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2.1:Techno Hill Zone Act 2

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Single Player levels
MAP05: Techno Hill Zone Act 2








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SRB1 Remake
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MAP05, Techno Hill Zone Act 2, abbreviated as THZ2, is the second act of Techno Hill Zone, the second zone in Sonic Robo Blast 2 v2.1. It takes place in the factory the player entered in the first act, but now at nighttime and surrounded by city buildings. It is longer and more complex than the first act, featuring more advanced obstacles involving the buoyant slime as well as crushers and damaging electrical floors.

THZ2 also features two additional enemies, both of which cannot be harmed by normal means: Detons are spherical enemies that chase the player and explode on contact; they must be lured into walls to be destroyed. The Turret shoots rapid-fire projectiles that the player must take cover from, and it can only be destroyed by being crushed.


First section

You start out in a small corridor, with a larger room in front of you. The room is divided by a large wall with glass windows, and the exit is on the other side. The wall can only be passed from below, by jumping into one of the two slime pools next to it. However, if you jump in from the floor level, you will have too little momentum and bounce back up before reaching the bottom of the wall. To gain additional momentum, you must jump from the ledge to the left of the entrance, which can be reached via gas jets from the pipe next to it.

After passing the wall and reaching the surface on the other side, enter the corridor in front of you. Jump over the electrical floor and drop down the hole. You will reach a room with a pool of slime in front of you and a conveyor belt behind it. Jump into the pool and turn left. You will drop down into a second slime pool, and to your left will be an entrance to a tunnel, which is also filled with slime. Wade through the tunnel and jump over the slime pool at the end of it. In front of you is now a wide hallway that makes a U-turn, with a bundle of pipes running along the side of it. At the end of the hallway, jump on the pipes in front of you and use the steam jets to reach the ledge above. Jump across the slime pool in front of you, which is located under a bridge, to reach a new room.

In this room, turn to your left and you will see a series of platforms extending from the wall. Large blocks move back and forth sideways over these platforms, periodically blocking the path. Jump over the platforms while the blocks are receding to avoid being pushed into the slime pool below. There are small ledges attached to the platforms that you can safely stand on while the blocks are moving. After four of these platforms, you will reach the exit of the room and cross the bridge you passed under earlier to reach the first Star Post.

The Star Post is placed in front of a steep ledge. Below it is a long corridor filled with slime that extends to the left, and a conveyor belt running through it. Jump down onto the conveyor belt and follow it to the end. Use the crates floating in the slime to reach the floor in front of you. The exit of the room is now to your right, but it is up high and can only be reached via a set of pipes that is too high to jump on directly. Instead, turn around to your left to find a pipe with a gas jet that leads up to a platform from which you can reach the pipes. After walking across them, you will reach a room with the second Star Post.

First path split

Here the path splits: You can either take the elevator in front of you, or enter the room to your left.


Once you step into the elevator, it will move downwards and allow you to enter the room in front of you. This room is guarded by a Turret, which will intermittently shoot rapid-fire projectiles at you and then reload for a few seconds. You must reach the exit located behind the Turret while dodging its fire. Stay in the elevator until the Turret stops firing and then go to your right. Jump to the platform in the slime pool and hide behind the crate while the Turret fires once more. Then, jump to the platform to your right and run up the staircase to reach the exit. Next to the exit is a button. If you press it, a crane will drop a large block onto the Turret and crush it. However, this is not necessary to advance. In the next room, the paths rejoin.


Step on the conveyor belt in front of you and follow it, avoiding the Buzzes. At the end of the conveyor belt are four crushers that come down at different intervals. Walk under them at the right moment to avoid being crushed and then jump off the conveyor belt. To your right is a door that leads towards the room where the paths rejoin.

Second path split

After the paths have rejoined, walk across either of the two bridges in front of you to reach the third Star Post. Step on the platform in front of you, which will move downwards into the next room. Here, the path splits again: You can either step on the conveyor belt that extends towards the left or use the Spring Shell to reach the higher ledge in front of you.

Lower path

The conveyor belt leads into a corridor with two crushers. Avoid the crushers and jump off at the end of the conveyor to reach a large outdoor room that is mostly covered by slime. Another conveyor belt in front of you leads to a platform with two pillars on it. Turn to your left and use the crate floating in the slime to reach the ledge behind it. At the end of the ledge, turn around and follow the staircase up to two diagonal springs. These springs lead to a second set of springs, which are located on the pillars you just passed. Use this chain of springs to get to the high platform in front of you.

