Linedef type 335
Linedef type 335, Object Dye – Each Time, is a type of linedef executor trigger which activates any linedef executor in the control sector once for each time an Object dyed with the specified color activates a tagged trigger sector.
The ID of the desired color should be specified in the control linedef's front upper texture field. See List of skin colors for a list of available colors and their IDs. If Flag [6] / Not Climbable is set, the linedef executor will trigger only if the triggering Object does not have the specified color. If Flag [14] / Bouncy Wall is set, the trigger will activate once for each time an Object enters or exits the trigger sector.
- Example file: ex_ld335_trigger_objectdyeeachtime.wad (MAP01)
- Every time a white player is on the red floor, it rewards him with 100 points.
- When a player is standing on a white floor, he is repainted white color.
How to use |