Take them and turn right again to reach a Star Post.


Jump onto the pillar to your right to access the high platform. Jump up the platforms next to the yellow spring and continue forward until you reach an exit on the far side of the room. After walking through a small tunnel, you will reach a room with a pit that you have to cross via some small square pillars holding upward and diagonal springs. To reach the other side of the room, bounce across the pillars using the upward bouncing springs in the center of each one. Climb up the platforms on the other side to reach a tunnel containing a Star Post. After exiting the tunnel, turn to your right and jump to the pillar standing out from the pit. Turn to your left and jump to the narrow strip of land extending from the large central platform containing the waterfall. Follow it to meet up with the forward path at the pool of water with the pillar in the middle. Follow that path from there until you reach a Star Post.


Walk past the Star Post and across the narrow beam in front of you. Take the yellow spring to the platform above and take the diagonal red spring, which will lead you to a series of platforms with diagonal yellow springs. Take the springs until you eventually reach the entrance to a tunnel to your left. Continue through the tunnel and jump up through the opening in the ceiling. After exiting the tunnel, you will reach an outdoor room with a waterfall and the entrance to a large building to your right. If you are playing as Knuckles, you cannot jump up through the opening, so you will need to take the Knuckles and Tails path instead.

Knuckles and Tails path

Knuckles must take this path, but Tails can take it too. Instead of running to the right from the Star Post, climb or fly up the pillar to your left. Then, do the same with the next two pillars and jump to the ledge in front of you, containing a Super Ring Monitor. Continue along the beams and pillars to your left until you reach an entrance to a building to your right. Activate the Star Post and exit downstairs. The following area can be cleared by flying as Tails. Knuckles, however, has to climb up some floating platforms. Jump onto the platform to the left of the entrance. From there, glide to the tall floating platform near the entrance and then continue along the smaller platforms. Once you've reached a very tall but narrow pillar in the center of the room, you can start gliding to the exit. Drop down the hole to enter the hallway at the beginning of the AGZ2 section.

Aerial Garden Zone Act 2

Use the platform to your right to get to the waterfall area and then turn right again to the enter the building, which contains a Star Post. Continue through the long hallway to your left. You will end up at a fork in the path.


After exiting the building, drop down in front of you and walk up to the edge of the pit with several small square platforms holding upward and diagonal springs. Bounce across the platforms using the upward-pointing springs in the center of each one. You will eventually make a left turn and land on a safe platform. Continue to your left until you reach another yellow spring. Use it to reach one of the square platforms floating above you, leading you to a pillar with a yellow diagonal spring. Take that spring to be propelled to a pillar with several narrow beams extending from it. Walk across the beam to your right and enter the building on the other side. Drop down and, to your left, enter a room with several waterfalls and a Star Post. Walk downstairs to reach another path split.


After exiting the building, jump down to the right. Walk around the pool of water to reach a set of springs that take you upwards. Jump up the ledges in front of you and then turn around and continue along the series of floating platforms. You will reach a series of platforms that move up and down, crushing against a ceiling above them. Jump across these, but don't stay on any platform for too long to avoid being crushed. Midway through, the platforms make a right turn. Once you've made it to the other side, enter the building to your left and drop down. Continue to your right and you should enter a room with several waterfalls and a Star Post. Walk downstairs to reach another path split.


Continue along the hallway to reach a hole in the ceiling. Knuckles cannot jump through it and therefore is forced to take the other path. As any other character, jump through the hole and exit via the stairs to your right. Once you're outside, jump across the small platforms floating over the pit and continue forward until you pass under a small bridge. Turn right and jump across another platform to reach the bridge. Cross it and jump across several more platforms until you reach the entrance to the next building to your right, which contains a Star Post.

Run down the stairs and step outside again. In this room, you have to jump across a lot of narrow beams set over a death pit. This will require very accurate jumping, so be careful. You should also kill the two BASHes and the Jetty-syn Bomber in this room beforehand to make things easier. You have to cross the room three times, each time taking a spring to reach a new height level. At the end of the room, you will reach another building. Enter it and walk downstairs to reach a Star Post. Here the paths merge.


