Linedef type 446

Linedef type 446, Make FOF Crumble, is a type of linedef executor which, when triggered, makes a specified FOF crumble. The specified FOF does not necessarily need to be a crumbling FOF type (e.g., linedef type 170); this will work with any type of FOF.
The tag given to this linedef is irrelevant. The tag of the target sector(s) of the FOF to make crumble is determined by the linedef's front texture X offset. The tag of the FOF's control sector is determined by the linedef's front texture Y offset. Both the control and target sector must be specified for the effect to work. Note that tag 65535 cannot be used to make all FOFs crumble.
By default, the FOF will respawn after crumbling. If Flag [6] / Not Climbable is set, it will not respawn. If Flag [1] / Block Enemies is set, it will only respawn if it does not have the FF_NORETURN
flag. If both flags are set, it will only respawn if it has the FF_NORETURN
- Example file: ex_ld446_makefofcrumble.wad (MAP01)
How to use |