Linedef type 469

Linedef type 469, Change Tagged Sector's Gravity, is a type of linedef executor which, when triggered, changes the gravity of every tagged sector.
Arg1 should be tagged to the FOF control linedef that will have it's gravity changed. By default, the tagged sector gravity is changed to a fixed value, unless arg2 / Set/Multiply? is set to Multiply, in which case, the gravity value will be multiplied every time its triggered.
By default, the Object won't be flipped, but you can change arg3 / Flip flag to Set the flag MFE_VERTICALFLIP
to the Object, or to Remove the flag instead.
The gravity strength can be set through the Stringarg1 field. The default gravity value is 1. Negative values result in negative gravity, which does not flip sprites or physics but merely pulls mid-air players and other Objects to the ceiling. Players who jump off the floor in this kind of gravity will therefore continue to rise up until they eventually become stuck under the ceiling, still in their jump animation (they are still able to move horizontally). To prevent this, change arg3 / Flip flag to Set, which gives the flag MFE_VERTICALFLIP
to the Object– this will properly flip sprites and physics, allowing players and other Objects to land on the ceiling properly. If arg3 is changed to Remove, the flag will instead be removed from the object.
By default, the linedef executor won't override the current tagged sector gravity value, unless arg4 / Override gravity? is set to Yes.
- Example file: Ex_ld469_setstaggedectorgravity.wad
This map contains four buttons that apply different settings to it's tagged sectors' gravity.
The red button multiplies the tagged sector gravity to 2, while the blue button multiplies the gravity by 0.5.
The green buttons switches the tagged sector's gravity into reverse for any object inside of the affected area, by setting and removing the flag from the object.