Emerald token guide
"Emerald tokens" redirects here. For the actual Thing itself, see Emerald Token.
This is a guide to the locations of all emerald tokens in the game. There are 28 emerald tokens in total, which are hidden throughout the non-boss acts of each zone. If you collect a token and finish the level, you will be warped to a Special Stage where you can attempt to earn a Chaos Emerald.
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To do
Greenflower Zone Act 1
- Wall token
- After the first Star Post, as you come to the first lake, turn right before the bridge and look at the wall to the right of the patch of flowers. The cracked part is breakable by a spindash, or by touching if you're Knuckles. Behind the wall is a small cave containing the token. Jump up to grab it.
- Sky token
- From the starting area, you should be able to see a circle of rings with a token in the center floating in the sky. To reach it, you need to reach the top of the cliffs above the opening area, which contain the small house and the Armageddon Shield Monitor. If your character has a spindash, look to your left at the U-turn after the first bridge. There is a small gap in the wall behind a Super Ring Monitor that you can spindash through. It leads to a small cave with an extra life and a cracked wall. Spindash through that wall to reach the top of the cliff. As Fang or Amy, you have to reach these cliffs in a different way. In the area with the first Star Post, jump up the set of three small elevations to reach a ledge next to a higher cliff. You can reach the top of the cliff with a normal jump as Amy and with a bounce as Fang. From there, you can walk to the area with the Armageddon Shield and the house.
- Once you have reached this area, you should see two pillars, the higher of which has a diagonal yellow spring. To reach the lower one, run up the small slope next to it and jump off just before you reach the top to gain extra height. From there you can jump to the higher one with the spring, which will propel you to the token.
Greenflower Zone Act 2
- Bridge token
- Near the end of the level, when you exit the cave on the lower path, jump into the water. Under a bridge is a token.
- Cave token
- In the cave near the beginning with Crawlas and springs, there is a token near the ceiling. Simply bounce on a spring to collect it.
- Amy and Fang's token
- On the top path in the large, open area near the end of the level, as Amy or Fang, bounce/hammer a cracked floor near the Star Post. Within the room it brings you to, as Amy, use your hammer on the spring to gain extra height, or as Fang, bounce on the raised platform the springs bring you to, to find a small cliff surrounded by fences with a token on it.
Techno Hill Zone Act 1
- Factory token
- This token is located in the large factory near the end of the stage. Climb on top of the pipe structure with the gas jets until you reach the highest one with the diagonal yellow spring. Instead of turning right to use it, jump down towards the thin vertical pipe in front of you. You will land on a small piece of pipe containing the token. A gas jet is located just underneath the token to send you back up.
- Tunnel token
- Enter the underground tunnel near the end and follow it until you get to the factory room with the large slime pool. The token is located at the bottom of the slime pool on the far end of the room. It's too far down to reach with a normal jump, so in order to gain enough downward momentum, you must either use an Elemental Shield to dive down, jump on a Spring Shell, or jump from the high beam spanning the room near the entrance. To reach the high beam, jump onto the pillar in the center of the room. From there, you can reach a small corridor to your right that leads to the beam. When jumping from the beam, make sure to have enough forward momentum so that you reach the token before the slime makes you rise back up again.
Techno Hill Zone Act 2
- Slime token
- Once you get to the Star Post where the second path split merges, turn around. Get on top of the platform with the diagonal red spring behind the Star Post by using the gas jet in the pipe to the left of it. Normally, the spring will send you to the high platform ahead of the Star Post. Instead of landing there, move left while you are in the air and fall into the slime by the dark grey wall. In a shallow hole deep underneath the slime lies the token, surrounded by a circle of rings. This shield is also accessible if you reach a nearby area high up and use an Elemental Shield to dive into the slime.
- Amy's token
- As Amy, once you join onto the path where Knuckles' path normally ends, go against the conveyor belt's direction and break the walls in front of you. After breaking into the path, there is a cracked gray floor. Break it to find the token.
