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Linedef type 439

From SRB2 Wiki

Linedef type 439, Change Tagged Linedef's Textures, is a type of linedef executor which, when triggered, changes the textures of all tagged linedefs.


This linedef should be tagged to all linedefs whose textures should be changed. Normally, the control linedef's front side texture fields determine the new textures for both sides of the target linedef, i.e., both the front upper texture and the back upper texture of the target linedef are set to the front upper texture of the control linedef. If Flag [13] / Effect 6 is set, the control linedef's back side textures determine the new textures for the target linedef's back side.

The table below shows which of the control texture linedef's textures each texture field on the target linedef will be changed to:

Upper texture Middle texture Lower texture
Target's front side Front upper texture Front middle texture Front lower texture
Target's back side (no flag) Front upper texture Front middle texture Front lower texture
Target's back side (Effect 6) Back upper texture Back middle texture Back lower texture

By default, all textures on the target linedef will be changed regardless of whether textures were set in each field previously or not. If the target linedef does not have a back side, the target's back side texture fields will not be affected. If the control linedef does not have a texture set for a particular texture field, the corresponding texture fields on the target linedef will change to have no texture set as well. If Flag [6] / Not Climbable is checked, textures are only changed if the corresponding texture field of the target linedef already has a texture set; texture fields without a texture set will be unchanged.


Example file: ex_ld439_changetexture.wad (MAP01)
How to use
  • You may load this file into your favorite map editor, such as Zone Builder. Select MAP01 as the map to load.
  • You may also load this file in the game:
    1. Save ex_ld439_changetexture.wad into the addons folder of your SRB2 directory.
    2. Start SRB2, go to the Addons menu, and then select ex_ld439_changetexture.wad.
    3. Start the game in Single Player mode.
    4. Press the Console button (~), and type in the command MAP MAP01 to access the example map.
  • When you load this file in the game, it replaces Greenflower Zone Act 1.

  Linedef typesLinedef executors [view]

ContinuousEach TimeOnce • Ring Count (ContinuousOnce) • Character Ability (ContinuousEach TimeOnce) • Race Only – Once • CTF Red Team (ContinuousEach Time) • CTF Blue Team (ContinuousEach Time) • No More Enemies – Once • Number of Pushables (ContinuousOnce) • Condition Set Trigger (ContinuousOnce) • Unlockable (ContinuousOnce) • Trigger After X Calls (ContinuousEach Time) • NiGHTSerize (Each TimeOnce) • De-NiGHTSerize (Each TimeOnce) • NiGHTS Lap (Each TimeOnce) • Ideya Capture Touch (Each TimeOnce) • Player Skin (ContinuousEach TimeOnce) • Object Dye (ContinuousEach TimeOnce) • Emerald Check (ContinuousEach TimeOnce) • NiGHTS Mare (ContinuousEach TimeOnce) • Gravity Check (ContinuousEach TimeOnce) • Level Load

Set Tagged Sector's Floor Height/TextureSet Tagged Sector's Ceiling Height/TextureCopy Light Level to Tagged SectorsSet Tagged Sector's FlatsChange Tagged Sectors' TagChange Front Sector's TagStart Adjustable Flickering LightStart Adjustable Pulsating LightStart Adjustable Blinking Light (unsynchronized)Start Adjustable Blinking Light (synchronized)Fade Light LevelStop Lighting EffectChange Plane Scroller DirectionSet Tagged Sector's Light Level
Plane movement:
Move Tagged Sector's FloorMove Tagged Sector's CeilingMove Floor According to Front Texture OffsetsMove Ceiling According to Front Texture OffsetsStop Plane MovementStart Platform MovementCrush Ceiling OnceCrush Floor OnceCrush Ceiling and Floor Once
TeleporterChange Object StateStop ObjectAward ScoreEnable/Disable 2D ModeEnable/Disable Gravity FlipAward Power-UpDisable Player ControlChange Object SizeChange Object Type StateEnable Bosses with ParameterTrack Object's AngleStop Tracking Object's AngleAward RingsSpawn ObjectStop Timer/Exit Stage in Record AttackDye ObjectTrigger Egg Capsule
Change MusicPlay Sound EffectRun ScriptSwitch to Cut-Away ViewChange SkyChange WeatherShatter FOFChange Tagged Linedef's TexturesStart Metal Sonic RaceCondition Set TriggerCall Lua FunctionEarthquakeMake FOF Disappear/ReappearMake FOF CrumbleChange Tagged Sector's ColormapChange SkyboxExecute Linedef Executor (from Tag)Execute Linedef Executor (Random Range)Set FOF TranslucencyFade FOFStop Fading FOFFade Tagged Sector's ColormapStop Fading Tagged Sector's ColormapControl Text PromptToggle Level Fail
Door SlideDoor SwingMoveMove, OverrideRotate RightRotate Right, OverrideRotate LeftRotate Left, OverrideMove by WaypointsTurn Invisible, IntangibleTurn Visible, TangibleSet TranslucencyFade Translucency