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2.1:Egg Rock Zone Act 1

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Single Player levels
MAP22: Egg Rock Zone Act 1








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MAP22, Egg Rock Zone Act 1, abbreviated as ERZ1, is the first act of Egg Rock Zone, the seventh zone in Sonic Robo Blast 2 v2.1. It takes place in a space station and prominently features low and reverse gravity, often in combination with other mechanics such as conveyor belts or crushers. Other gimmicks include platforms that appear and disappear at fixed intervals, 3D-to-2D transitions and outer space areas which threaten to choke the player. As the first act of the final zone, ERZ1 is very hard and many of its obstacles are designed to kill the player.

Two new enemies are introduced in ERZ1: The Snailer is attached to a wall and can move up and down along it, shooting missiles at the player. The Sharp is an enemy with spikes on top that can only be defeated by spindashing. It will periodically turn red and dash quickly towards the player.


This level begins directly with a path split that lasts until the end.

Left path

The first room consists of several platforms with yellow and red caution stripes over a pit. When you step on one of these platforms, the ceiling will come down, crushing you if you stay on the platform too long. The red crushers come down faster than the yellow ones. The exit is to the right, behind two laser walls which you have to maneuver around. After completing this challenge, you will encounter a series of moving floors, each one higher than the last, which you can use to make your way upward. Once you've reached the highest floor, turn around and jump to the ledge behind you. To the right is the first Star Post.

The next room is a narrow corridor that is spanned by three vertically moving lasers. The lasers are not synchronized, allowing you to safely stand under one of the lasers at any time. Carefully make your way forward through the corridor, always switching to another laser whenever possible, before the one you're standing under starts coming down. Along the way, you must pass under three more lasers that move up and down more quickly. If you get hit, you can use your temporary invincibility to quickly get through the rest of the corridor. Behind the corridor lies the second Star Post.

In front of you is a drop, with a row of red springs attached to the ceiling. If you jump forward, your gravity will be flipped, allowing you to use the springs. Afterwards, your gravity will be flipped back to normal again. The next room consists of a network of conveyor belts over a pit. At the beginning, there are two conveyor belts stacked on top of each other, one in normal gravity and one in reverse gravity. Whenever you jump, your gravity will be flipped, allowing you to switch to the other conveyor belt. However, at some points in the room, there will be no second conveyor belt above or below you. If you jump then, you will fall into a pit.

Walk onto the first conveyor belt and follow it to the end. Jump to switch to the reverse conveyor belt and continue left. Once it crosses another conveyor belt, jump to switch back to normal gravity and continue left. Once you pass under another conveyor belt, switch to it. Now you have to pass over a floating platform that repeatedly crushes against the conveyor belt. Carefully backpedal to stay in place until the time is right. Once the platform touches the conveyor belt and starts moving down again, start running to pass it. Afterwards, you need to switch between conveyor belts a few more times until you reach the exit.

A zoom tube will be in front of you. Enter it to be transported to a room with a pool of lava. Jump across the platforms with caution stripes to reach a gas jet which will propel you over a wall. Behind the gas jet is a Snailer which will fire at you. Use your strafe keys to dodge its shots, but don't move too much or you will fall into the lava. After hitting the gas jet, let it propel you over the wall, but be careful not to touch the top, which has lava on it. On the other side, turn right to reach the third Star Post. Here the path splits by character. As Sonic or Tails, you can stand on the square platform and jump into the room above, but Knuckles cannot jump high enough to reach it, so you have to break through the wall in front of you instead.

Sonic path

As Sonic, you must run through the enclosed gauntlet of crushers in front of you. If you have a good running start, you will just make it through provided you keep running at full speed. If you slow down or hit a wall, one of the crushers will probably get you. The hallway makes a few bends, so try to anticipate all of the curves and get a feel for the flow. At the end of the gauntlet is a large crushing floor; just like with the previous crushers, running at top speed with Sonic will allow you to clear it just in time.

If you mess up somewhere in the gauntlet, but don't get killed by a crusher, you can try to thok from safe spot to safe spot. To stop yourself from overshooting, backpedal immediately after thokking and aim at the walls. For the final floor crusher, stand as close to its edge as possible and then thok and keep running. You should be able to clear it just in time.

After the crusher gauntlet, you will reach the fourth Star Post. Use the diagonal spring to enter the zoom tube to your left, which will lead you to a room where you have to jump across several platforms in low upside-down gravity. To do this safely, hold the jump button during the entire jump and don't thok. After landing on the fourth platform, you have to turn right in the middle of the next jump to reach the exit. On this jump you can safely thok. At this point the character-specific paths rejoin.

