Linedef type 463
Linedef type 463, Dye Object, is a type of linedef executor which, when triggered, dyes the triggering Object with the specified color. The effect will last for the duration of the level until the player either dies or finishes the level.
The tag given to this linedef is irrelevant. The ID of the color to dye the triggering Object with should be specified in the control linedef's front upper texture field. See List of skin colors for a list of available colors and their IDs. The dyed Object can also have its color reset with either SKINCOLOR_NONE, or having the control linedef's front upper texture field all clear.
- Example file: Ex_ld463_objectdye.wad (MAP01)
- When a player steps on an orange or red floor it is repainted in these colors.
- When Glaregoyle is on a purple or gray floor it will repaint it that color.
How to use |