Linedef type 437
Linedef type 437, Disable Player Control, is a type of linedef executor which, when triggered by a player, disables that player's controls temporarily. Players can still be moved by external effects, but will not be able to move by themselves.
The tag given to this linedef is irrelevant. The amount of time the effect lasts, in tics, is determined by the linedef's front texture X offset. Giving the linedef Flag [6] / Not Climbable allows the player to jump while affected.
- Example file: ex_ld437_disableplayercontrol.wad (MAP01)
- Stepping on the blue floor will disable the player's movement but still allow jumping. Stepping on the yellow floor will disable the player's controls for two seconds and then give them back. Stepping on the red floor will disable the player's controls permanently.
How to use |