Deep Sea Zone Act 1
- V token
- At the beginning of the level, take the left path. In the large room, there is large stone building with a 'V' on top. Different characters can get up there in different ways:
- As Tails, simply fly up to the V and grab the token.
- As Knuckles, climb up to a high area and time a glide appropriately so that you can grab the token.
- As Sonic or Metal Sonic, it will be easiest to get to the V if you go underwater and enter a small room with a button and horizontal spring; spin up the slope using the spring, and you will enter another room with a Whirlwind Shield. Turn left from the room, jump to a platform with a diagonal yellow spring on it, and the spring will take you to a pillar with a red button on it. Stepping on the button will raise the height of the next three pillars, making them all tall enough that you'll need to use the shield to get up to the next one. After the last pillar, use the Whirlwind Shield again to jump on the top of the building, then again to grab the token in the V.
- As Amy, carefully time a series of jumps so you don't lose momentum and land on a platform with a vertical yellow spring on it. Jump on the spring and get on the pillar with a red button. Amy's jump height is high enough that you can simply jump through the next three pillars, then jump from the V to grab the token.
- As Fang, take the same route as Amy, but you can tail bounce to make it easier.
- Air pocket token
- On the left path, in the circular room with a pillar in the center, press the button atop the pillar to lower it. Continue up to the point where you need to raise a platform by pushing a gargoyle. As Tails/Knuckles, fly/climb up into the ceiling; as anyone else, push Big Floating Mines or use an Armageddon Shield to blast away a portion of rock and reveal a diagonal spring you can use to get up there. In the ceiling is an opening for air. Behind that opening, there is a room with a token.
- Waterslide token
- On the left path, you will come across a waterslide. At the end of that slide, instead of jumping onto the next waterslide that goes to the left, jump straight ahead (as Sonic, easiest with a thok) and push the two gargoyles on top to the back. After pushing the gargoyles, three tiled platforms will appear on the waterslide. Use the platforms to go against the waterslide's current and go through a now open door behind the slide. You will enter a room that contains the token.
- Slope token
- On the right path's right subpath in the underwater section, there is some curved terrain where you come through from another path. Spin to get up there, and there is a small ledge with the token atop the entrance.
- Yellow door token
- Near the start of the right path's lower route, instead of jumping over the broken door, jump on the broken door. Position yourself on the left side of the door's top and point the camera left, then spin dash up the wall to enter an enclosed, hidden area. In front of you is a closed yellow door; behind you is a yellow door with a gap that you can spin under, leading to a small room with an extra life on top of a button that fully opens both doors and takes you to the right path's subpath split. On the subpath split, take the right subpath. After going through a series of rising platforms over waterfalls, you will see a yellow door to your left with another gap that you can spin under. The gap takes you down a slope straight to the token, which leads you to the right path's left subpath.
Deep Sea Zone Act 2
- Big Floating Mine token
- On the main path, right before the second Star Post, turn right to see a bustable wall that most characters can break by spin dashing through it. Go straight ahead, avoiding the swarm of Big Floating Mines and a Crushstacean, and you will find the token in a small room up ahead.
- Spring token
- On the spin path, near the horizontal red springs that take you up a steep slope, turn left to enter a room with four square platforms, each containing two yellow springs and two red springs. Jump on one of the red springs, then aim yourself to the center of the room to collect the token up high. This will take some precise aiming, so it is recommended to build up some momentum before jumping on one of the springs.
- Amy and Fang's token
- In the Main path's Non-Spin route, you'll eventually fall into a room with a medium-sized underwater castle. Go inside and you'll see a cave that seems to be full of Big Floating Mines. Turn left and you'll see an opening; jump across the 2 ledges on the side of the cliff, and you'll find a path that encircles the room and ends with a yellow spring that takes you to a button that opens a door inside the castle leading to an Elemental Shield and some rings. Instead, when you use the spring, immediately hold back and turn right; you should see a tunnel that leads to a ledge with the token on it.
