Linedef type 491

Linedef type 491, PolyObject – Set Translucency, is a type of linedef executor which, when triggered, adjusts the translucency of a specified PolyObject.
This linedef should be given a tag corresponding to the ID of the wanted PolyObject. The translucency is set by the front texture X offset of the control linedef or, if it is 0, the floor height of the control sector. There are 11 possible levels of translucency, ranging from 0 (opaque) to 10 (invisible). If Flag [4] / Lower Unpegged is set, the translucency level is specified directly in the front X offset or floor height. Otherwise, it is specified in multiples of 100, as shown by the table below:
Value | Translucency | |
Without Lower Unpegged | With Lower Unpegged | |
0–99, or below 0 | 0 and below | 0% (completely opaque) |
100–199 | 1 | 10% |
200–299 | 2 | 20% |
300–399 | 3 | 30% |
400–499 | 4 | 40% |
500–599 | 5 | 50% |
600–699 | 6 | 60% |
700–799 | 7 | 70% |
800–899 | 8 | 80% |
900–999 | 9 | 90% |
1000 and above | 10 and above | 100% (completely invisible) |
Note that although 0 is a legal translucency value, if the front X offset is set to 0, the game will use the control sector floor height instead. In this case, make sure the floor height is also 0.
If Flag [8] / Peg Midtexture / Effect 3 is set, the supplied translucency value is added to the PolyObject's current translucency instead of replacing it. In this case, negative values can be used to reduce the PolyObject's translucency.
- Example file: ex_ld491_polyobject_settranslucency.wad (MAP01)
How to use |