Tails path

Tails' path is the easiest of the three. Since he isn't as fast as Sonic, he cannot pass through the crusher gauntlet without getting crushed. Instead, fly up to the left of the crusher gauntlet. Then, fly from platform to platform until you reach the fourth Star Post. Here Tails' path rejoins with Sonic's path.

Knuckles path

Since Knuckles can't jump high enough to reach the room with the crusher gauntlet, you must break through the wall in front of you. You will enter a room whose walls and floor are covered entirely in lava. In front of you is a pillar whose sides are scrolling upwards. Climb onto it to be carried to the top. You should now see more pillars with scrolling sides hanging from the ceiling, as well as walls of gray rocks that periodically fall down from the ceiling. You must glide from pillar to pillar, timing your jumps so that the falling walls don't hit you. After three falling walls, you will reach a bridge leading to the fourth Star Post and a zoom tube.

Climb up into the zoom tube, which will take you to a room that will test your climbing skills in reverse gravity. The ceiling in this room is a death pit and most of the walls are damaging. Only the gray walls without the electric panel texture are safe. Glide to the first safe wall in front of you and cling to it. Now press the Spin button to let go of the wall without turning around, and turn left. In front of you is another safe wall, but this one is scrolling to the left. Glide towards and cling on to it, but not for too long, since it will push you into the damaging walls. Instead, let go and turn left again to reach another scrolling wall. After turning right to reach a third scrolling wall, turn right one last time to reach the exit. If you're gliding too low, you may end up clinging to the wall below the exit. In this case, climb up to the edge and let go again to glide through the exit. Continue along the corridor to reach a breakable wall that will lead you to the area where the character-specific paths rejoin.

Space countdown room

Jump on the diagonal spring in front of you. You will be propelled through a series of springs into a corridor with glass windows that show the outside, as well as the last Star Post. Turn left to find the entrance to a zoom tube that will lead you into space. Since there is no air in space, you can breathe for 11 seconds before you must refresh your air supply by standing inside one of the blue air pockets. Once you're outside, a metal beam with a diagonal spring will be to your right. Use it to be propelled to another beam higher up. Use the air pocket to refresh your air and then walk across the beam. Now you have to jump across a series of beams to reach the exit. Because the gravity is low, you can skip every second beam, which you should do to save time. After going back inside, turn right to find the Level End Sign.

Right path

After going down the elevator, you will enter a room with a group of alternating crushers. The crushers don't go down all the way to the floor, so you can actually duck under them by charging a spindash. Pass under the crushers and exit the room to the right to find the first Star Post.

The next room is a corridor where you have to jump across platforms in low gravity. The first platform is right in front of you, but to reach the next platform, you need to turn left around a corner in mid-jump. Follow the trail of rings and keeping pressing the jump button during the entire jump. For the next jump, you need to turn right in mid-jump. You will land in an area that will switch you into reverse gravity while you're standing in it. Jump around the corner to the left. Your gravity will switch back to normal gravity during the jump, but you will land on another gravity switcher. Turn to your left to see the exit with the second Star Post. The safest way to reach it is to simply walk towards it without jumping. The low gravity will carry you across the pit.

In the next room, you will encounter a laser wall with a gravity switcher in front of it. Use the gravity switcher to pass above the laser wall in reverse gravity. Jump up the steps in front of you and walk across the green bridge to reach a gravity switcher that will switch you back to normal gravity. Jump across the pit and pass under another laser wall. Now you have to jump across a pit with with three lasers that move up and down. Time your jump so that you pass over the last laser when it's at its lowest point. Jump up to the gravity switcher to your left and turn left to find a diagonal spring that will you lead you into an elevator. After riding the elevator to the top, your gravity will switch back to normal again. Go right to reach the third Star Post.

The next room features a series of elevators that rise when you step on them, allowing you to reach the next one. However, you have to jump off the elevators before they crush against the ceiling. This is fairly easy on the first few elevators, but with each elevator the gap between the next ledge and the ceiling gets smaller. To avoid getting crushed, charge a spindash on each elevator and release it once you're high enough to reach the next ledge. In the next room, you are switched to reverse gravity again. Press the red button in the center of the room, which will cause a red fog to descend. If you're in the fog, an air countdown will start, so quickly start moving down the staircase. If you fall off or get too far behind the surface of the fog, you can go back through the entrance to the previous room. The fog and the button will reset and you can try again. After making it down the staircase and out of the room, use a row of yellow springs to switch back into reverse gravity and reach the fourth Star Post.

