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2.1:Techno Hill Zone Act 1

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Single Player levels
MAP04: Techno Hill Zone Act 1








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MAP04, Techno Hill Zone Act 1, abbreviated as THZ1, is the first act of Techno Hill Zone, the second zone in Sonic Robo Blast 2 v2.1. It takes place in a valley polluted by Eggman's machinery, which has killed the grass and turned the water into purple slime. The slime is buoyant, causing the player to bounce back out after falling into it. Throughout the stage, items are hidden deep in the slime that can only be reached by jumping in from a high vantage point. Other gimmicks in this stage include gas jets and conveyor belts.

As enemies, THZ1 features the Spring Shell, a turtle enemy with a spring on its back that the player can use to reach otherwise inaccessible areas, and the Buzz, a small fly-like enemy that flies towards the player.


First section

You start out in a small area with a cliff in front of you. At the bottom of the cliff is a pipe from which steam periodically shoots out. Stand on the pipe and let the steam jets propel you up the cliff. In the following area, continue forward until you reach a pool of slime. Jump over the pool and enter the cave in front of you. At the end of the cave is the first Star Post, and in front of you will be a narrow bridge with a Spring Shell on it which leads over a pool of slime. At this point you can either continue forward across the bridge or jump to the platform on your right. If you continued forward, you will reach a cliff. Drop down there, turn right and follow the path until you reach the second Star Post. If you went right, follow the path along a left turn and drop down a series of cliffs to reach the Star Post.

Second section

You will now enter a factory building where three platforms lead up to a wall that divides the room in half. As Knuckles, the platforms are too high to reach and a rim protrudes from the outer walls that cannot be climbed past, so you will have to enter the room to your right and climb up the conveyor belt, entering a different path. As Sonic or Tails, simply use the platforms to get over the wall and exit the building on the other side. You will now come across a fork in the path. You can go either left or right.

Left path

If you go left, jump over the pool of slime in front of you and continue forward until you reach a cliff with a pipe in front of you. Use the steam jets of the pipe to propel yourself upwards and reach the top. Continue until you reach small river of slime which is fed by a waterfall. Jump into the river and let it carry you into a large slime lake with an island in the middle. There is a large metal sheet next to the island which you can use to escape the slime. From there you can jump to the island.

Right path

Continue forward until you come to a large slime lake with an island in the middle. Walk along the platform on the right edge of the lake and then jump to the island.

Knuckles path

After climbing up the conveyor belt, turn left and enter a cave with two Buzzes. At the end of the cave is a hole in the floor. Drop down that hole to land in a small slime pool. From there, continue forwards until you reach an outdoor area with a cliff in front of you. Climb up that cliff and drop down the other side into a slime pool. Enter the flooded cave in front of you and continue forward into another outdoor area with another cliff. In front of the cliff is a small island with a yellow Spring Shell on it. Use it to propel yourself to the top of the cliff. Drop down the other side and walk through the hallway in front of you. On the other side is a small outdoor area with an Attraction Shield Monitor, which leads to a large slime lake with an island in the middle. Jump to the island.

Third section

After jumping to the island, climb the small stairs to the top and jump to the ledge in front of you with the third Star Post. You will enter a room with industrial equipment and slime pools to the sides. Continue forward, jump over the slime and climb up the ledges to your left. After making it to the top, you will enter an open area where the path splits again. To your right you can see a small cave with another Star Post and a large factory behind it. If you instead continue forward and turn to your left, you will drop down into a small area where the wall to your left has a small hole in it. You can either spindash through that hole to enter an underground tunnel or follow the path to the factory.


Shortly before entering the factory, you will encounter a red Buzz. You should kill it before moving on, since it can bother you in the next section. Afterwards, enter the factory. To your left you can see a large structure made up of pipes. Walk to the far left end of the factory where the pipe structure begins. The pipe on the floor level has a gas jet that you can use to reach the next pipe. Each following pipe has another gas jet, allowing you to climb upwards. On the highest pipe, take the diagonal yellow spring, which will propel you to a high ledge. From there, turn right and follow the path until you reach a room with a large hole in the floor. Drop down this hole to enter a hallway with a conveyor belt. The Level End Sign is located at the end of this hallway.

