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2.1:Castle Eggman Zone Act 1

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Single Player levels
MAP10: Castle Eggman Zone Act 1








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MAP10, Castle Eggman Zone Act 1, abbreviated as CEZ1, is the first act of Castle Eggman Zone, the fourth zone in Sonic Robo Blast 2 v2.1. It takes place in a forest leading to Eggman's castle, which the player enters at the end. It features spinning maces as hazards, as well as spinning chains that players can use to throw themselves upwards and forwards. The level introduces three new enemies: The Robo-Hood is a stationary enemy that shoots arrows at the player, the CastleBot FaceStabber is a large knight-like enemy with a lance who charges at players that come too close, and the Egg Guard carries a shield that pushes the player away.


First section

You start out in a small cave, with a fenced area in front of you. Turn left and run along the U-shaped ledge. At the end of it, jump down to the forest area to your lower left. Here the path splits: You can go either left or right.


You will step on a wooden bridge surrounded by fences. Continue forward until you come to the edge of the bridge. Drop down the hole in front of you. You will enter a room with several tree trunks that are surrounded by leafy platforms. Jump onto the lowest platform and use the yellow spring to get up to the next platform. Walk around the tree trunk and walk over the bridge to the third platform. On it is another spring leading to a smaller platform up high. From there, you can use another spring to reach a narrow wooden ledge suspended over a bottomless pit. Walk over it until you reach an outside area with a large lake in the center. Here the paths rejoin.


You will step on a wooden bridge. Continue forward until it descends to the floor in a series of stairs. Jump down the stairs and turn right. In front of you is a wooden staircase that winds around a tree trunk. Jump onto it and work your way up. Continue forwards, crossing several bridges and climbing up more staircases, until you reach a cliff with a Star Post and a trail of rings pointing downwards. Jump off the cliff, following the trail of rings. You will land in front of a bottomless pit over which two tree branches are suspended. Use the branches as platforms and use the spring on the second one to reach the ledge above.

Walk across the ledge, taking care to avoid the Egg Guard that stands on it, to reach another spring. It leads up to a second ledge, which in turn leads up to the entrance of a hollow tree. Jump into the tree and walk through it quickly to avoid the shots of the Robo-Hood standing inside it. At the other end is a cut-off tree trunk with a row of diagonal red springs leading to a fenced area. Strafe left after using the springs to land on a small ledge on the left side of the room. If you miss, you will be thrown into an arena with an Egg Guard and two CastleBot FaceStabbers. Kill them to bring up a staircase that leads back up. You will enter an outside area with a large lake in the center. Here the paths rejoin.


On the left shore of the lake is a pathway leading into a cave. The cave entrance requires you to jump through a hole in the ceiling that is too high for Knuckles to reach, so he must take a different path: On the other shore of the lake, to the right of the cave entrance, is a large tree with a row of rings leading upwards to an entrance. Climb up there to reach Knuckles's path; Tails can take it as well.

Cave path

After jumping through the hole in the ceiling, turn right to reach an area with a small water pool and an entrance to a tree trunk. Walk into the tree. In front of you is an exit, but it's too high up to jump to. Instead, stand under the spinning chain in the center of the tree. When the chain reaches you, you will automatically grab on to it. Press forward to make the chain rotate faster, and then jump off at the right moment to throw yourself to the exit. Then walk forward to reach a Star Post, where the paths rejoin.

Knuckles path

After entering the tree, you will stand on a rim that goes around the inside of the room. The hole in the center is guarded by two rotating maces. Jump down and stay close to the pillar they're attached to in order to avoid them. After falling down, you must go through a small corridor to reach the inside of another tree. You must climb up the wall at the spot marked by a trail of rings. Maces rotate around the tree; you must avoid them while climbing upwards. Cling to the wall and wait for the first mace to pass you. Then climb past it and stop moving. Once a second mace has passed above, climb further upwards to reach a third tree.

Again, you must climb up the wall at the spot marked by a trail of rings and avoid the rotating maces. The maces are laid out as follows: At the bottom is a pair of maces. Shortly above it is a single mace, and above that one is another single mace on the opposite side. At the top is another pair, with one mace being slightly above the other. Cling to the wall and move the camera up so you can see the first single mace above the pair. Once it has passed you, start climbing upwards. You will see the second single mace and the lower mace from the pair at the top pass above you. Stop shortly below the height where the mace from the pair passed. Once the higher one from the pair has passed slightly above you, start climbing again until you reach the top. From there, continue through the corridor until you drop down through a hole in a floor, landing in an area with a Star Post. The paths rejoin here.

Second half

Walk past the Star Post and proceed across the bridge in the next room. At the end of the bridge, turn right and jump across the platforms in front of you. Descend down the staircase to your left to reach a room with a wooden beam spanning over a bottomless pit. Jump on top of the beam and follow it until you reach a Star Post and a spinning chain. Stand under the chain to grab on to it. Press forward to make the chain rotate faster and jump off at the right moment to be propelled over the wall in front of you.

