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Flickies are animals that are trapped by Dr. Eggman to power his badniks. In SRB2, flickies are special types of Objects that are released when the player destroys an enemy, presses the button on an Egg Capsule, or destroys an Ideya Capture in a NiGHTS level. After being released, flickies will follow the player around for a while before disappearing. They cannot be placed directly on a map.

As of v2.1, there are six different flickies available in SRB2:

Flicky Object type Flicky sprite Released by Description
Flies after the player when released.
Hops after the player when released.
Randomly zips around rather than chasing the player when released.
Does short hops as it follows the player around when released.
Simply follows the player by walking when released.
Red bird
(w/ bubble)
A variant of the normal bird, intended for use in underwater levels such as Azure Temple Zone.

1 For these enemies, the flicky released by them depends on the Thing type number. If their Thing type number is changed, a different flicky will be released by them (see below).

2 Goombas are not intended for use outside of Mario mode, where no flickies are released. Listed here are the flickies that are released by Goombas in non-Mario mode levels.

Releasing flickies

Most enemies in SRB2 are hardcoded to always release a specific flicky. Enemies that are not hardcoded to release a specific flicky, as well as all custom enemies, will release a flicky based on their Thing type number:

Thing type numbers Mod 5 Flicky released
5, 10, 15, 20, ... 0 MT_BUNNY
1, 6, 11, 16, 21, ... 1 MT_BIRD
2, 7, 12, 17, 22, ... 2 MT_MOUSE
3, 8, 13, 18, 23, ... 3 MT_COW
4, 9, 14, 19, 24, ... 4 MT_CHICKEN

To determine which of the above flickies will be released by an enemy, divide the enemy's Thing type number by 5 and get the remainder (or calculate Thing type number Mod 5 with a calculator). Compare the result with the "Mod 5" column above to determine which flicky will be released. If the enemy does not have a Thing type number, it will randomly choose one of above five flickies to release.

Enemies will not free flickies on death in Mario mode levels. Turning on soniccd will instead cause all enemies to free seeds that spawn flowers when they land on the ground, as in Sonic CD.

Because the flicky releasing behavior is hardcoded, it is not possible to add new flickies via SOC. However, existing flickies can be modified into custom ones.

Object/state data