Linedef type 445

Linedef type 445, Make FOF Disappear/Reappear, is a type of linedef executor which, when triggered, automatically causes a specified FOF to disappear or reappear. This is similar in purpose to the appearing/disappearing FOF linedef special, except the effect is not timed.
The tag given to this linedef is irrelevant. The tag of the target sector(s) of the FOF that should disappear is determined by the linedef's front texture X offset. The tag of the FOF's control sector is determined by the linedef's front texture Y offset. Both the control and target sector must be specified for the effect to work. Note that tag 65535 cannot be used to make FOFs disappear for every target or control sector tag. If Flag [6] / Not Climbable is checked, the FOF will reappear instead of disappearing.
- Example file: ex_ld445_makefofdisappear.wad (MAP01)
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