Linedef type 431

Linedef type 431, Crush Floor and Ceiling Once, is a type of linedef executor which, when triggered, makes the floor of every tagged sector move up and the ceiling move down simultaneously, meeting each other in the middle and sandwiching anything in between, then move back to their original positions at half the speed. This is useful for creating highly specialized crushers which activate only when a player approaches, or when some other event occurs.
The control linedef should be tagged directly to the specified target sector. The speed of the crusher is determined by the length of the control linedef; one fracunit equals 0.125 fracunits per tic.
Checking Flag [9] / Solid Midtexture / Effect 4 makes the crusher move at twice the provided speed, keeping a constant speed while crushing or retracting. With this flag checked, the speed is determined by the linedef X distance.
- Example file: ex_ld431_crushfloorandceilingonce.wad (MAP01)
How to use |