After landing on the platform, you will see a large glass wall in front of you and a moving platform behind it. To reach that platform, you must dive into the slime pool and then move forward to pass under the glass wall. On the other side, let the slime bounce you onto the platform in front of you. From there, jump onto the moving platform and ride it to the top. Then, jump off to your right to enter a hallway with a slime river in the middle. Follow the hallway until you reach another outdoor room with a staircase extending to the right. Here the paths rejoin, and the fourth Star Post is at the top of the staircase.

Upper path

Use the Spring Shell to reach the ledge in front of you. Should you accidentally kill it, it will drop its spring, still allowing you to reach the ledge. From there, step on the conveyor belt that crosses the room and walk against it to enter the building in front of you. Jump off to the right at the end to reach the next room. Be careful before entering this room, because it contains Detons. These enemies will charge at you when they see you and explode upon coming in contact with you or a wall. You cannot harm them by normal means, so you must outrun them and lure them into an obstacle.

The first Deton is to the right of the entrance, so quickly run to the left. Hide behind the crates at the end of the hallway to shake it off. Then turn to your right. In front of you is another Deton, which will only see you when you move out from behind the crate. Quickly step to your left or right to reveal yourself, and then immediately step back behind the crate. The Deton will crash into the crate, allowing you to continue. A third Deton hides behind the next right turn, so go into it carefully and immediately move back behind the wall onto the Deton spots you. Afterwards, the path will be clear and you walk to the exit.

You will drop down to another hallway, with an arrow of rings pointing to the right. Another Deton hides in the shadows to your left, so immediately turn right and follow the hallway, avoiding the Spring Shells in your way. At the end of the hallway, you will cross a small bridge that leads into another building with a slime river. Follow the river to an outdoor room with a staircase extending to the left. Here the paths rejoin, and the fourth Star Post is at the top of the staircase.

Final section

From the Star Post, you can see a slime pool and a large building in front of you. The entrance is to the left. Avoid the electrical floors in front of you, turn left and follow the ledge to the building entrance. You will enter a dark room with two elevator shafts. One of the elevators has descended, so jump down into the hole left by it. You will reach an underground cave with the fifth Star Post.

Go through the open door in front of you and follow the hallway to your left afterwards. You will reach a slime pool guarded by a tall damn. Inside the slime pool is an underwater button that will raise the slime, allowing you to reach the top of the dam. However, to reach down to it, you need additional momentum. To your left is a platform with two pumps that move up and down. Jump onto one of the pumps and jump off once it reaches its highest point. This will give you enough momentum to hit the button, raising the slime and propelling you to the top of the dam.

You will find yourself in a large indoor room covered in slime, with a bridge leading forward. To your left, you can see a high-up ledge with an elevator entrance. Your goal is to reach that elevator. Follow the bridge and jump onto the pipe at the end of it, which will allow you to jump over the wall to your left. Should you have fallen from the bridge into the large slime pool below, look for a corridor to the right of the bridge. Follow the corridor until you reach a staircase that leads to dry land. From there, you can pass under the bridge and use a steam jet to propel you over the wall.

Behind the wall is another slime pool with a conveyor belt at the far end. Jump onto the conveyor belt (use the crates floating in the slime to get back up if you fell into the slime). At the end of it is a row of springs that will propel you to a higher ledge. Next to the ledge is a moving platform that leads upwards. Ride it to the top to reach the ledge with the elevator entrance. Go into the elevator and press the button to move upwards.

After reaching the top, follow the corridor until you reach a final room with large windows and several electrical floors. Jump over the electrical floors to reach the Level End Sign to your right.

