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2.1:Castle Eggman Zone Act 2

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Single Player levels
MAP11: Castle Eggman Zone Act 2








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MAP11, Castle Eggman Zone Act 2, abbreviated as CEZ2, is the second act of Castle Eggman Zone, the fourth zone in Sonic Robo Blast 2 v2.1. It takes place in the castle the player entered at the end of act 1. In addition to the rotating maces and chains introduced in the first act, it also features swinging maces, flamethrowers, cannonball launchers and a large library section with difficult platforming. CEZ2 is one of the longest and most complex levels in the game.


First half

You start the level in a courtyard, with an open gate in front of you. Behind the gate is a hallway that leads to another courtyard, but the path is closed off by a large fence. In front of the fence is a large hole in the floor that leads into a dungeon. Jump down and turn to your left. You will enter a room with a narrow wooden bridge over which swinging maces are suspended. You must walk across the bridge while avoiding the maces. The dangerous spots are marked by the shadows of the beams from which the maces are suspended. All other spots are safe to stand in.

After passing the bridge, you must dodge two revolving maces and then climb up a staircase guarded by flamethrowers. Use the boxes where the fire comes out as safe spots and stepping stones, and only move forward while the flamethrowers are pausing. After the staircase you will reach a platform with a chain of springs that propel you up to a higher ledge with the first Star Post.

In the next room, you have to make your way across several platforms that are suspended over a death pit to reach the exit of the dungeon. There are two sets of platforms with different colors: The lighter ones are safe, while the darker ones crumble after a few seconds but provide shortcuts through the room. Should you fall down with a crumbling platform, try to jump to one of the pillars that stick out from the pit and then jump back to the entrance of the room to try again.

After exiting the dungeon, you will reach the courtyard that was blocked off by the fence. Hit the second Star Post to your left, go up the stairs and turn right. Here the path splits: You can either enter the building in front of you, or use the spinning chain to the left to reach the bridge that crosses the room.

Lower path

In the first room of the building, avoid the buttons on the floor. If you press them, the room will be closed off and you will have to fight several enemies to open it again. Head up the staircase and jump across the platforms in front of you until you reach a ring-shaped platform guarded by a rotating mace. Dodge the mace and jump across the gears to your left. Drop down the hole in front of you to reach the third Star Post and a large room covered by shallow water.

Go to the other side and walk up the staircase. Jump across the platforms until you reach one with a button on it. Activate it to make the water level rise and carry a round platform up with it. Use the platform to get to the next ledge and jump across the gears to reach the next button. The gears have holes in the middle, so be careful not to fall through. Activate the second button and continue to the platform with the third button, which is guarded by rotating maces. Wait until the mace has passed the button, then quickly activate it and jump onto the rising platform. To reach the fourth and last button, you must jump across a series of platforms that move up and down.

After activating the fourth button, the water will rise until it floods the hallway in front of you, raising the wooden platform with the yellow spring on it. Now you can use it to reach the higher ledge. In front of you will be a hallway with a red carpet, and the fourth Star Post to your right. The paths rejoin here.

Upper path

Hang on to the chain and let it throw you up the wall next to the bridge. Enter the bridge and keep following the hallway until you reach a room with eight pillars. Exit that room to reach another hallway with a spinning chain. Use the chain to propel yourself to a beam with five spinning chains in front of you. Use one of these chains to reach the ledge in front of you. To your right is the third Star Post, as well as a chain of springs leading you outside.

This room is full of cannons that shoot cannonballs into the sky. The cannonballs are aimed so that they will hit you after falling back down, so keep moving at all times while in this room. To your left is a platform with several cannonballs lying on it. Go to that platform and then jump across the wooden beams to reach a row of yellow springs that take you to another platform. The exit of the room is now in front of you, but to reach it, you must jump across a series of platforms that slowly move up and down. To avoid getting hit while waiting for the next platform to be reachable, strafe sideways slowly. After reaching the exit, jump down to your left to reach a hallway with the fourth Star Post at the end. The paths rejoin here.

