Linedef types
(Redirected from Linedef type)
This is a list of all linedef types that are available in SRB2 v2.2.
- Linedef type 1: Per-Sector Gravity
- Linedef type 5: Camera Scanner
- Linedef type 7: Sector Flat Alignment
- Linedef type 10: Culling Plane
- Linedef type 13: Heat Wave Effect
- Linedef type 40: Visual Portal Between Tagged Linedefs
- Linedef type 41: Horizon Effect
- Linedef type 50: Instantly Lower Floor on Level Load
- Linedef type 51: Instantly Raise Ceiling on Level Load
- Linedef type 63: Fake Floor/Ceiling Planes
- Linedef type 540: Floor Friction
- Linedef type 2: Custom Exit
- Linedef type 3: Zoom Tube Parameters
- Linedef type 4: Speed Pad Parameters
- Linedef type 8: Special Sector Properties
- Linedef type 9: Chain Parameters
- Linedef type 11: Rope Hang Parameters
- Linedef type 12: Rock Spawner Parameters
- Linedef type 14: Bustable Block Parameters
- Linedef type 15: Fan Particle Spawner Parameters
- Linedef type 16: Minecart Parameters
- Linedef type 64: Continuously Appearing/Disappearing FOF
- Linedef type 76: Make FOF Bouncy
- Linedef type 20: First Line
- Linedef type 22: Parameters
- Linedef type 30: Waving Flag
- Linedef type 31: Displacement by Front Sector
- Linedef type 32: Angular Displacement by Front Sector
Plane movement
- Linedef type 52: Continuously Falling Sector
- Linedef type 53: Continuous Floor/Ceiling Mover
- Linedef type 54: Continuous Floor Mover
- Linedef type 55: Continuous Ceiling Mover
- Linedef type 56: Continuous Two-Speed Floor/Ceiling Mover
- Linedef type 57: Continuous Two-Speed Floor Mover
- Linedef type 58: Continuous Two-Speed Ceiling Mover
- Linedef type 59: Activate Moving Platform
- Linedef type 60: Activate Moving Platform (Adjustable Speed)
- Linedef type 61: Crusher (Ceiling to Floor)
- Linedef type 62: Crusher (Floor to Ceiling)
- Linedef type 66: Move Floor by Displacement
- Linedef type 67: Move Ceiling by Displacement
- Linedef type 68: Move Floor and Ceiling by Displacement
- Linedef type 96: Add Front Sector Tag to Tagged Sectors
- Linedef type 97: Add Tag to Front Sector
- Linedef type 98: Add Tag to Back Sector
- Linedef type 99: Add Tag to Front and Back Sectors
Floor over floor
- Linedef type 100: Solid, Opaque, Shadowcasting
- Linedef type 101: Solid, Opaque, Non-Shadowcasting
- Linedef type 102: Solid, Translucent
- Linedef type 103: Solid, Sides Only
- Linedef type 104: Solid, No Sides
- Linedef type 105: Solid, Invisible
- Linedef type 140: Intangible from Bottom, Opaque
- Linedef type 141: Intangible from Bottom, Translucent
- Linedef type 142: Intangible from Bottom, Translucent, No Sides
- Linedef type 143: Intangible from Top, Opaque
- Linedef type 144: Intangible from Top, Translucent
- Linedef type 145: Intangible from Top, Translucent, No Sides
- Linedef type 146: Only Tangible from Sides
- Linedef type 120: Water, Opaque
- Linedef type 121: Water, Translucent
- Linedef type 122: Water, Opaque, No Sides
- Linedef type 123: Water, Translucent, No Sides
- Linedef type 124: Goo Water, Translucent
- Linedef type 125: Goo Water, Translucent, No Sides
- Linedef type 220: Intangible, Opaque
- Linedef type 221: Intangible, Translucent
- Linedef type 222: Intangible, Sides Only
- Linedef type 223: Intangible, Invisible
- Linedef type 150: Air Bobbing
- Linedef type 151: Air Bobbing (Adjustable)
- Linedef type 152: Reverse Air Bobbing (Adjustable)
- Linedef type 153: Dynamically Sinking Platform
- Linedef type 160: Water Bobbing
- Linedef type 190: Rising Platform, Solid, Opaque, Shadowcasting
- Linedef type 191: Rising Platform, Solid, Opaque, Non-Shadowcasting