- Temple token
- Go all the way down to the right side of the temple that ends the level, then turn left. You will encounter a platform surrounded by spikes that rises if you go on it. Turn left again from there and jump between the spikes in front of you to reach another rising platform, after which you will need to jump between spikes again to collect the token.
Castle Eggman Zone Act 1
- Brick pit token
- Starting the level, get to where the first ball of spikes is on the tree and go to the left to go to the other route; do not go to the yellow spring, but instead jump through the bars, then go down the steps and you will find the token with some red springs.
- Spring chain token
- (around the middle)
- Robo-Hood room token
- Almost reaching the penultimate checkpoint where the first triple spiked ball is, there is a cliff with mountains with trees; go there and fall to the smallest one, where there will be an entrance to the house with a token and 4 Robo Hoods.
Castle Eggman Zone Act 2
- Outdoor token
- In the first outdoor section on the lower path, right after the 2nd set of diagonal yellow springs, you should see the top of a pillar right in front of you with a torch on top. Get on top of the pillar and you should see a cracked bit of bricks on the side, and will reveal a red spring after touching it. This red spring will launch you high enough to get to an arch with yellow springs on it. There is an arch past the one you just landed on, run into the yellow springs to get to the other arch and you'll see an indent into the wall containing the token.
- Alternatively, you can find some other cracked bricks on the arch with the second part of the spring chain, touch them and bounce yourself up to the arch in front of them, containing the same token.
- Candle token
- In the large, open room on the Back Left Path, there is an alcove high up and to the left from where you enter the room, where the token is. As Tails or Knuckles you can simply turn left after entering the room and travel upwards and along the wall until you reach it. To reach this as another character, you need to make your way to the spinning platforms in the upper left area of the room (which you can reach using red springs from a lower level), and reach the spinning chains at the top of the room.
- From here, you should fling yourself in the opposite direction from the line of rings, preferably with a decent amount of height. Turn towards your left shortly after launching and you should see the room with the token inside. Alternatively, you can fling yourself to the swirling platforms above and jump down to the room from there.
- Green flag token
- In the Front Left/Right Paths on the Second Section you'll see this big room where they merge. The Token and the green flag behind it are hidden atop a small, but extremely mossy cliff, leftward of the entrance to the top of the bridge area. Reaching it as Tails or Knuckles is simple enough, but as other characters it's less intuitive.
- As Sonic, you can use one of the launchers, most recommended being the one on the bridge, and quickly press the jump button twice to thok over. Try to maximize height doing this, as the horizontal thrust of the launch is completely nullified by thokking.
- As Metal Sonic, you can basically do the same thing by hovering at the peak of the launch, or you can launch up to the highest pillar in the room and calmly hover over from there.
- As Amy and Fang, you won't be able to reach it through such normal means, and have to bounce off of something like the Armageddon Shield next to the bridge to reach it, just remember that launching will make the two spin regardless, so you don't have to use their abilities while doing it. Also, turning on the OpenGL renderer as well as turning on first person mode can help you look down at whatever you're trying to bounce on, and makes it significantly easier to aim while also having the momentum to reach the cliff.
- Forest token
- (forest in third section left path)
- Balcony token
- (above brambles in third section right path)
Arid Canyon Zone Act 1
- Amy's token
- Follow Amy's route as normal until you reach the first Star Post. Walk forward onto the small bridge, and look to your left. You'll see a highway - the spinning character path of the act. Jump down and walk along the highway, and break the wall at the end of it. Walk down the dark hallway until you reach a set of spikes. Break them with your hammer, but watch out for the Eggman monitor. The token is just behind it, with two more Eggman monitors and an Extra Life.
- Cactus token
- Follow both paths(Highway Path or Rope Path - Your choice) till you reach the second checkpoint, Jump to the downhill and look to your right and follow the path till you bumped to the second yellow spring, Look at yellow spring that you bumped into and spindash/jump forward and go left till you see the token, Be careful to not get hit by the cactus, Can be also reached with Amy & Fang & also with non spinning characters.