Continue along the hallway until you reach another outdoor room. Turn right and jump across the pit, then turn left and take the row of yellow springs. Jump to the next platform for another set of springs. Now turn left and jump onto the structure with the four gargoyles. Step onto one of the pillars holding a gargoyle. From there, you can reach another platform to your right with a diagonal spring that takes you to another building. Jump down through the hole in the floor to your left to enter it. Now you have to jump through a hole in the ceiling. Knuckles, however cannot pass and must take an exclusive path (see Knuckles path below).

As any other character, continue down the staircase to your left to reach another outside area with a Star Post. It consists of several square platforms over a pit that move up and down at different intervals. Make your way across the pit by jumping from platform to platform. After landing on a platform, look around for nearby platforms that pass below the one you're standing on, and jump to one of them. Once you get near the exit on the other side of the pit, look for a platform that goes all the way up to the top. After making it to the other side, exit the room to get to a Star Post. Here the paths merge.

Knuckles path

Instead of jumping through the hole in the ceiling (which isn't possible as Knuckles), continue forward and climb up the wall to your left. After passing over a small bridge, drop down on the other side to reach a Star Post, as well as another outdoor room. Climb up the pillar to your right and jump to the platform in front of you. Then climb up the pillar directly to your left and jump one the nearest of the several small floating platforms. These platforms are set up in such a manner that you can always glide to the next-highest one and cling on to the side, then climb up and stand on top. In some cases, it is best to spindash-jump before gliding to make sure you reach the edge of the platform. Once you've reached the highest platform, glide to the rim surrounding the high ledge on the other side of the room and enter the building.

Continue downstairs, passing by a Star Post, to reach a large room with a bottomless pit and several floating blocks in various shapes. Climbing up the walls is useless in this room, since the room gets narrower on its way up, providing a natural barrier for Knuckles. Kill the Jetty-syn that approaches you from the right, and then start climbing upwards, utilizing the platforms and pillars to your right. You will reach a high ledge. Jump on one of the rising and falling platforms and try to get on top of the highest one. It should be just high enough to reach the next level of the wall. Cling on to it and climb up until you can get no further. In the middle of the room you can see a floating block with a yellow spring. Try to glide into that spring, taking you up to the next ledge of solid floor. On both ends of the ledge you can see gargoyles. Stand on top of one of those to be able to reach one of the floating platforms. Make your way up as usual until you are able to climb up the next segment of the wall. The ledge that is located above you has some blocks hanging down below it, containing gargoyles and a spring. Take that spring to be taken to the ledge. On one of the walls you can now reach the exit, taking you to a Star Post.

Now you will reach a small outside area, with a water pool in front of you. Jump into the water and head left. After falling down a waterfall, you will end up at the scrolling floor section of Starlight Palace Zone.


Grab the Super Sneakers and continue down the corridor in front of you while avoiding the enemies. You will eventually reach a large pyramid-like building with a Star Post, which contains the area that used to be AGZ3. Instead of taking the teleporters, simply exit to your left and continue. You will eventually reach another outdoor room with a waterfall, which is the beginning of Starlight Palace Zone.

Starlight Palace Zone

Walk around the waterfall and enter the building in front of you. You can go either left or right.


Jump onto the platform to your left and from there to the next one. Be careful, since this platform is ring-shaped and has a hole in the middle that you can fall into. The platform to your right contains a diagonal yellow spring, propelling you to the beams hanging over the ring-shaped platform. Jump on one of the four outer pillars to reach the next platform to the left. After climbing upwards across several more platforms and passing through a short tunnel, you will eventually reach a diagonal red spring, which will take you to a high-up building entrance and a Star Post.

Continue by walking downstairs until you come to a river. Follow its path and turn left as soon as possible. Exit through the staircase to your right. Once you're outside again, you should be able to see a high building to your right, with another Star Post at the entrance.


Jump across the platforms in front of you until you reach a diagonal yellow spring, taking you to another diagonal yellow spring and then to a higher platform. Jump to the next platform and make your way across the pit via some small square pillars. Go through the small tunnel and dodge the two BASHes flying towards you. After jumping across some more pillars, jump on the platform to your left and turn around. You now have to cross a rather wide gap to reach the next platform, so start running and jump at full speed. As Sonic, you can use your thok midway through for some extra speed. Once you're on the other side, continue to your left until you reach a pillar with several gargoyles and a diagonal yellow spring. Take the spring and enter the building to your right, activating the Star Post along your way.

