Linedef type 481

Linedef type 481, PolyObject – Door Swing, is a type of linedef executor which, when triggered, makes a specified PolyObject rotate around its PolyObject Anchor, wait a designated amount of time, then rotate back to its original position. This is useful for making PolyObjects behave like swinging doors.
This linedef should be given a tag corresponding to the ID of the wanted PolyObject. The linedef's front texture X offset determines the speed of the PolyObject's rotation – if this is a negative number, the PolyObject will swing clockwise, rather than counterclockwise. The linedef's front texture Y offset determines the angle to rotate, in degrees.
If the linedef has a back side, the linedef's back texture X offset determines how long the PolyObject will wait before it swings back, measured in tics. If the linedef doesn't have a back side, this defaults to 0 tics.
- Example file: ex_ld481_polyobject_doorswing.wad (MAP01)
How to use |