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Acid Missile/Levels/Storm Ruins Zone Act 1

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Acid Missile levels
MAPK3: Storm Ruins Zone Act 1





MAPK3, Storm Ruins Zone Act 1, abbreviated as SRZ1, is the first act of Storm Ruins Zone, the second zone in Acid Missile. It takes place in ruins submerged partially in water, featuring gimmicks such as crushers and collapsing platforms. Some of these gimmicks were later incorporated into Deep Sea Zone Act 2. The level was first released in the Official Level Design Contest of July/August 2005 where it placed second with a score of 7.78.


First section

You start the level in a rainy valley, with a pool of water to your left and a temple building to your right. Walk past them and jump up the steps until you reach a split in the path.

Forward path

Continue forward to reach a high ledge with a pool of water below you. Jump into the water, where you should see a building entrance blocked by a bustable wall. Spindash through it and walk around the star-shaped platform to reach the first Star Post to the left. Here the paths rejoin.

Right path

Turn right to reach a high ledge in the starting area, with the temple building in front of you. Jump to it and walk around the edge to find an entrance. Inside, dodge the Crawla Commander and drop down the hole in the floor. You will land in an underwater corridor that leads to a room with a star-shaped platform in the center. To your right is a passage with the first Star Post. Here the paths rejoin.

Second section

There are no air bubbles in this underwater section, so proceed forward quickly. After passing by a Whirlwind Shield guarded by a Crawla Commander, you will reach a yellow spring that takes you out of the water and into a corridor covered by a large ceiling crusher. Wait until the crusher starts receding and then run through the corridor as quickly as possible. There are two holes in the floor midway through that you can hide in, but be careful not to hit the Eggman Monitors. Once you've reached the end of the corridor, jump up a series of steps to reach the top of the crusher. Now you have to traverse back through the corridor while the crusher crushes against the ceiling. There are two holes in the ceiling that you can hide underneath. At the end of the corridor, turn right to reach the second Star Post. Now you have to jump across several pillars to reach one of two building entrances on the other side. Here the path splits again.

Left path

Take the left building entrance and continue through the corridor until you reach a pit. In the opposite wall is an alcove with a row of diagonal yellow springs. Jump into them to be taken to a higher floor. Continue forward to reach a pool of water with several SDURFs. Dodge them and drop down into the hole in the floor behind them. Now turn right and drop down another hole in the floor to reach an underwater passage. After a right turn and another drop in the floor, you will reach another Whirlwind Shield and the third Star Post.

Right path

Take the right building entrance and continue through the corridor until you reach an outdoor room with a large fountain in the center. Jump down to the floor and walk around the fountain. On the other side, look in the water for a hole in the floor. Drop down the hole to enter an underwater passage which leads to another Whirlwind Shield and the third Star Post.

Final section

After the Star Post, you will enter a room with a large pit to your left. In the far right corner is an Air Bubble Patch, which you can use to refresh your air. Now turn left and start jumping across the pillars rising up from the pit, but don't stay too long on them or the platforms on top of them will rise and crush you against the ceiling. The platform in the center of the pit is safe and contains an air bubble patch. Once you've reached the other side, jump off to the left and climb the steps to reach a red spring. Take the spring to reach a balcony high above a valley. Jump down into the valley and walk to the other side to reach the Level End Sign.

Points of interest

  • Two Whirlwind Shields are in plain sight in this level, near the first and third Star Post, respectively.
  • Another two Whirlwind Shields can be found at the start and the end of the section with Sonic's emblem.
  • At the second path split, take the right building entrance. Immediately after the following right turn, look in the corner to your right to find an invincibility monitor.

Emerald token locations

Token #1
At the second path split after the second Star Post, take the right path. In the room with the large fountain, a token sits on top of the fountain. To reach it, jump to the first level of the fountain from the entrance. There is a yellow spring below the entrance to get you back up if you missed. On the first level of the fountain, walk around to the other side to find a spring that will propel you up to the second level. Walk around the fountain again to find a spring that leads to the top.
Token #2
At the second path split after the second Star Post, take the left path. When you reach a pit with a row of diagonal yellow springs on the other side, jump down close to the center of the left wall. You should land in an opening that leads to a shrine with the token. A Deton will approach you, so quickly run inside to avoid getting knocked into the pit by it. A diagonal red spring at the edge of the pit will get you back up.

Emblem locations

  • Sonic: At the second path split after the second Star Post, take the left path. When you reach a pit with a row of diagonal yellow springs on the other side, jump down directly to your right. You should land on a low ledge with a Whirlwind Shield. Walk forward to reach a room with a network of beams leading upwards. Use the air bubble patch to refresh your air if necessary and then start to make your way up by jumping across the beams. At the top, a ledge surrounding the beam in the center contains the emblem. At the opposite side of the room from the entrance, you will find another ledge with a Whirlwind Shield that leads into the pool of water in the final outdoor area.
  • Tails: At the second path split after the second Star Post, take the left path. After the pit with the diagonal yellow springs, you will reach a pool of water with SDURFs. Fly up the waterfall feeding the pool to find the emblem floating at the top.
  • Knuckles: In the room with the platforms that crush against the ceiling after the third Star Post, glide down between the highest pillar and the one before it. You will find the emblem floating halfway above the pit.

Technical data