The following section features blue platforms over a spike pit that periodically appear and disappear. Jump on the first platform once it appears. Once the second platform appears, immediately jump to it, since the first platform will disappear. After making it across the first spike pit, turn right to encounter another one. Here the pattern of the platforms is more complex. There are always two consecutive platforms active, so once a new one appears, you have some time to move to it. Study the pattern and then careful move across the platforms to reach the other side. Next you have to run across a curved staircase whose steps periodically appear and disappear. Wait for all the steps to disappear and then start running as soon as you see the bottom steps appear.

The next section is a corridor where you have to ride a horizontally moving platform and dodge obstacles along the way. Wait for the platform to appear and jump on it. Jump over the floating platform in front of you and then duck under the low ceiling by charging a spindash and canceling it with a jump once you reach the other side. Afterwards, you have to jump to another moving platform that appears to your right. After dodging another low ceiling and jumping over another platform, you will reach a safe floor again. In the next room, you have to jump across platforms with red caution stripes, which will crumble and fall into a pit when you stand on them. On the other side you will find the fifth Star Post and the entrance to a zoom tube.

The zoom tube will switch you into 2D mode. You will enter a four-tiered gauntlet, with zoom tubes transferring you between each tier. The first tier has no obstacles, so just walk to the other side. The second tier has a long row of spikes that you have to jump over, so immediately start running once you exit the zoom tube and jump over the spikes. The third tier has a laser wall that you have to spindash under. A zoom tube in the center of the last tier will switch you back to 3D mode and transport you into a cavern where the floor, ceiling and walls are all covered in lava.

You enter the room on a conveyor belt. Jump across three conveyor belts extending from the left wall to reach a platform with the sixth Star Post. Jump into the gravity switcher to be switched into reverse gravity. Jump across three more conveyor belts to reach a U-shaped rock platform. Walk across it to enter the next room, which will switch you back to normal gravity. Turn left to see an exit that leads into space. Since there is no air in space, you can breathe for 11 seconds before you must refresh your air supply by standing inside a blue air pocket. Use the row of yellow springs in front of you to reach the top of the tower, where you can refresh your air. Now use the diagonal spring to be propelled back inside. Walk to the end of the corridor to reach the Level End Sign.

Points of interest

Extra lives

  • In the conveyor belt room on the left path, go right instead of left at the first split. Pass the crusher and turn right again. You will reach a platform with an extra life and a Force Shield.
  • At the character-specific path split, if you are playing as Sonic, stop after the third crusher. An extra life is situated in the lava to your right. To get it as Tails, fly up to the right of the crusher gauntlet instead of the left. Avoid the lava falls, and when you reach the first platform, jump down to your left. If you want to get it as Knuckles, you will have to backtrack through the Sonic and Tails path.
  • In the crusher room at the beginning of the right path, an extra life is hidden underneath the crusher on the far left side of the room, opposite the exit.
  • After the upside-down elevator on the right path, there is a small area to your right with an extra life and a Sharp. Try to jump out of the area quickly after getting the extra life to avoid getting hit by the Sharp.
  • In the room with the crumbling red-striped platforms on the right path, there is a ledge with an extra life below the rocks to your left. Stand on the second platform and let it crumble, then jump off shortly before you fall into the pit.
  • In the 2D area of the right path, jump over the zoom tube in the last tier to get an extra life, a Whirlwind Shield and two Super Ring Monitors.
  • In the lava room near the end of the right path, just before the upside-down conveyor belts, there is a platform with an extra life in the lava.
  • In the space countdown room on the right path, an extra life is hidden behind the tower.


  • In the gravity switcher section on the right path, turn around after flipping back to normal gravity for the first time. In the corner of the room behind you is an Elemental Shield.
  • In the first room of the left path, there is a platform with an Attraction Shield on the far left end of the room.
  • After the hallway with the three moving lasers on the left path, turn to your left and look behind the lasers to see an Armageddon Shield.
  • On Tails's path, after you pass over the crusher gauntlet for the first time, fly behind the lava curtain behind you and continue flying along the corridor until you reach an alcove with an Elemental Shield.
  • In the space countdown room at the end of the left path, there is an Elemental Shield on the lowest beam, to your right from the entrance.

Super Sneakers

  • On the left path, in the lava room before the character-specific path split, turn around after using the gas jet to fly over the large wall. Next to the wall is a Super Sneakers monitor.


  • In the room with the horizontally moving platforms on the right path, after jumping over the last obstacle in the room, turn around to see an invincibility monitor.

Technical data