- Linedef type 192: Rising Platform, Solid, Translucent
- Linedef type 193: Rising Platform, Solid, Invisible
- Linedef type 194: Rising Platform, Intangible from Bottom, Opaque
- Linedef type 195: Rising Platform, Intangible from Bottom, Translucent
- Linedef type 170: Crumbling, Respawn
- Linedef type 171: Crumbling, No Respawn
- Linedef type 172: Crumbling, Respawn, Intangible from Bottom
- Linedef type 173: Crumbling, No Respawn, Intangible from Bottom
- Linedef type 174: Crumbling, Respawn, Intangible from Bottom, Translucent
- Linedef type 175: Crumbling, No Respawn, Intangible from Bottom, Translucent
- Linedef type 176: Crumbling, Respawn, Floating, Bobbing
- Linedef type 177: Crumbling, No Respawn, Floating, Bobbing
- Linedef type 178: Crumbling, Respawn, Floating
- Linedef type 179: Crumbling, No Respawn, Floating
- Linedef type 180: Crumbling, Respawn, Air Bobbing
- Linedef type 200: Light Block
- Linedef type 201: Half Light Block
- Linedef type 202: Fog Block
- Linedef type 250: Mario Block
- Linedef type 251: Thwomp Block
- Linedef type 252: Shatter Block
- Linedef type 253: Shatter Block, Translucent
- Linedef type 254: Bustable Block
- Linedef type 255: Spin-Bustable Block
- Linedef type 256: Spin-Bustable Block, Translucent
- Linedef type 257: Quicksand
- Linedef type 258: Laser
- Linedef type 259: Custom FOF
Linedef executor triggers
- Linedef type 300: Continuous
- Linedef type 301: Each Time
- Linedef type 302: Once
- Linedef type 303: Ring Count – Continuous
- Linedef type 304: Ring Count – Once
- Linedef type 305: Character Ability – Continuous
- Linedef type 306: Character Ability – Each Time
- Linedef type 307: Character Ability – Once
- Linedef type 308: Race Only – Once
- Linedef type 309: CTF Red Team – Continuous
- Linedef type 310: CTF Red Team – Each Time
- Linedef type 311: CTF Blue Team – Continuous
- Linedef type 312: CTF Blue Team – Each Time
- Linedef type 313: No More Enemies – Once
- Linedef type 314: Number of Pushables – Continuous
- Linedef type 315: Number of Pushables – Once
- Linedef type 317: Condition Set Trigger – Continuous
- Linedef type 318: Condition Set Trigger – Once
- Linedef type 319: Unlockable – Continuous
- Linedef type 320: Unlockable – Once
- Linedef type 321: Trigger After X Calls – Continuous
- Linedef type 322: Trigger After X Calls – Each Time
- Linedef type 323: NiGHTSerize – Each Time
- Linedef type 324: NiGHTSerize – Once
- Linedef type 325: De-NiGHTSerize – Each Time
- Linedef type 326: De-NiGHTSerize – Once
- Linedef type 327: NiGHTS Lap – Each Time
- Linedef type 328: NiGHTS Lap – Once
- Linedef type 329: Ideya Capture Touch – Each Time
- Linedef type 330: Ideya Capture Touch – Once
- Linedef type 331: Player Skin – Continuous
- Linedef type 332: Player Skin – Each Time
- Linedef type 333: Player Skin – Once
- Linedef type 334: Object Dye – Continuous
- Linedef type 335: Object Dye – Each Time
- Linedef type 336: Object Dye – Once
- Linedef type 337: Emerald Check – Continuous
- Linedef type 338: Emerald Check – Each Time
- Linedef type 339: Emerald Check – Once
- Linedef type 340: NiGHTS Mare – Continuous
- Linedef type 341: NiGHTS Mare – Each Time
- Linedef type 342: NiGHTS Mare – Once
- Linedef type 343: Gravity Check – Continuous
- Linedef type 344: Gravity Check – Each Time
- Linedef type 345: Gravity Check – Once
- Linedef type 399: Level Load
Linedef executors
- Linedef type 400: Set Tagged Sector's Floor Height/Texture
- Linedef type 401: Set Tagged Sector's Ceiling Height/Texture
- Linedef type 402: Copy Light Level to Tagged Sectors
- Linedef type 408: Set Tagged Sector's Flats
