Linedef type 483

Linedef type 483, PolyObject – Move, Override, is a type of linedef executor which, when triggered, makes a specified PolyObject move from one point to another. Unlike linedef type 482, this linedef will take effect even if the PolyObject is performing another action at the same time, meaning that it can be used to make PolyObjects perform simultaneous actions.
This linedef should be given a tag corresponding to the ID of the wanted PolyObject. The angle of the linedef indicates the direction of the PolyObject's movement. The linedef's front texture X offset determines the speed of the PolyObject's movement (one fracunit of offset equals 0.125 fracunits per tic). The linedef's front texture Y offset determines the distance the PolyObject will move, measured in fracunits.
- Example file: ex_ld483_polyobject_moveoverride.wad (MAP01)
- The PolyObject uses linedef type 484 to rotate clockwise. Stepping on the blue sector will make it move while still rotating.
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