Continue by walking downstairs until you come to a river. Follow its path and turn right as soon as possible. Exit through the staircase to your left. Once you're outside again, you should be able to see a high building to your left, with another Star Post at the entrance.


While it is possible to climb up the building by doing some difficult platforming in the outside area, it's much easier to take the elevator in the building. Simply step on it to be taken to the top. There are two possibilities: You can either jump off at the next floor and take the staircase at the left entrance, or you can ride to the top and enter the building in front of you. In the first case, you will end up directly at the next Star Post. In the second case, you will have to wait until the floor collapses and then exit to your left, reaching the Star Post.

You will enter a room with a bottomless pit and a narrow ledge with a scrolling floor. Jump onto that ledge and run against the scrolling direction. In the following area, you will have to jump across several of these scrolling ledges, which are separated by increasingly narrow columns. Be careful to jump through the gaps in the columns, or you will fall into the death pit below. After reaching the end of the last scrolling platform, take the yellow springs to your right to return to safe ground. Walk through the corridor until you see a Star Post to your left. Turn left to reach a building containing the Level End Sign.

Points of interest

Extra lives

  • In the very first room, take the right path until you get to a yellow diagonal spring. Take that spring to be taken to a red spring. That red spring is useful for getting two extra lives. The first one can be accessed by simply falling into the spring to let it propel you to a very high platform on the other side of the room. For the other one, avoid the spring and land on the platform. Then turn around and use the spring to land on a high ledge. From there, take the red spring on the next platform to get to the highest platform, containing another extra life and two Super Ring Monitors.
  • Exit the first room via the forward path. Stop dead in the building entrance and look to your left. Spindash through the hole in the wall to reach a room containing six ring monitors and an extra life, as well as an Invincibility Monitor behind the pillar to the right of the entrance.
  • Take the forward path in the first room. After entering the second room, turn left instead of right. You will come across a long pit with a platform on the other side. As Sonic, you can barely reach the platform if you jump and thok with a running start, but it is easier to spindash-jump. After landing on the platform, walk to the far end and look around the corner to your right to see a small pillar with an extra life.
  • The large waterfall in the center of AGZ1's second room is open on one side. Jump into the water, find the right side and walk through the opening. Inside are two extra lives.
  • An extra life is located on the outer rim of the waterfall at the start of AGZ2. Stand on one of the gargoyles in the corners of the platform containing the waterfall and spindash-jump to reach the outer rim of the waterfall.
  • Also in the waterfall room at the start of AGZ2, you can see rows of bushes to both sides of the entrance. Behind them are small holes you can spindash through, leading you to a waterfall room. Use a spring in the water to get to a high ledge, leading to an extra life (the same for both holes).
  • In the long hallway at the beginning of the AGZ2 section, look to your right. At the end of the corridor, there should be a hole in the wall. Spindash through it to enter a secret room with an Armageddon Shield. Jump on top of the left front gargoyle and climb or fly up the wall. You will get to another room, containing an extra life.
  • In the waterfall room between the first and second path split of the AGZ2 section, drop down into the water and look in the corner to the right of the Star Post to see a small hole in the wall. Spindash under it to reach a hidden room containing an extra life.
  • At the second path split of the AGZ2 section, turn left. Make your way through the first outdoor room and look to the right of the exit to see a platform with a yellow spring. Use this spring to get on top of the narrow L-shaped beam floating next to the exit. From there, continue across several beams and a platform containing a square button until you reach a beam with a yellow spring. Use the spring to reach the beam floating above you and to your left. From there, you should see a beam in the center of the room that contains an extra life. Use the beams in front of you to reach it.
  • Follow the same steps as for the previous extra life. After taking the yellow spring on the narrow beam, instead of continuing to the extra life to your left, jump to the platform to your right which is high above the entrance of the room. Walk through the opening in the wall to enter a small corridor. Follow the corridor until the end and turn right to find a room containing an extra life and one of each type of shield monitor.
  • At the second path split of the AGZ2 section, turn left. In the room with the narrow beams, go to the exit, but instead of exiting, turn around. Jump across the beams to reach a small alcove in the opposite wall, which contains an extra life and two ring monitors.
  • At the second path split of the AGZ2 section, turn right. You will eventually reach a room with several rising and falling platforms over a bottomless pit. An extra life is located on the far right side of the room.
  • The room containing the heart emblem also contains twelve ring monitors and five extra lives.
  • In the long corridor at the end of the AGZ2 section, you can jump outside through the windows on both sides. You should see very narrow pillars on the outside of this corridor. Approximately in the middle of the room, there is one pillar per side with an extra life.
  • In the Starlight Palace section, take the left path and proceed until you get to the red spring. Instead of taking it, look to your left. You should see a far platform with a yellow spring. Spindash-jump-thok to it and take the spring. The platform to your right contains an extra life.
  • In the Starlight Palace section, take the right path and continue until you reach the river. To your left upon entering the room is a small hole that you can spindash through, eventually leading you to the top of the waterfall feeding the river. Located here are two ring monitors, an Invincibility Monitor and an extra life.
  • Ride the Starlight Palace elevator to the top and enter the corridor with the collapsing platform. If you're quick enough, you can reach the other side, where an extra life resides.
  • Ride the Starlight Palace elevator to the top and turn around. Behind you is an extra life, as well as two ring monitors.
  • At the start of the secret area leading to the club emblem, look to your left to see two platforms, the second of which contains an extra life and two ring monitors.
  • In the last room, there are two extra lives, one on either side. To reach them, go to the left or right and drop down directly at the wall where the entrance is located. You will land on a platform with a red spring. A pillar with an extra life should be next to you.