- Linedef type 409: Change Tagged Sectors' Tag
- Linedef type 410: Change Front Sector's Tag
- Linedef type 416: Start Adjustable Flickering Light
- Linedef type 417: Start Adjustable Pulsating Light
- Linedef type 418: Start Adjustable Blinking Light (unsynchronized)
- Linedef type 419: Start Adjustable Blinking Light (synchronized)
- Linedef type 420: Fade Light Level
- Linedef type 421: Stop Lighting Effect
- Linedef type 435: Change Plane Scroller Direction
- Linedef type 467: Set Tagged Sector's Light Level
Plane movement
- Linedef type 403: Move Tagged Sector's Floor
- Linedef type 404: Move Tagged Sector's Ceiling
- Linedef type 405: Move Floor According to Front Texture Offsets
- Linedef type 407: Move Ceiling According to Front Texture Offsets
- Linedef type 411: Stop Plane Movement
- Linedef type 428: Start Platform Movement
- Linedef type 429: Crush Ceiling Once
- Linedef type 430: Crush Floor Once
- Linedef type 431: Crush Floor and Ceiling Once
- Linedef type 412: Teleporter
- Linedef type 425: Change Object State
- Linedef type 426: Stop Object
- Linedef type 427: Award Score
- Linedef type 432: Enable/Disable 2D Mode
- Linedef type 433: Enable/Disable Gravity Flip
- Linedef type 434: Award Power-Up
- Linedef type 437: Disable Player Control
- Linedef type 438: Change Object Size
- Linedef type 442: Change Object Type State
- Linedef type 449: Enable Bosses with Parameter
- Linedef type 457: Track Object's Angle
- Linedef type 458: Stop Tracking Object's Angle
- Linedef type 460: Award Rings
- Linedef type 461: Spawn Object
- Linedef type 462: Stop Timer/Exit Stage in Record Attack
- Linedef type 463: Dye Object
- Linedef type 464: Trigger Egg Capsule
- Linedef type 413: Change Music
- Linedef type 414: Play Sound Effect
- Linedef type 415: Run Script
- Linedef type 422: Switch to Cut-Away View
- Linedef type 423: Change Sky
- Linedef type 424: Change Weather
- Linedef type 436: Shatter FOF
- Linedef type 439: Change Tagged Linedef's Textures
- Linedef type 440: Start Metal Sonic Race
- Linedef type 441: Condition Set Trigger
- Linedef type 443: Call Lua Function
- Linedef type 444: Earthquake
- Linedef type 445: Make FOF Disappear/Reappear
- Linedef type 446: Make FOF Crumble
- Linedef type 447: Change Tagged Sector's Colormap
- Linedef type 448: Change Skybox
- Linedef type 450: Execute Linedef Executor (from Tag)
- Linedef type 451: Execute Linedef Executor (Random Range)
- Linedef type 452: Set FOF Translucency
- Linedef type 453: Fade FOF
- Linedef type 454: Stop Fading FOF
- Linedef type 455: Fade Tagged Sector's Colormap
- Linedef type 456: Stop Fading Tagged Sector's Colormap
- Linedef type 459: Control Text Prompt
- Linedef type 466: Set Level Failure State
- Linedef type 480: Door Slide
- Linedef type 481: Door Swing
- Linedef type 482: Move
- Linedef type 483: Move, Override
- Linedef type 484: Rotate Right
- Linedef type 485: Rotate Right, Override
- Linedef type 486: Rotate Left
- Linedef type 487: Rotate Left, Override
- Linedef type 488: Move by Waypoints
- Linedef type 489: Turn Invisible, Intangible
- Linedef type 490: Turn Visible, Tangible
- Linedef type 491: Set Translucency
- Linedef type 492: Fade Translucency
Scroll effects
Wall scrolling
- Linedef type 500: Scroll Front Wall Left
- Linedef type 501: Scroll Front Wall Right
- Linedef type 502: Scroll Tagged Wall
- Linedef type 503: Scroll Tagged Wall (Accelerative)
- Linedef type 504: Scroll Tagged Wall (Displacement)
- Linedef type 505: Scroll Front Wall by Front Side Offsets
- Linedef type 506: Scroll Front Wall by Back Side Offsets
- Linedef type 507: Scroll Back Wall by Front Side Offsets