After reaching the other side, enter the room to your right. Walk over the grass bridges and take the yellow springs until you reach a platform with a row of diagonal yellow springs. Use the diagonal springs to reach the next platform, which is connected to a third platform by a wooden beam. A mace rotates around the third platform. Walk across the beam until you are in front of the platform, but still out of reach from the mace. To your left behind the platform you should see a cut-off tree trunk. Wait for the mace to rotate past you and quickly step on the platform to jump to the tree trunk. Jump across another cut-off tree trunk to reach the entrance to a hollow tree.

In the center of the tree is a rotating chain. Use it to propel yourself to the top, where you will reach an opening to another tree with another rotating chain. Repeat the same process here and continue forward until you reach an outdoor area. While the path continues with tree trunks in front of you, another path exists at the bottom of the room, which you are forced to take if you fall down accidentally.

Upper path

Jump across the tree trunks in front of you and take the row of springs. Then jump to the tree branch in front of you, walk to its end and jump to another tree branch. Follow it to an alcove in a tree trunk. A Robo-Hood stands next to you, so quickly turn right and jump to the grassy platform with the spinning chain below. Another Robo-Hood stands on this platform, so quickly grab on to the spinning chain and use it to propel yourself to the high platform on the far side of the room. From there, jump across another platform to reach a wooden bridge.

Lower path

Should you have fallen down at any point in this room, you must make your way through the bottom of it. From the tree trunks at the start of the room, walk forward until you come to the edge of a bottomless pit. Walk along the narrow stripe of land to the right of it, passing by a FaceStabber in the process. Eventually the stripe will end, and in front of you will be two cut-off tree trunks standing in the pit. Jump over them to reach the other side. Then walk forward until you come to a series of cut-off tree trunks that reach progressively higher. A Robo-Hood stands on the highest one, shooting arrows at you. Quickly jump across the tree trunk, avoiding the shots, until you reach the one with the Robo-Hood. Use the red spring to propel yourself to the bridge above you.

Final room

Walk across the bridge and continue forward until you reach a gate. The gate will open, leading into a large room with the castle entrance. Continue forward until you stand in front of the entrance. Jump over the pit and avoid the enemies to reach the Level End Sign.

Points of interest

Extra lives

  • When taking the left path at the beginning, head back down underneath the bridge that you entered from. Behind the very last pillar to your right is an extra life.
  • In the second tree trunk of Knuckles's path, climb up to the very top and search around the outer wall for a small alcove with an extra life.
  • In the room with the wooden beam that stretches over a death pit, an extra life is located on top of the large castle wall, to the very left of the room. Use the rotating chain to land on the wall and then walk to it.
  • In the same room, there is an extra life on top of the large tree above the exit. Use the chain to propel yourself up there.
  • If you take the lower path in the room before the castle, you will see an extra life on a very small pillar next to the tree trunks that lead back up. Jump to it, but change direction in mid-air after reaching it so you land back on the grass instead of falling into the pit.


  • Take the left path at the beginning. On the third leafy platform, there's an Attraction Shield right beside the trunk of the tree.
  • In the lake, there is a small underwater cave surrounded by three torches that contains an Elemental Shield.
  • In the corridor after the lake area, there is a small pond to your right with an underwater tunnel that leads into it. At the end of the tunnel is a Whirlwind Shield. Thok/fly/glide against the current to reach it.
  • In the tree with the rotating chain after the lake area, propel yourself upwards to land on a rim around the inside of the tree. Turn around to see a Force Shield and two Super Ring Monitors.
  • In the square room with the bridge, after the Star Post where Knuckles's path rejoins, drop down to your right. Beneath the large structure in the center of the room is a Whirlwind Shield.
  • In the room with the wooden beam that stretches over a death pit, there is a tower to the left of the rotating chain that contains an Elemental Shield and four Super Ring Monitors. Use the chain to launch yourself up to it.
  • If you take the lower path in the room before the castle, there is a very small grass-covered ledge on the far side of the large death pit, beyond the two tree trunks. It contains a Whirlwind Shield. Use the Whirlwind jump to get back to the tree trunks.

Super Sneakers

  • If you take the right path at the beginning, a Super Sneakers monitor will be in plain sight on the ground after the wooden bridge. If you choose to grab them, be careful with your speed on the tree staircases to avoid falling off.
  • A Super Sneakers monitor is in plain sight at the entrance to the room with the wooden beam that stretches over a death pit.


  • In the room with the wooden beam that stretches over a death pit, there is a tower behind the rotating chain that contains an invincibility monitor. Use the chain to propel yourself up there.
  • In the room with the rotating mace, there is a small grass-covered ledge to the right of the wooden beam that connects the two platforms that contains an invincibility monitor.

Technical data