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Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers

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Title Screen

Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers (shortened to DRRR) is a source code modification of Version 2.2 made by Kart Krew. While originally intended as a major v2.0 update of SRB2Kart, the project evolved into a sequel. Like its predecessor, it is a kart racing game with Sonic and other characters. It features over 200 maps in total for the Race mode and Battle mode.

Current release information

Gameplay and content

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Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers' core gameplay is similar to that of a typical kart racer, including the ability to drift and use items obtained from boxes placed on the track. More unusually for its genre, there is a heavy focus on momentum and skill-based gameplay. New mechanics introduced include rings that can be collected and give a speed boost when used, a trick system that launches the player in a specific direction based on a QTE input, and a Spin Dash that works similarly to its incarnation in classic Sonic platformers. The game opens with a tutorial narrated by Dr. Robotnik and Tails which introduces the player to many mechanics.

See also: Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers/Mechanics

Ring Racers features a Grand Prix mode with 30 cups where the player races against AI players and destroys Prison Eggs in intermittent Prison Break stages. It also features Special Stages (referred to as Sealed Stars) that can be accessed by achieving an A-rank in a cup on Normal or higher, or by winning a cup on Master. In these stages, the player chases down and shatters a UFO Catcher racing through a track to retrieve the Chaos Emerald inside. The game also features a plethora of unlockable content, such as characters, music, online multiplayer, addons, and followers: cosmetics that float alongside the player during gameplay.

Battle mode also got an update. There are Blue Spheres that increase the player's acceleration and top speed, though decay if more aren't picked up over time. In addition to being the last one standing or being the first to score enough points to win, a new winning condition was added: If a player picks up all seven Chaos Emeralds that appear from large Item Monitors, they instantly win the round.


Items are stored in Item Boxes across the stages. They contain items that can enhance your racing or hinder players. There are 22 items that can be collected:

For more information on these items, including how to best utilize or deal with them, refer to the Items section of the Ring Racers online manual: https://www.kartkrew.org/rr-manual/items/
Super Ring
The Super Ring gives up all offense and defense for a frontrunner’s greatest dream—more speed. Grants 20 Rings on use, spending any extras.
Grants a burst of speed, letting you pass through Tripwire. Comes in singles, doubles, or triples. Use multiple Sneakers quickly to stack up speed!
Rocket Sneakers
A high-powered multi-use Sneaker module; space out your fuel for a steady cruise, or burn it all in a mad dash! Doesn’t deplete while airborne.
A time-honored, classic trap that comes in singles and bunches. Causes a sudden loss of traction, sending opponents spinning out of control.
Sometimes, you just need a straightforward spikeball. Deploy as an orbital shield, then fire away! Comes in stocks of 1 to 4.
What’s better than a missile? A guided missile! Uses “Lock-On Technology” to pursue your enemies anywhere! Comes in singles and doubles.
With one tap, you’ll wrap your Ring Racer in powerful sparks. Use your improved speed, immunity to damage, and devastating tackles to stage a comeback! Doesn’t deplete while airborne.
This ghostly trap looks like a mere shadow on the ground—but when an unwary pursuer rolls over it, Hyudoro will steal their item and deliver it to you, to go!
“LET’S GO!” Double in size, making you faster, meaner, and almost invincible! Doesn’t deplete while airborne.
Summon Poh-Bee drones to cover the course in lasers. Enemies will shrink on contact, making them slower and rendering their attacks harmless—but you’ll do the opposite, gaining Grow time for each beam you hit. Time for a rampage!
The most aggressive tool in your arsenal of explosives, the Ballhog fires five bouncing bombs—one by one in precise shots, or all at once in a shotgun-blast!
Pogo Spring
What is this thing? The Pogo Spring is a rulebreaking speed item with a defensive edge. Use it to hop over walls and hazards, leaving it behind as a trap; the next person to hit it will tumble out of control.

Rarely found in Capsules, and never in the Roulette—for good reason!

It may look like an Item Box, but don’t be fooled! Instead of a pickup, this booby-trapped box will overload the victim’s Ring Racer, running their engine at maximum capacity until they explode! Bump someone to transfer the Mark.
Self-Propelled Bomb
Send a pissed-off explosive after 1st place! The Self-Propelled Bomb will chase them down and menace them until they mess up, or until a new leader takes their place.

As it travels, it drops “Shockwaves” in its path, speeding up anyone who passes through the ring of electricity.