- Linedef type 508: Scroll Back Wall by Back Side Offsets
Plane scrolling
- Linedef type 510: Scroll Floor Texture
- Linedef type 511: Scroll Floor Texture (Accelerative)
- Linedef type 512: Scroll Floor Texture (Displacement)
- Linedef type 513: Scroll Ceiling Texture
- Linedef type 514: Scroll Ceiling Texture (Accelerative)
- Linedef type 515: Scroll Ceiling Texture (Displacement)
- Linedef type 520: Carry Objects on Floor
- Linedef type 521: Carry Objects on Floor (Accelerative)
- Linedef type 522: Carry Objects on Floor (Displacement)
- Linedef type 523: Carry Objects on Ceiling
- Linedef type 524: Carry Objects on Ceiling (Accelerative)
- Linedef type 525: Carry Objects on Ceiling (Displacement)
- Linedef type 530: Scroll Floor Texture and Carry Objects
- Linedef type 531: Scroll Floor Texture and Carry Objects (Accelerative)
- Linedef type 532: Scroll Floor Texture and Carry Objects (Displacement)
- Linedef type 533: Scroll Ceiling Texture and Carry Objects
- Linedef type 534: Scroll Ceiling Texture and Carry Objects (Accelerative)
- Linedef type 535: Scroll Ceiling Texture and Carry Objects (Displacement)
- Linedef type 541: Wind
- Linedef type 542: Upwards Wind
- Linedef type 543: Downwards Wind
- Linedef type 544: Current
- Linedef type 545: Upwards Current
- Linedef type 546: Downwards Current
- Linedef type 547: Push/Pull
- Linedef type 600: Floor Lighting
- Linedef type 601: Ceiling Lighting
- Linedef type 602: Adjustable Pulsating Light
- Linedef type 603: Adjustable Flickering Light
- Linedef type 604: Adjustable Blinking Light (unsynchronized)
- Linedef type 605: Adjustable Blinking Light (synchronized)
- Linedef type 606: Colormap
- Linedef type 700: Slope Front Side Floor
- Linedef type 701: Slope Front Side Ceiling
- Linedef type 702: Slope Front Side Floor and Ceiling
- Linedef type 703: Slope Front Side Floor and Back Side Ceiling
- Linedef type 704: Slope Front Side Floor by Vertices
- Linedef type 705: Slope Front Side Ceiling by Vertices
- Linedef type 710: Slope Back Side Floor
- Linedef type 711: Slope Back Side Ceiling
- Linedef type 712: Slope Back Side Floor and Ceiling
- Linedef type 713: Slope Back Side Floor and Front Side Ceiling
- Linedef type 714: Slope Back Side Floor by Vertices
- Linedef type 715: Slope Back Side Ceiling by Vertices
- Linedef type 720: Copy Front Side Floor Slope from Line Tag
- Linedef type 721: Copy Front Side Ceiling Slope from Line Tag
- Linedef type 722: Copy Front Side Floor and Ceiling Slope from Line Tag
- Linedef type 723: Copy Back Side Floor Slope from Line Tag
- Linedef type 724: Copy Back Side Ceiling Slope from Line Tag
- Linedef type 725: Copy Back Side Floor and Ceiling Slope from Line Tag
- Linedef type 730: Copy Front Side Floor Slope to Back Side
- Linedef type 731: Copy Front Side Ceiling Slope to Back Side
- Linedef type 732: Copy Front Side Floor and Ceiling Slope to Back Side
- Linedef type 733: Copy Back Side Floor Slope to Front Side
- Linedef type 734: Copy Back Side Ceiling Slope to Front Side
- Linedef type 735: Copy Back Side Floor and Ceiling Slope to Front Side
- Linedef type 799: Set Tagged Dynamic Slope Vertex to Front Sector Height
Translucent walls
- Linedef type 900: 90% Opaque
- Linedef type 901: 80% Opaque
- Linedef type 902: 70% Opaque
- Linedef type 903: 60% Opaque
- Linedef type 904: 50% Opaque
- Linedef type 905: 40% Opaque
- Linedef type 906: 30% Opaque
- Linedef type 907: 20% Opaque
- Linedef type 908: 10% Opaque
- Linedef type 909: Fog Wall
- Linedef type 910: 100% Additive
- Linedef type 911: 90% Additive
- Linedef type 912: 80% Additive