Second half

Press the button in front of the Star Post to open a door. Go through the room in front of you to reach another small path split. You can either continue forward through the hallway and then turn left, or you can turn left immediately, continue along the hallway and pass a dining room full of enemies as well as another hallway. In both cases, you will reach a row of springs leading up to another courtyard. In this courtyard, the path splits again: You can either enter the library through the door marked by torches in front of you, or you can use the spinning chain to your right to propel yourself upwards, entering another dungeon.


Use the spinning chain to propel yourself up to the ledge on the opposite wall. Go through the door in front of you and follow the hallway to a room full of paintings. Find the close-up painting of a green hill and jump through it to enter a hidden passage. To your right is the fifth Star Post and the entrance to the dungeon. In the dungeon, you must walk along a narrow walkway until you reach a set of two rotating maces. From there, jump across the pit to a platform with an identical set of maces. Time your jump correctly so you don't hit the maces. Then, turn around to your left and jump past the two swinging maces to reach the ledge in front of you. Exit through the hallway to your left to reach a library room with a diagonal yellow spring. Take the spring to reach a hallway with the sixth Star Post to your left.

Continue to your left and jump down the hole in the floor to re-enter the dungeon. In the next room, you must walk across a beam over a death pit that is guarded by swinging maces from both sides. Part of the ceiling is lowered, so you cannot jump to dodge the maces. Most maces are synchronous, but the second-to-last set moves in the opposite direction. Slow down slightly before this set to make it through unharmed.

Through a corridor you can reach another room which contains a similar beam, but this time also including swinging maces. The first set can be passed with a carefully timed running start, but be careful to slow down immediately afterwards or you will run into the next set. The second set consists of maces rotating around a pillar, in both direction. Walk along the very edge of the beam to dodge them. The third set is like the first one and can again be passed with a carefully timed running start. At the end of the room, a hallway will take you to an outside area with a Star Post. Here the path merges with the upper path of the library.


Enter the library to reach the fifth Star Post. Now follow the red carpet to its end. You will end up in a room filled with bookcases. To your left are two ledges stacked on top of each other, each with a door leading into a hallway. As Tails and Knuckles, you can fly/climb up to the higher ledge. The hallway will merge with the dungeon path at the sixth Star Post. As Sonic, you can only get to the lower ledge. In front of you are three springs that lead up to bookcases, allowing you to reach the ledge. Go through the door and walk through the hallway until you reach another library room with a ladder in front of you. Here the path splits yet again: You can either climb up the ladder or continue along the red carpet.

Upper path

Climb the ladder in front of you to reach a platform that consists of two parallel wooden beams. From there, you can jump to another wooden platform. Walk to the end of that platform and jump across the two gray brick wall that have bookcases attached to them. A staircase leading up to a higher ledge is attached to the second one. From there, you can use the square floating platforms to reach a second ledge to your left, and two more floating platforms to reach a window. Jump out of that window to land in an outdoor hallway with a Star Post to your right. If you took the dungeon path instead of entering the library, the paths will rejoin here.

Now, enter the building in front of the Star Post. You will reach a room with bookcases that are attached to the wall, and a death pit below. The bookcases are patrolled by Egg Guards that move back and forth. You must jump across the bookcases without touching the Egg Guards, or else they will throw you into the pit. Try to wait until they are at one end of the bookcase and then quickly jump to the other end. After making it to the other side, walk across the bridge into the next hallway. Turn right and take the red spring. You will be propelled through a hole in the floor into another room. There, turn right and head up the staircase.

You will enter a tower with a spinning chain in the center. Use the chain to propel yourself upwards and reach a rim that goes around the inside of the tower. From there, you can reach another spinning chain floating in the center of the room, which will propel you to a second rim. From there, use a third spinning chain to propel yourself to the top. From there, you can exit the tower via a bridge that leads to another tower. In that tower, turn right to find a row of red springs that will propel you to the final tower, which contains the Level End Sign.