Points of interest

Extra lives

  • After the first Star Post, jump down on the conveyor belt and look to your right. There is a small hole in the wall that the conveyor belt comes out of. Spindash through that hole to find a secret room that contains an extra life, an Attraction Shield and two Super Ring Monitors.
  • At the end of the conveyor belt after the first Star Post, look to your left. Next to the crates floating in the slime is an area with a lowered floor. Submerged in the slime is a pipe on which an extra life monitor stands. To get the extra life, jump down into the slime from the higher platform next to it.
  • If you went left at the first path split, look at the windows to your left in the conveyor belt gauntlet. After the gauntlet makes a right turn, you will see another room through the windows that contains an extra life. To reach it, turn around after jumping off the conveyor belt. The wall to the left of the gauntlet can be passed from below by jumping into the slime pool. To gain the necessary momentum, bounce off the Spring Shell at the end of the conveyor belt. A diagonal yellow spring next to the extra life will propel you back out of the area.
  • If you took the upper path at the second path split and made it through the Deton room, you will drop down into a hallway with an arrow of rings pointing right. An extra life is placed on the beam next to the arrow. Jump to it from above to reach it.
  • In the large outdoor room on the lower path of the second path split, after passing below the large glass wall, you will see an extra life and four Super Ring Monitors at the bottom of the slime pool. You have enough vertical momentum from your jump to reach them, but you need to aim carefully.
  • If you took the lower path at the second path split, you will reach a large outdoor room. The ceiling over the entrance of this room is actually a ledge that contains an extra life and two Super Ring Monitors. While Tails and Knuckles can reach it simply by flying/climbing, Sonic can only access it from the area with the fourth Star Post where the paths rejoin. Turn around from that Star Post and you will see a platform with a diagonal red spring on it. To the left of the platform is a pipe with a gas jet that allows you to get up there. Use the spring and strafe left or right to land on the ceiling of the nearby buildings. From there, turn around and you will reach the large outdoor room from up high. A rim goes around the room that allows you to reach the ledge with the extra life.
  • An extra life is hidden deep in the slime pool in front of the fourth Star Post, where the paths merge. It is too deep down to be reached from the floor level or the glass platform. Instead, turn around from the Star Post and you will see a platform with a diagonal red spring on it. To the left of the platform is a pipe with a gas jet that allows you to get up there. Use the spring and strafe left to land on the ceiling of the nearby building. From there, you have enough vertical momentum to reach it.
  • In the large factory building near the end, after having pressed the button to reach the top of the dam, turn right. On the far side of the room you will see an area with a series of small blocks that contain Spring Shells. Go to this area. At the floor level, there is another Spring Shell. You must bounce up this chain of Spring Shells to reach a ledge with two Super Ring Monitors, an Armageddon Shield and an extra life.
  • In the corridor with the electrical floors directly before the end sign, there is an extra life on a small pillar in the corner, surrounded by electrical floors. To get to it without being harmed, jump to it and then use your special ability in mid-air to get to safety.


  • After wading through the slime-filled tunnel near the beginning of the stage, you will reach a hallway with a bundle of pipes running through. One of the pipes contains a gas jet that leads up to a higher set of pipes. A Whirlwind Shield can be found there.
  • In the large conveyor belt hallway after the first Star Post, look at the slime-filled tunnel to the left of you, which you went through earlier. Behind the second segment of it, you will see a platform with an Armageddon Shield. Fly or climb over the tunnel to reach it.
  • In the room with the Turret at the first path split, a Force Shield sits right behind the Turret. Press the button to destroy the Turret and then jump to it.
  • If you took the upper path at the second path split, before entering the building with the Detons, jump off the conveyor belt to your left. Hidden behind the last beam is an Attraction Shield.
  • In the area with the fourth Star Post, an Elemental Shield is located at the bottom of the slime pool where the paths meet. It can be reached by jumping in from the Star Post.
  • At the fourth Star Post, look at right side of the slime pool in front of you. At the bottom of the pool are four Super Ring Monitors and an Armageddon Shield. You can reach them from the glass platform that stands out from the center of the pool. To reach that platform, turn around from the Star Post and you will see a platform with a diagonal red spring on it. To the left of the platform is a pipe with a gas jet that allows you to get up there. Use the spring to reach the platform.
  • After entering the large building in front of the fourth Star Post, an Attraction Shield Monitor stands on the elevator that is still in place.
  • In the underground cave with the fifth Star Post, jump behind the opened door that leads into the tunnel. You will find a Whirlwind Shield, which will also allow you to get out from behind the door.

Super Sneakers

  • After passing the wall via the slime pools in the very first room, look behind the pool that is further away from the corridor to find a Super Sneakers monitor.
  • In the room with the third Star Post, where the first path split converges, turn around. Between the two entrances from the previous room is an alcove with a Super Sneakers monitor.
  • If you took the lower path at the second path split, before you reach the diagonal yellow springs, you will come across a Super Sneakers Monitor in plain sight.
  • At the fourth Star Post, where the paths converge, turn around and you will see a platform with a diagonal red spring on it. To the left of the platform is a pipe with a gas jet that allows you to get up there. Use the spring to reach a glass platform in the center of the large slime pool. From there, jump to the building in front of you to find a Super Sneakers monitor.


  • If you took the upper path at the second path split, at the hallway with the arrow of rings pointing right, an invincibility monitor is located at the end of the dark corridor which the Deton comes out of. Lure the Deton into a wall before getting it.


While Sonic can finish this stage very quickly, Tails has a slight advantage over him because he can navigate easily through the slime pools with his flight ability. Additionally, he can skip several sections outright: He can skip the room with the horizontally moving blocks by flying up to the bridge after it from below. At the second path split, he can take the lower path and fly over the wall separating the large outdoor room from the area with the fourth Star Post, reaching the factory at the end immediately. Grabbing the Super Sneakers in the room between the first and second path split will allow him to skip this section even faster. In the factory itself, he can fly right to the ledge with the elevator, skipping the rest of the room.

Technical data