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Jetty-Syn Bomber

From SRB2 Wiki
(Redirected from Jetty-syn Bomber)
"Jetty-Syn" redirects here. For the Jetty-Syn Gunner, see Jetty-Syn Gunner.

Thing type 105, Jetty-Syn Bomber, is a green jetpack enemy used in Egg Rock Zone Act 2 that flies around erratically above the player and drops bombs. Compared to the Jetty-Syn Gunner, this Jetty-Syn is easier to dodge, but harder to kill, as it swoops around above the player's head. Its bombs also damage other enemies, including bosses.

The Jetty-Syn Bomber spawn 33 fracunits above the ground by default, which can be overridden by changing its Z position. Adding the Ambush flag will prevent it from moving and dropping bombs. Placing large amounts of Jetty-syns in one room is considered bad design, especially over death pits. Since the player has to move at all times to avoid getting hit, this makes any platforming substantially harder, and will encourage the player to kill all enemies before moving on.

  Thing types – Enemies [view]
Crawla (Blue)Crawla (Red)Stupid Dumb Unnamed RoboFishBuzz (Gold)Buzz (Red)DetonTurretPop-up TurretSpring Shell (Green)Spring Shell (Yellow)SkimJet JawCrushstaceanBanpyuraRobo-HoodLance-a-BotSuspicious Lance-a-Bot StatueEgg GuardBird Aircraft Strike HazardGreen SnapperMinusCanarivoreUnidusPterabyte SpawnerPyre FlyDragonbomberJetty-Syn BomberJetty-Syn GunnerSpincushionSnailerPenguinatorPophatCrawla CommanderSpinbobertCacolanternHangsterHive ElementalBumbleboreBugglePointy