Lower path

Follow the red carpet until you reach a hallway with a Star Post in it. The hallway reads into another library room. In that room, turn right and immediately right again to reach a hallway with a button. Press the button to raise the bookcase in front of you. Drop down the hole in front of you and turn right. You will reach a room full of bookcases suspended over a death pit. Make your way across these bookcases. On one of them, you have to jump around an Egg Guard. Another one is guarded by a Robo-Hood and the last one is patrolled by an Egg Guard. Wait until the Egg Guard reaches either end and then quickly jump to the other end to make it across safely. Finally, you will reach a fenced-off bridge that leads to the room's exit and a Star Post.

Follow the hallway until you reach a large outdoor room with four tall towers. You must climb up that room using spinning chains. Robo-Hoods are scattered across the room, so you need to keep moving at all times to avoid getting hit. The first spinning chain is to the left of the entrance. Use it to propel yourself to a small tower in front of you. This tower consists of two levels, each with a spinning chain on one of the edges. Use the one on the lower level to get to the higher level. On the higher level, look towards the center of the room to see a large floating platform about midway up and a small floating block with five springs on it. Use the chain to propel yourself to the block with the springs and then use the springs to reach the larger platform. From there, use another chain to reach the tower with a row of red springs on it. Take those red springs to reach the final tower, which contains the Level End Sign.

Points of interest

Extra lives

  • In the second courtyard, there is a large Eggman face made of bricks and wood between the lower path's entrance and the spinning chain. Spin into the side of the eye on the left to destroy it, revealing an extra life hidden underneath.
  • In the room with eight pillars on the upper path following the second courtyard, an extra life is hidden on a platform high above the ground connected to the pillars. Fly up or climb the pillars to get it (not accessible as Sonic).
  • After the paths rejoin, turn left at the next path split following the room filled with crates. On the way down the hallway, go to the entrance on your left to find a second room filled with crates. In the corner to the right of the entrance is an extra life hidden on top of a stack of crates. If playing as Tails or Knuckles, you can simply fly/climb up to it. If playing as Sonic however, follow the path on the floor to the other side of the room to find a crate you can jump on, and from there climb up the crates until you reach the stack in the corner that contains the extra life. Alternatively, if you are carrying a Whirlwind Shield, you can use the double-jump to climb up the stack of crates directly.
  • In the third courtyard, an extra life is hidden on top of the tall tower in the corner between the entrances to the two paths. Use the nearby spinning chain to throw you up to this tower.
  • Enter the library and go along the red carpet. You will see bookcases either side of the hallway along the way; push against the third bookcase on the right to open it, revealing another dark hallway. Go along this hallway until you reach the tower at the end. Use the spinning chain at the bottom to throw yourself higher up the tower. Repeat this for the next two spinning chains, which will send you to some narrow ledges with red springs. Use any of these red springs to send you up to the central platform at the top of the tower, where two extra lives sit on top.
  • At the start of the lower path after the path split inside the library, fly or climb up to the high ledge to your left. Against the fence are two Super Ring Monitors and an extra life (not accessible as Sonic).
  • In the room with bookcases after where the dungeon path and the upper path of the library join, an extra life can be seen on a small platform in the corner to the right of the exit on the other side. There is a pit below the platform, so be careful.
  • After taking the red spring shortly after this room, turn around. You will notice a ring floating in front of the bookcase to your right. This bookcase is intangible, so jump through it to enter a secret alcove containing two Super Ring Monitors and an extra life.
  • In the large outdoor room at the end of the level, get to the large floating platform in the center. Instead of using the spinning chain on top to send you to the row of red springs, turn around and propel yourself to the two small floating platforms on the other side. Land on the platform with the yellow springs, and use them to send you to the higher platform with an extra life.