- As Amy: You need to build momentum before jumping to the scaffolding
- As Fang: You need to bounce to the scaffolding also.
- Super Sneakers Slope token
- Follow either highway path or rope path till you made it to the second starpost, Jump to the big downhill and go to the left path, Jump to the rope and jump going forward and then walk/run till you see a Golden Speed Sneakers box - Jump on it and go forward while you jump avoiding deathpit then go to the dustdevil; then time the jump right and you'll reach the token, The token is in a pillar with 3 things hanging around it - Be careful to not fall
- As Amy - Hit the box with her hammer
- As Fang - Shoot the box with his cork gun
- As Knuckles: Glide and climb to get on the pillar
- As Tails: Fly to get to the token
Arid Canyon Zone Act 2
- Minecart token
- [placeholder]
- Knuckles' path token
- [placeholder]
- High ledge token
- Take the main path until you reach the third Starpost. From here, the method of reaching the token differs between characters.
- As a spin character, turn to your left and you'll see a small room with an entrance encased in spikes. Simply jump through, and roll through the hole placed immediately after, then continue through the room you end up in. Use the springs to jump out and into the same room as the third Starpost.
- As Amy, continue through this area as normal until you reach the first floating wooden platform, before the diagonal red springs. Turn around and you should see a ledge littered with TNT barrels. Jump to this ledge - you shouldn't activate the barrels unless you use your hammer.
- As Fang, you can quickly bounce up to the ledge to your right by using the boxes next to the Starpost. Alternatively, you can use the same method as Amy.
- From here, you should see stacks of boxes with rings lined vertically above. Jump up these boxes and you'll come across some springs. Use these to propel yourself to a high-up area. Be mindful, as a Canarivore will try to obscure the TNT barrels in front of you. Jump onto the slow-moving wooden plank and then onto the final floating platform, but don't take the springs. Instead, jump to the crumbling platform to your right and one last jump will take you to the token, along with two Super Ring monitors and a line of cacti.
Red Volcano Zone Act 1
- Outdoor token
- In the first outdoor section, you can find a ledge to the right that you can't reach by jumping or thokking. But you can spindash off a slope on the top of the hill as Sonic, or glide/fly as Knuckles or Tails to reach the ledge with the token.
- Lava fall token
- On the fall-down section before the second Rollout Rock, fly up as Tails to a black platform. Follow the hallway to a token above some lava.
- Rollout rock token
- In the second rock rolling section, roll out the open area towards the out wall. You will land in a room with a token and some extra lives.
- Rocket token
- Take the rock in the room with the rocket ship and roll behind it. Jump onto a platform, then a spring, and grab the token.
Egg Rock Zone Act 1
- Conveyor token
- In the room with the stacked conveyor belts on the left path, instead of turning right at the second split near the center of the room, continue forward to reach a token at the edge of a conveyor belt.
- Moving platform token
- In the room with the horizontally moving platforms on the right path, before jumping to the second platform, you will see a token in front of you. The platform you are standing on leads right into it, but you must grab it as quickly as possible so that you still have enough time to jump to the second platform before the first one disappears.
Egg Rock Zone Act 2
- First space token
- Take the right path after the first Star Post and turn around after reaching the end of the first space room. Attached to the last platform you jumped across is a vertical metal beam, joined with a horizontal metal beam extending to the right. Jump to the horizontal beam and land on it. Then, look to your left to find a token where the two beams meet.
- Second space token
- Take the right path after the first Star Post and follow it until you reach the second space room. Jump to the platform with the gravity switch, but don't use it. Instead, look to your left. You should see a ledge on the far side of the pit, behind the gray rock. Jump to the ledge to find a token as well as an air pocket that allows you to refresh your air supply before jumping back.
- Disco token
- At the end of the disco room.
Spoilers end here. |