- Linedef type 913: 70% Additive
- Linedef type 914: 60% Additive
- Linedef type 915: 50% Additive
- Linedef type 916: 40% Additive
- Linedef type 917: 30% Additive
- Linedef type 918: 20% Additive
- Linedef type 919: 10% Additive
- Linedef type 920: 100% Subtractive
- Linedef type 921: 90% Subtractive
- Linedef type 922: 80% Subtractive
- Linedef type 923: 70% Subtractive
- Linedef type 924: 60% Subtractive
- Linedef type 925: 50% Subtractive
- Linedef type 926: 40% Subtractive
- Linedef type 927: 30% Subtractive
- Linedef type 928: 20% Subtractive
- Linedef type 929: 10% Subtractive
- Linedef type 930: 100% Reverse Subtractive
- Linedef type 931: 90% Reverse Subtractive
- Linedef type 932: 80% Reverse Subtractive
- Linedef type 933: 70% Reverse Subtractive
- Linedef type 934: 60% Reverse Subtractive
- Linedef type 935: 50% Reverse Subtractive
- Linedef type 936: 40% Reverse Subtractive
- Linedef type 937: 30% Reverse Subtractive
- Linedef type 938: 20% Reverse Subtractive
- Linedef type 939: 10% Reverse Subtractive
- Linedef type 940: Modulate
- Linedef type 7: Sector Flat Alignment
- Linedef type 10: Culling Plane
- Linedef type 40: Visual Portal Between Tagged Linedefs
- Linedef type 41: Horizon Effect
- Linedef type 63: Fake Floor/Ceiling Planes
- Linedef type 2: Custom Exit
- Linedef type 3: Zoom Tube Parameters
- Linedef type 4: Speed Pad Parameters
- Linedef type 8: Set Camera Collision Planes
- Linedef type 11: Rope Hang Parameters
- Linedef type 14: Bustable Block Parameters
- Linedef type 15: Fan Particle Generator Heights
- Linedef type 16: Minecart Parameters
- Linedef type 64: Continuously Appearing/Disappearing FOF
- Linedef type 20: First Line
- Linedef type 30: Waving Flag
- Linedef type 31: Displacement by Front Sector
- Linedef type 32: Angular Displacement by Front Sector
Plane movement
- Linedef type 52: Continuously Falling Sector
- Linedef type 53: Continuous Plane Mover (Slowdown)
- Linedef type 56: Continuous Plane Mover (Constant)
- Linedef type 60: Activate Moving Platform
- Linedef type 61: Ceiling Crusher
- Linedef type 66: Move Planes by Displacement
FOF modifiers
- Linedef type 70: Add Raise Thinker
- Linedef type 71: Add Air Bobbing Thinker
- Linedef type 72: Add Thwomp Thinker
- Linedef type 73: Add Laser Thinker
- Linedef type 74: Make FOF Bustable
- Linedef type 75: Make FOF Quicksand
- Linedef type 76: Make FOF Bouncy
Floor over floor
- Linedef type 100: Solid
- Linedef type 120: Water
- Linedef type 150: Air Bobbing
- Linedef type 160: Water Bobbing
- Linedef type 170: Crumbling
- Linedef type 190: Rising
- Linedef type 200: Light Block
- Linedef type 202: Fog Block
- Linedef type 220: Intangible
- Linedef type 223: Intangible, Invisible
- Linedef type 250: Mario Block
- Linedef type 251: Thwomp Block
- Linedef type 254: Bustable Block
- Linedef type 257: Quicksand
- Linedef type 258: Laser
- Linedef type 259: Custom
- Linedef type 260: Generalized 3D Floor
Linedef executor triggers
- Linedef type 300: Basic
- Linedef type 303: Ring Count
- Linedef type 305: Character Ability
- Linedef type 308: Gametype
- Linedef type 309: CTF Team
- Linedef type 313: No More Enemies
- Linedef type 314: Number of Pushables
- Linedef type 317: Condition Set Trigger
- Linedef type 319: Unlockable
- Linedef type 321: Trigger After X Calls
- Linedef type 323: NiGHTSerize
- Linedef type 325: De-NiGHTSerize
- Linedef type 327: NiGHTS Lap
- Linedef type 329: Ideya Capture Touch
- Linedef type 331: Player Skin
- Linedef type 334: Object Dye
- Linedef type 337: Emerald Check
- Linedef type 340: NiGHTS Mare
- Linedef type 343: Gravity Check