  • When entering the first room of the dungeon at the start of the level, instead of jumping on the bridge with the swinging maces, drop down to your right. Jump into the large hole in the floor below and then turn around. A Force Shield is located in the corner which faces the entrance of the room.
  • In the room with the suspended platforms after the first Star Post, there is a small pillar with an Armageddon Shield on it in the far left corner of the room. Jump down to it from one of the suspended platforms. To get back up from there, you must jump across the pillars that are scattered across the room until you reach the platform next to the entrance. Use the yellow springs on the rim surrounding the platform to get back up.
  • In the second courtyard, after walking up the stairs, you will face a platform attached to the side of the bridge that spans the room. On top of that platform is an Attraction Shield. As Tails or Knuckles, you can simply fly/climb up to it. The easiest way to reach it as Sonic is to use the spinning chain to propel yourself over the bridge and land on the other side.
  • In the room with eight pillars on the upper path following the second courtyard, there is a Whirlwind Shield in plain sight in the center of the room.
  • After the first path split rejoins, you will enter a room filled with crates. In the corner to the left of the entrance, hidden behind the crates, is an Attraction Shield.
  • After the first path split rejoins, turn left at the next path split following the room filled with crates. On the way down the hallway, go to the entrance on your left to find a second room filled with crates. In the center of the room, you will see a few crates that reach up to the ceiling. Hidden between these crates is an Elemental Shield. To reach it as Sonic, follow the path on the floor to the other side of the room to find a crate you can jump on, and from there continue climbing up the crates until you reach it.
  • In the third courtyard, several beams are located above the two entrances. The leftmost of these contains a Force Shield, which is guarded by an Egg Guard.
  • To the left of the library entrance in the third courtyard, between the tower in the corner and the building next to it, you can find a small platform with a diagonal yellow spring. Use that spring to reach a slightly elevated area on the other side of the room. A Whirlwind Shield is located in the center of that area.
  • After taking the dungeon path from the third courtyard, you will come across a room full of paintings. The second painting to the left from the entrance is intangible and hides an alcove with an Armageddon Shield.
  • In the last room of the dungeon path, before it rejoins with the upper path of the library in the outdoor area, an Elemental Shield is placed in a small alcove in the wall next to the exit. It is guarded by two swinging maces, so time your jump carefully to avoid getting hit.
  • In the first room of the library path after the initial hallway, there is an Elemental Shield on top of the bookcase right next to the entrance. To reach it as Sonic, continue through the room until you reach three bookcases with yellow springs in front of them. Use one of them to get on top of a bookcase and then turn around and jump across the other bookcases to reach the one with the monitor.

Super Sneakers

  • If you take the lower path after the second courtyard, a Super Sneakers monitor is in plain sight on the ring-shaped platform the rotating mace guards.
  • At the exit to the cannonball room on the upper path, a Super Sneakers monitor is in plain sight to the right.
  • In the first room filled with bookcases in the library path, climb up to the lower of the two ledges. A Super Sneakers monitor is located in a small room to the right.


  • In the second courtyard is a small well by the Star Post. An invincibility monitor is hidden inside it.
  • At the path split after the fourth checkpoint, go forward through the hallway in front of you and enter the second bedroom to your left. Jump on top of the wardrobes from the back of the bed. An invincibility monitor is located on one of them, near the corner of the room.
  • In the lower route after the path split inside the library, after the hallway with a button, an invincibility monitor can be seen on a small platform in mid-air around the corner. You must jump from the previously-mentioned hallway to reach it; if you fall down to the next hallway below, a yellow spring is present to send you back up to try again.
  • In the large outdoor room at the end of the level, fly or climb up as Tails or Knuckles to the corner of the room with a Super Ring Monitor in a little alcove, which is itself within a small tower. From here, fly or climb up the wall next to the monitor until you reach a hidden higher platform within the tower, where you will find three Super Ring Monitors as well as an invincibility monitor. It is possible for Sonic to obtain this monitor as well, but this requires him to bounce off the lowest Super Ring Monitor from a great height – this can be done by jumping off the higher up platforms in the room, or by using the spinning chains to fling Sonic upwards.

Knuckles' secret rooms

From the start of the level, jump down the hole in the floor in front of you as normal, and turn left into the room with the narrow bridge. At the bottom of the stairs leading to this room, turn right and jump into the large hole in the floor below. On the right wall opposite the row of yellow springs, a cracked portion of wall is visible in front of you – this is a bustable block that only Knuckles can break, revealing a tunnel to the first of two secret rooms. Follow this tunnel to reach it.