Land Mine
This low-profile explosive tumbles anyone foolish enough to roll over it. Set precision traps to frustrate your enemies, or blast pursuers off your back!
Proximity Mine
Less precise than the Land Mine, but also less personal. The Proximity Mine arms after a short delay, then trips when anyone steps near it, blowing nearby opponents into the air!
Drop Target
This mechanical marvel turns pursuers into pinballs, using their own momentum against them! The Drop Target deals no damage, but bounces players back and reflects thrown items at extreme speed.

Can be hit three times before disappearing, changing color from green to yellow to red. If it’s still spinning from the last hit, it’ll send the victim even further.

The fastest—and most confounding—item at your disposal! Build up speed, then redirect and multiply that speed for ludicrous comebacks!
Flame Shield
When nothing but pure speed will do, the Flame Shield is the perfect choice—a reusable, high-powered booster with a final kick. Boosting potential decreases when closer to 1st place. Protects Ring count from a single hit.
Bubble Shield
This deceptively simple shield hides a veritable utility-belt of attack, defense, and movement options. As a bonus, the bubble’s surface-tension absorbs bumps, preventing you from being knocked around!

Protects your Ring count from one hit, destroying the shield.

Thunder Shield
Powers up your Tether, pulls in nearby Rings, and protects your Ring count from a single hit. Attract yourself to your opponents like a magnet!
A Battle and Bonus exclusive, the Gachabom is the missile that does everything. Can be thrown three ways, bounces when it hits walls, and returns to you after it deals damage. Keep your shots on target for continuous pressure!
Kitchen Sink
When thrown, it will instantly kill whoever it touches and display a message saying who was hit by it. The Self-Propelled Bomb gets turned into this item when Hyudoro steals it from someone.

Items are either obtained from Gold Item Boxes, which causes a roulette to spin with various items, or from Red Item Capsules, which grant a specific item in question - although in the case of the SPB, it automatically triggers when broken free from a Red Item Capsule.

There are also six Battle-exclusive items:

Super Power
Become invincible, speed up, and tumble other players when you hit them. Insta-Whip is your only weakness!
Mega Barrier
Total protection from items and Insta-Whip, like a permanent Guard. Just don’t get slammed!
Bumper Restock
Grants 5 bumpers. Go fight like a maniac!
Rhythm Badge
Powers up your Insta-Whip—no charging, no cooldown, no limits. Only Guard can stop you!
Super Flicky
Four superpowered Flickies orbit your Ring Racer, flying out to divebomb nearby enemies. Huge combo potential!
Grants 6 points. Sneak into scoring position for the final KO…


See also: Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers/Chart of characters

Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers features 9 base characters and 54 unlockable characters. Each character has "speed" and "weight" stats, which range between 1 and 9. Speed affects top speed and acceleration; a higher speed stat means a higher top speed and lower acceleration, and vice-versa for a lower speed stat. Weight affects handling and how the character responds to collisions; a higher weight stat means the character will be pushed around less but has looser handling and wider drift arcs. Lower weight means a character has tighter drift arcs and handling but is pushed around more easily.

Base characters

Character Icon Speed Weight Origin
Sonic 8 2 Sonic The Hedgehog 1
Miles "Tails" Prower 2 2 Sonic The Hedgehog 2
Knuckles 5 5 Sonic The Hedgehog 3
Dr. Robotnik/Eggman 2 8 Sonic The Hedgehog 1
Metal Sonic 8 8 Sonic CD
Amy Rose 5 2 Sonic CD
Fang 8 5 Sonic Triple Trouble
Mighty 5 8 SegaSonic The Hedgehog
Motobug 2 5 Sonic The Hedgehog 1

Unlockable Characters

See also: Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers/Challenges#Drivers


See also: Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers/Levels

There are 233 maps in the game, consisting of 30 cups with 7 maps per cup (barring the Egg Cup which only has 6) for a total of 149 Race tracks, 60 Battle arenas, 5 sections of the Tutorial, 14 Sealed Stars, the Podium Evaluation map, Test Run, Test Track, an Adventure Example map and the Titlemap.

Spoilers end here.

See also

  Modifications [view]
v2.2 Mystic Realm (Community Edition) • SRB2 BattleDr. Robotnik's Ring RacersTortured PlanetSUGOISUBARASHIIKIMOKAWAIII
v2.1 Acid MissileDumbventureSRB2Kart
v2.0 Botanic SerenitySRB2CBSRB2 RidersXSRB2
v1.09.4 SA-SRB2Blue HeavenShufflarB2SRB2JTE
Pre-1.09.4 SPMoves