AGZ2 waterfall room

In the waterfall room between the first and second path split of the AGZ2 section, look up to see four beams near the ceiling that surround the room. The beam above the entrance of the room contains an extra life and two ring monitors. As Tails or Knuckles, you can simply fly or climb up to it. As Sonic, you need to enter the room via one of the waterfalls. Except for the one to the left of the exit, all of the waterfalls can be entered through a hidden passage:

  • At the first path split of the AGZ2 section, take the left path and proceed normally until you reach the building entrance that leads to the waterfall room. Instead of entering it, walk across the narrow beam to your right to reach a platform with a diagonal yellow spring. This spring leads into another spring which will take you to a high platform next to the building entrance. On this platform, a row of rings points towards a hole in the wall. Spindash through the hole to reach a river that feeds one of the waterfalls in the waterfall room. Follow the current to the end and then jump off to land on the beam containing the extra life.
  • At the first path split of the AGZ2 section, take the right path and proceed normally until reach the building entrance that leads to the waterfall room. Instead of entering it, jump on the platform to your right and continue across several more platforms until you get to one with a diagonal yellow spring. Take the spring to land on a floating platform. From there, jump across another floating platform to reach a high platform next to the building entrance. On this platform, a row of rings points towards a hole in the wall. Spindash through the hole to reach a river that feeds one of the waterfalls in the waterfall room. Follow the current to the end and then jump off to land on the beam containing the extra life.
  • At the second path split of the AGZ2 section, take the right path and proceed through the outdoor room. At the exit, turn around to see a small peg with a yellow spring. Take the spring to reach the platform in front of you. From there, jump across the floating platforms to reach a platform with another yellow spring. Use this spring to reach another set of floating platforms that lead to a platform high above the entrance of the room which contains an Armageddon Shield. Walk through the opening in the wall to enter a small corridor. At the end of the corridor, you will reach a river that feeds one of the waterfalls in the waterfall room. Follow the current to the end and then jump off to land on the beam above the exit of the room. Walk around to the other side to reach the one with the extra life.