- Linedef type 399: Level Load
Linedef executors
- Linedef type 400: Set Tagged Sector's Heights/Textures
- Linedef type 402: Copy Light Level to Tagged Sectors
- Linedef type 408: Set Tagged Sector's Flats
- Linedef type 409: Change Tagged Sector's Tag
- Linedef type 410: Change Front Sector's Tag
- Linedef type 416: Start Adjustable Flickering Light
- Linedef type 417: Start Adjustable Pulsating Light
- Linedef type 418: Start Adjustable Blinking Light
- Linedef type 420: Fade Light Level
- Linedef type 421: Stop Lighting Effect
- Linedef type 435: Change Plane Scroller Direction
- Linedef type 467: Set Tagged Sector's Light Level
- Linedef type 469: Change Tagged Sector's Gravity
Plane movement
- Linedef type 403: Move Tagged Sector's Planes
- Linedef type 405: Move Planes by Distance
- Linedef type 411: Stop Plane Movement
- Linedef type 428: Start Platform Movement
- Linedef type 429: Crush Planes Once
- Linedef type 412: Teleporter
- Linedef type 425: Change Object State
- Linedef type 426: Stop Object
- Linedef type 427: Award Score
- Linedef type 432: Enable/Disable 2D Mode
- Linedef type 433: Enable/Disable Gravity Flip
- Linedef type 434: Award Power-Up
- Linedef type 437: Disable Player Control
- Linedef type 438: Change Object Size
- Linedef type 442: Change Object Type State
- Linedef type 449: Enable Bosses with Parameter
- Linedef type 457: Track Object's Angle
- Linedef type 458: Stop Tracking Object's Angle
- Linedef type 460: Award Rings
- Linedef type 461: Spawn Object
- Linedef type 462: Stop Timer/Exit Stage in Record Attack
- Linedef type 463: Dye Object
- Linedef type 464: Trigger Egg Capsule
- Linedef type 413: Change Music
- Linedef type 414: Play Sound Effect
- Linedef type 415: Run Script
- Linedef type 422: Switch to Cut-Away View
- Linedef type 423: Change Sky
- Linedef type 424: Change Weather
- Linedef type 436: Shatter FOF
- Linedef type 439: Change Tagged Linedef's Textures
- Linedef type 440: Start Metal Sonic Race
- Linedef type 441: Condition Set Trigger
- Linedef type 443: Call Lua Function
- Linedef type 444: Earthquake
- Linedef type 445: Make FOF Disappear/Reappear
- Linedef type 446: Make FOF Crumble
- Linedef type 447: Change Tagged Sector's Colormap
- Linedef type 448: Change Skybox
- Linedef type 450: Execute Linedef Executor (from Tag)
- Linedef type 451: Execute Linedef Executor (Random Range)
- Linedef type 452: Set FOF Translucency
- Linedef type 453: Fade FOF
- Linedef type 454: Stop Fading FOF
- Linedef type 455: Fade Tagged Sector's Colormap
- Linedef type 456: Stop Fading Tagged Sector's Colormap
- Linedef type 459: Control Text Prompt
- Linedef type 465: Set Linedef Executor Delay
- Linedef type 466: Set Level Failure State
- Linedef type 468: Change Linedef Argument
- Linedef type 480: Door Slide
- Linedef type 481: Door Swing
- Linedef type 482: Move
- Linedef type 484: Rotate
- Linedef type 488: Move by Waypoints
- Linedef type 489: Set Visibility, Tangibility
- Linedef type 491: Set Translucency
- Linedef type 492: Fade Translucency
Scroll effects
- Linedef type 500: Scroll Walls
- Linedef type 502: Scroll Walls Remotely
- Linedef type 510: Scroll Planes
- Linedef type 541: Wind/Current
- Linedef type 600: Copy Light Level to Tagged Sector's Planes
- Linedef type 602: Adjustable Pulsating Light
- Linedef type 603: Adjustable Flickering Light
- Linedef type 604: Adjustable Blinking Light
- Linedef type 606: Copy Colormap
- Linedef type 700: Create Sector-Based Slope
- Linedef type 704: Create Vertex-Based Slope
- Linedef type 720: Copy Slope
- Linedef type 799: Set Tagged Dynamic Slope Vertex to Front Sector Height