Underground tunnel

After spindashing through the hole, you will land in a cave flooded with slime. After landing on the slime, turn left and jump to the ledge on the other end of the room. Be careful not to hit the springs at the edge of the platform, which will send you back into the slime. Continue through the following corridor until you reach a factory area extending to the left, with a large slime pool in the center. Turn left and jump across the platforms next to the wall until you reach a ledge with a conveyor belt on the other side of the room. Follow along the conveyor belt and use the red springs to enter an alcove containing an Extra Life Monitor. The floor of this alcove will crumble, leading you into a room containing the Level End Sign to your right.

Points of interest

Extra lives

  • To the left of the bridge with the first Star Post, there is a big hole under the slime with an extra life at the bottom. To gain enough momentum to reach it, use the Spring Shell on the bridge to reach the top of the cliff to your right and then jump from its highest point.
  • In the large slime lake, after reaching the top of the island, turn to the large slime generator to your left. Protruding from it is a small pipe with a gas jet. Jump to that pipe and use the gas jet to reach the top of the generator. Then, use the Spring Shell to reach the grassy ledge in front of you. From there, use another Spring Shell to reach another ledge containing an extra life.
  • In the large slime lake, next to the barrels, there is a huge crater under the slime. On one of the rims partway down the crater is a small platform with an extra life. To gain enough momentum to reach it, get to the platform containing the previous extra life and use the Spring Shell there to reach the top of the cliff surrounding the lake. From there you can jump down into the crater.
  • On Knuckles' path, after reaching the top of the cliff in the third outdoor area, climb the wall to your left to reach a ledge containing an extra life.
  • In the factory room at the end of the underground tunnel path, there is an extra life hidden in the slime right next to the entrance. To reach it, jump to the platform in the slime in the center of the room. From there, you can reach a small corridor that leads to the beam right next to the extra life. Jump down from there and you will have enough momentum to reach it.
  • At the very end of the underground tunnel path, there is an extra life on the crumbling platform leading into the ending area.


  • In the very first slime pool of the level, there is an Armageddon Shield at the bottom. To gain enough momentum to reach it, turn around after jumping across the pool and look to your right. You will see a small ledge with a Spring Shell. Bounce on that Spring Shell to reach the top of the cliff next to it and then jump from there.
  • Where Knuckles' path leads into the large slime lake, there is an Attraction Shield underneath a cluster of rings.
  • In the second outdoor area of Knuckles' path, there is an Elemental Shield on top of the ledge protruding from the cliff.
  • In the factory after the second Star Post, jump on top of the wall in the center and then turn around. On top of the rim surrounding the room is a Force Shield.
  • In the large slime lake, there are several barrels floating in the slime that lead to a cave. To the right of the cave is a pipe coming out of the wall, holding a Whirlwind Shield.
  • In the underground tunnel path, after escaping the initial pool of slime, you will reach a hallway with a pipe running through the floor. There is a small hole in the wall where the pipe meets it. Spindash through the hole to reach a small gap containing a Whirlwind Shield.
  • When climbing up the pipes in the factory near the end, you will notice a U-shaped pipe hanging from the ceiling that contains a Whirlwind Shield. You can jump to it from the second-highest pipe.

Super Sneakers

  • In the slime pool underneath the bridge with the first Star Post, there is a Super Sneakers monitor that can be reached by jumping from the bridge.
  • In the room after the large slime lake, there is a Super Sneakers monitor on a ledge to the right of the room. Use the slime barrels next to it to get up there.


  • On the bridge with the first Star Post, use the Spring Shell to reach the top of the cliff to your right and then jump to the ledge with a white beam running through it. From there, you can jump up several more ledges to reach one containing an invincibility monitor.
  • On the right path after the first factory, in the area before the large slime lake, there is a hole in the floor to the right surrounded by metal walls. Drop down there to enter a cave containing an invincibility monitor.


Speedrunning is fairly straightforward in this level. The key challenge is to avoid falling into the slime, since it will slow you down a lot. Use Sonic or Tails, since Knuckles' path takes longer than the other ones. At the path split after the first factory building, take the right path.

Technical data