  • From the starting point, jump up the platforms to your left to reach a Force Shield.
  • Take the right path in the first room. Before reaching the exit, you will come across a pillar with an Attraction Shield.
  • The floating platform in front of the entrance to Knuckles' path in the AGZ1 section contains an Attraction Shield.
  • After entering Knuckles' path in the AGZ1 section, you will enter an outdoor room with floating platforms. From the entrance, you can see two small platforms with monitors on them floating in front of you. The higher one contains an Armageddon Shield. Glide to it from one of the larger platforms in its vicinity.
  • After entering the first room of the AGZ2 section, instead of turning right towards the waterfall area, continue across the platforms in front of you to reach a platform with two ring monitors and an Armageddon Shield. The platform also contains an Eggman Monitor, so take care not to pop it.
  • At the first path split of the AGZ2 section, take the left path. When you reach the platforms with the diagonal and upward yellow springs, look to your left to see an Elemental Shield next to a high pillar.
  • At the first path split of the AGZ2 section, take the right path. After entering the outdoor room, there will be two pegs with gargoyles in front of you where the path turns right. Walk up to the edge of the platform behind them and look down to see a small pillar with an Attraction Shield.
  • In the waterfall room between the first and second path split of the AGZ2 section, jump down into the water. An Elemental Shield is in the center of the room.
  • At the second path split of the AGZ2 section, there is an alcove in the wall in front of you containing an Attraction Shield and two ring monitors.
  • At the second path split of the AGZ2 section, take the left path. In the first outdoor room, turn left and jump across the pit to a platform with a ring monitor in the center. Behind the peg with the gargoyle in front of you and to your left is a Whirlwind Shield.
  • At the second path split of the AGZ2 section, take the right path. Next to the exit of the first outdoor room, there is an alcove containing a Force Shield.
  • At the second path split of the AGZ2 section, take the right path and continue until you reach a room with several rising and falling platforms. An Elemental Shield is in an alcove to the right of the entrance.
  • At the second path split of the AGZ2 section, take the right path and continue until you reach a room with several rising and falling platforms. A Whirlwind Shield is on a stationary platform approximately midway through the room on the right side.
  • On Knuckles' path in the AGZ2 section, you will eventually reach a room with a large death pit where you have to climb to the top via floating platforms. After entering the room, look to your right. In the corner of the room is a ledge with an Elemental Shield.
  • In the same room, after reaching the second walkway halfway up the room, there will be a pillar with a Whirlwind Shield in plain sight.
  • In the room with the large waterfall at the beginning of the Starlight Palace section, the tower to the right of the entrance contains an Armageddon Shield and two ring monitors. To get to them, use one of the floating platforms next to the waterfall to reach the platform below the tower. From there you should see another floating platform moving up and down on the outer edge of the room. Jump onto it when it is at its lowest point and ride it to the top.
  • At the path split of the Starlight Palace section, after entering the outdoor room on either path, there will be a Whirlwind Shield behind the bushes next to the wall.
  • In the room with the large tower where the last path split rejoins, take the elevator to the middle floor. Walk up to the edge of the floor to your right and look down to your right next to the pillar in the corner. Attached to the pillar is a small ledge with an Elemental Shield.
  • After reaching the exit of the room with the scrolling floor at the end of the level, turn right to see a platform with two ring monitors and an Elemental Shield on the other side of the room.
  • Instead of turning left at the final Star Post, continue forward along the corridor. After walking down a staircase, you will reach a room with a large pit to your right. There is a small gap between the wall to your left and the walkway you are on. Jump down there to find an Armageddon Shield in the corner.
  • In the same room, jump across the pit and land on the walkway on the other side. Walk along it and into the small room in front of you, where you will find an Attraction Shield.

Super Sneakers

  • A Super Sneakers monitor is located at the start of the long corridor in the beginning of the AGZ2 section.
  • A Super Sneakers monitor is located at the start of the long corridor at the end of the AGZ2 section, after the second path split rejoins.
  • In the Starlight Palace section, take the left path and continue until you enter the room with the river. As Tails or Knuckles, fly or climb up the waterfall to the right of the entrance. A Super Sneakers monitor is at the top.
  • In the room with the large tower where the last path split rejoins, take the elevator to the top and walk into the building. After the floor has collapsed, look to your right to see a Super Sneakers monitor.


  • After reaching the Star Post in the large final room of the AGZ1 section, turn around and walk to the other end of the platform. An invincibility monitor is hidden between the bushes to the right of the pillar.
  • At the second split of the AGZ2 section, turn left. In the room with the narrow beams, make your way to the other side of the room to find a low platform with an invincibility monitor.
  • In the room with the large waterfall at the beginning of the Starlight Palace section, the tower to the left of the entrance contains an invincibility monitor and two ring monitors. To get to them, use one of the floating platforms next to the waterfall to reach the platform below the tower. From there you should see another floating platform moving up and down on the outer edge of the room. Jump onto it when it is at its lowest point and ride it to the top.

Technical data