Linedef type 412
Linedef type 412, Teleporter, is a type of linedef executor which, when triggered, instantly teleports the Object that triggered it to a specified location in the map, producing a flash and a teleport sound effect if desired. This is most commonly used to teleport the player, but it can also teleport pushable Objects such as gargoyles.
Binary Setup
This linedef should be tagged to the desired destination sector within the map. Unless Flag [8] / Peg Midtexture is checked, a Teleport Destination Thing must also be placed in the destination sector. In such cases, the exact X-position, Y-position, Z-position, and angle the teleported player or Object will assume are determined by this Thing.
If Flag [1] / Block Enemies is checked, the teleporter will not flash and make the teleport sound effect. If Flag [6] / Not Climbable is checked, the Object will retain its angle after teleportation. If Flag [9] / Solid Midtexture / Effect 4 is checked, the Object will retain its speed and momentum after teleportation.
If Flag [8] / Peg Midtexture / Effect 3 is checked, the teleporter will be set up differently. In this alternate version of the teleporter, no Teleport Destination Thing nor a tagged sector are necessary; the Object's new X-position, Y-position, and Z-position (relative to its current position in the trigger sector) will be determined by the linedef's front texture X and Y offsets, and the control sector's ceiling height, respectively. It will also work as though flags [1] / Block Enemies, [6] / Not Climbable, and [9] / Solid Midtexture / Effect 4 are checked, meaning that the teleporter will not flash, make sounds, or alter the angle, speed, or acceleration of the teleported Object. A good example of this can be seen near the end of Egg Rock Zone Act 2, where an elevator triggers a teleport (unbeknownst to the player) that teleports them to a visually identical elevator at a different spot in the level.
UDMF Setup
Arg1 should be tagged to the desired Teleport Destination Thing. The exact X-position, Y-position, Z-position, and angle the teleported player or Object will assume are determined by this Thing.
If Flag [1] / Silent is checked, the teleporter will not flash and make the teleport sound effect. If Flag [2] / Keep angle is checked, the Object will retain its angle after teleportation. If Flag [4] / Keep momentum is checked, the Object will retain its speed and momentum after teleportation.

If Flag [8] / Relative silent is checked, the teleporter will be set up differently. In this alternate version of the teleporter, no Teleport Destination Thing is necessary; the Object's new X-position, Y-position, and Z-position (relative to its current position in the trigger sector) will be determined by Arg3, Arg4 and Arg5, respectively. It will also work as though flags [1] / Silent, [2] / Keep angle, and [4] / Keep momentum are checked, meaning that the teleporter will not flash, make sounds, or alter the angle, speed, or acceleration of the teleported Object. A good example of this can be seen near the end of Egg Rock Zone Act 2, where an elevator triggers a teleport (unbeknownst to the player) that teleports them to a visually identical elevator at a different spot in the level.

Samples (Binary)
Sample 1
- Example file: ex_ld412_teleport_player.wad (MAP01)
How to use |
Sample 2
- Example file: ex_ld412_teleport_object.wad (MAP01)
How to use |
Sample (UDMF)
- Example file: Ex_ld412_udmf_teleporter.wad
This map contains two teleporters, the left one uses the Teleport thing destination, while the right one uses the [8] Relative silent method.