In the first room are several Egg Guards on platforms separated by water coming from multiple waterfalls. In it are two hidden items only Knuckles can obtain:

  • An Invincibility Monitor is located on top of the tower to the right from the entrance. Climb up the tower to reach it.
  • An Armageddon Shield Monitor is located on a high platform in front of you at the entrance. Climb up the walls to reach it, or run round the right wall of the platform to find a red spring to take you up to where the monitor is located.

To access the next room, use the row of red springs at the opposite corner of the room to the entrance.

The second secret room is considerably larger than the first, and takes place outside. Two CastleBot FaceStabbers guard the grassy floor immediately outside the entrance. Dodge these and climb up the walls covered in spikeballs in front of you; in particular you need to climb up the wall with smaller bricks than the rest surrounded by wooden supports either side. Follow the path from here, which involves climbing similar walls with supports but without spikeballs. On the highest platform is an Extra Life Monitor.

Two further extra lives can be accessed from here in the room in which you started the level. They are located on a ledge at the very top of the room, too high up for Sonic or Tails to reach. Additionally, a small rim surrounds the room just below that ledge, preventing Knuckles from climbing past it. Therefore, the only way to reach the extra lives is from Knuckles' secret area. In the second secret room, climb up the main walls to the very top, where you will see a hole in one of them surrounded by spikeballs. Climb up high enough above the bottom of this hole so that you can glide through it without being harmed. While still gliding, immediately turn right after going through the hole. You will hit the wall guarding the ledge with the two extra lives, which you can then climb over to reach. One extra life is located on either side of the ledge.

Knuckles' secret path

In the rising water room on the lower path of the first path split, once you reach the platform with the exit, walk to the edge of the platform which is to the right of the exit. Right next to the platform, you will see the entrance to small corridor which is sealed off by several bars. As Knuckles, you can glide through these bars to break them and enter the corridor. You can also break the bars as Sonic or Tails by spindashing into them (which may take a few tries and will cause you to fall down to the bottom of the room). However, this is pointless as Sonic because he cannot progress past the initial corridor.

The corridor leads to a small room with a ledge in front of you that you must climb up. On top of the ledge is a Super Sneakers Monitor as well as a small alcove to your right with two Super Ring Monitors. In front of you is the entrance to a long hallway. In the hallway, watch the wall to your left. Near the end of the hallway, before the last row of rings, you can see a small segment of the wall which is slightly brighter than the rest. This part of the wall is bustable and reveals a small room containing an Extra Life Monitor.

At the end of the hallway, you will enter a room with five monitors in the center. The one in the middle is an Invincibility Monitor, but the surrounding ones are Eggman Monitors, so you must jump very precisely to avoid getting hurt. Then, exit to your right to reach a room with four cannonball launchers, although these do not actually throw cannonballs. Climb up the wall in front of you and then enter the alcove containing two Super Ring Monitors. The floor of this alcove will crumble, leading you into the dining room just before the third courtyard.

Secret hallway

In the dungeon path after the diagonal yellow spring, there is a small hallway hidden behind the bookcase at the corner to your left. If playing as Tails or Knuckles, you can fly/climb up over this bookcase to the floor on the other side. If playing as Sonic, a Whirlwind Shield is required. Use this shield to jump up to the side of the pillars with torches on the other side of the room (taking care not to touch the torches themselves), from which you can jump to the bookcases along the walls, and then to the bookcase in the corner. After landing on the floor on the other side of the bookcase, the floor will collapse revealing the hallway.

The hallway itself contains many hazards – the ceiling is covered in spikes, and Eggman Monitors are scattered about on the floor. As the ceiling all the way along this hallway is particularly low, you must jump very carefully here so that you do not touch any of these hazards. An Extra Life Monitor in the wall to the right marks the hallway's exit – spinning through it and the cracked wall behind it leads back out into the next dungeon room on the main path. A second Extra Life Monitor as well as an Invincibility Monitor can also be found in this hallway, but are located behind the Eggman Monitors scattered along it.

Technical data