Linedef type 438
Linedef type 438, Change Object Size, is a type of linedef executor which, when triggered, changes the size of the Object that triggered it, causing it to grow or shrink a specified amount. The gravity will be adjusted to fit the assigned size; for example, the jump height of players will be scaled accordingly. This effect used to be used in Egg Rock Zone Act 2 to shrink the player for a portion of the level.
The tag given to this linedef is irrelevant. The length of the control linedef indicates the new size of the Object in percent of its default size. The value should be between 5 and 400.
- Example file: ex_ld438_setobjectsscale.wad (MAP01)
- The red floor will scale the player to 32%, the blue floor will return the player to normal size, and the Yellow floor will scale the player to 192%.
How to use |